I love them!
There i was... early .... 20 minutes early for the meeting...she wasnt there in her classroom... i took a peek at baddin.. he was wrestling with his friends in his class...i didnt want to disturb his fun. And so this lonely mom went to the school canteen... opened her biscuits (was hungry...after finishing the house tidying this morning, i rushed to visit baba for half an hour....)..start swallowing the biscuits while reading my newspaper... and suddenly....
ANNE!! ... a voice shouted at me... and i felt her hugged me and kissed me....i started to hug her back.... her hair was all over!! i braided her hair again.. and not long after that,elif.. her best friend in pre school apprioached us with an apple in her hand (they just came out of lunch)....i started chatting and making jokes with the two girls... and the next thing i realized it... a group of girls were surrounding me... listening to my teasing and all....How sweet they were/are... i knew for instance, these are hatice's classmates.... they always do that whenever i am around...gather around me... for some reason... they love to be involved in my conversation everytime i went to visit hatice....they always have something to tell too....i think their favourite part today was when i kissed each of their cheeks while teasingly telling hatice that everytime i kiss her friends, my love for her lessened.... heheheh smart girl! she didnt believe it not even a second! hahahahah well... her friends definitely love to be kissed and smothered definitely! and come the photo session (on their request).... sweet sweet little things! (i will upload their pics in hatice's blogs later)
ANNE!! ... a voice shouted at me... and i felt her hugged me and kissed me....i started to hug her back.... her hair was all over!! i braided her hair again.. and not long after that,elif.. her best friend in pre school apprioached us with an apple in her hand (they just came out of lunch)....i started chatting and making jokes with the two girls... and the next thing i realized it... a group of girls were surrounding me... listening to my teasing and all....How sweet they were/are... i knew for instance, these are hatice's classmates.... they always do that whenever i am around...gather around me... for some reason... they love to be involved in my conversation everytime i went to visit hatice....they always have something to tell too....i think their favourite part today was when i kissed each of their cheeks while teasingly telling hatice that everytime i kiss her friends, my love for her lessened.... heheheh smart girl! she didnt believe it not even a second! hahahahah well... her friends definitely love to be kissed and smothered definitely! and come the photo session (on their request).... sweet sweet little things! (i will upload their pics in hatice's blogs later)
***sooo sweet arent they?***
one happy picture...i simply adore them!
(yet to remember all their names)
baddin n halil all ready tu race (running).. hatice as the judge hehehe
After the race... baddin won the race! hehehehe
with the fallen leaves everywhere..it is after all spring (ops..sorry..itz fall!! thanks alice for pointing out my mistake!)
a view of the playground...
(yet to remember all their names)
Remember that baddin is depressed over his dede's illness? this weekend, halil n i really tried our best to birng him and her back to normal.... and finally after a long long time.... we had a sweet 15 minutes outing at the playground where i used to bring hatice n baddin to play...i miss this kind of outing... we used to do this alot.... but eversince halil moved to a private uni... and the kids busy with school... we all rarely see each other....just barely... still.... it is the love that binds us all together.. my love for him....as his love for me....and together... we love our 2 angels as they love us back.... May Allah keep this love alive for as long as we live insyaAllah...
do usee any similiarities? hmmm
mother and daughter...
2 siblings...
one tired girl..
A full day today.... woke up eversince 5am... went here..went there.. did this..did that... and my dear beloved just told me that he has his research paper (in english) almost ready which i will need to check tonite... coz selim n he want to submit the paper tomorrow morning!! Wei! apa ni buli bini!! hmm..i better go to sleep before he comes home from work!! itz almot 11pm... zzzzzzzzzzz...will try to blog hop tomorrow (if i can finish the article checking)... will inform u of baba's test result tomorrow (in this entry)
take care my dear friends!! my energy is only enough to update my own blog... i can only blog hop so slowly.. maaf.. jgn marah yea...
nite nite!
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..
Labels: pieces of us
Simah just wondering what you were doing at the school?Do u always go there during their break?
I noticed Hatice like pink so my choice is just nice eh?
Looks like you guys had a good time at the playground:)
I would to complete the sentence...what a sweet and happy couple...lovely angels
I better find my wife and my angels as well..now..
Alhamdulillah! for the happy life that we have
What a loving couple and lovely children! It's autumn over my place but it is already spring in Turkey?
Simah...so happy that your camera dah baik...jadi dptlah kitorang tengok all these beautifull photos...alamak...!! Jelesnya kak lady...bergambar romantik lagi...hehehehe....
Suka tgk gambar simah ngan hatice...sungguh comel mak & anak tu... :P
Don't worry about the mistake. It just shows that you can't wait for summer to come to go back to Malaysia.
kak elle
tak ader la akak.. ada meeting ari tu... but i do go to the school occasionally...
yup! she loves pink.. banyak barang dia kaler pink..biasa la girls hehehe
it was a wonderful outing... we all needed it...too much thoughts of death...
there is nothing more wonderful to have a soul mate to lash ur heart to and angels to drive u crazy....:0)
yeah..Alhamdulillah..we should be thankful for what we have...
thanks 4 the correction.. masa i masukkan entry tu i dah penatt sngat.. my mind mula la campur baur...
memang tak sabar nak balik mesia..tapi tu la... in the light of the recent event..tak tau la dapat balik ker tidak...
kak lady
mesti la romantik masa pose heheh biar my mom geleng kepala bila dia tengok gambar kitaorang hehehe
akak.... dah datang balik camera ni..rasa hidup pun dah ceria gila...dan boleh la akak tengok gambar we all yg tak senonoh ni hehehe
Salam Simah...My name is Yatie, dah lama dah i baca blog you (sorry ye!) tapi baru hari ni I nak memperkenalkan diri :) I sekarang tinggal kat NZ sebab ikut my beloved jugak macam you..eh lupa nak cakap, anak2 you cute dan cantik lah :) i tak de blogspot, cuma ada multiply je, feel free to visit us:(http://yatiebutler.multiply.com/)
I doakan your father in law diringankan kesakitannya inshaAllah..ameen...
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