I wanna show u something... please reverse ur attention to 5 entries from now(cuba tengok entry yg sebelum ni... geri 5 entri geri bak) ...please divert your attention to the entry entitled...
published wednesday,21 Nov 2007 (but it is actually published today but the first entry on the 21st) hehehe
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..
published wednesday,21 Nov 2007 (but it is actually published today but the first entry on the 21st) hehehe
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..
salam simah..lama tak kemari...harap2 baba tabah menghadapi dugaanNya..
take care..
Nice pics of park.
Punya la suspense bunyi entry u, ingatkan apa tadi?:P
Simah, the park.. cantik.. i've also read the latest on baba & watched the video (but x faham je :).. hm.. he looks frail, but happy, which i guess results from all the loves he's receiving.. whatever is gonna happen later leave it to Allah the Almighty while as a muslim we have to redha, kan.. my prayer is with him always.. u take care ya..
-k. wani-
Melady Simah:
A gift from my latest entry -
if you keep pacing the mile,
this world will show its wild,
where one's thirst be quenched only by bile,
sieve from the Pharaohs' Nile,
and only tears be the pillars of a smile,
a smile paved by guile.
But Child,
if you stop and sit for a while,
and takes breaths that ever so mild,
you would see trough all of the lies,
that hid the colors of a butterfly,
freeing the world's inner cry,
a cry that bring tears to Gabriel's eye.
And Child,
listen ever so carefully to that cry,
listen to the loudness that has never shy,
listen as it comes from a heart that you could not buy,
listen so that you would know why,
listen so that your tears would dry,
listen so that you know the bed where the world lie.
And find the loudness of silence in you and I.
Have a good a life melady.
simah, kak teh harap dan berdoa agar Tuhanmeringankan kesakitan baba dan semoga simah sekeluarga tabah menghadapi dugaan ini. Salam drp kak teh sekeluarga.
simah, arwah mak aku pun at the end stage mmg kena bone cancer...kalau ko nak tau apa2 email me k.
aku turut share kerisauan ko tu. percayalah,Allah pilih baba sbb baba banyak keistimewaan. InsyaAllah, baba sekeluarga akan menjadi hamba2 yg sgt hampir kepadaNya.
and of course i know u know that cancer involves everyone in the family, not just baba. my doa for u and urs...
cantik taman tu..mesti syok kalo dapat jalan kat situ tetiap hari..
baddin nampak rapat yek dekat atok dia..
salam simah,
kami di sini doakan kesihatan baba pulih seperti sedia kala... AMIN...
mak lang, hazia, kak wani,demonsinme, kak teh, nazrah,the singa, izhal
THANK YOU for ur doas...the zaim family really appreciate it...
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