This girl cannot stop mumbling! hahaha
Hatice woke up that Saturday moning and directly looked at the view outside from her window...
*Anne..kar tutmuş!*
(the snow holds)
she excitedly said...she begged me to bring her outside...but being lazy n all..i told her to first finish her breakfast and wait for her baba to wake up....
It was by 1030am i realised that the sun was shining brightly the little bit of snow there was might melt soon... without waiting for halil, the kids n i excitedly went downstairs...the ground was icy..we could have skated on it if we wanted i suppose hehehe.. i kept telling baddin...
*koşma!!*...dont run!!! but did he listen? Nope! he was too excited playing with whatever little snow there was... he fell on his bottom many times of course... but did he care? nope! hahahah such free will eh? here r some pics of my kids... their first snow this me... snow is a luxury for us on the lower grounds of istanbul...we practically didnt have snow last year...this year snow came a it early... Hey! i just love it!! (even when i forgot to bring my gloves along n couldnt zipped up my winter jacket! hahah)
I miss Malaysia...there is no doubt about it...i miss my own family....i phone home every week of course...i even get to chat with my dad b4 the new year (he doesnt answer phones by the i rarely chat with him)... mom is as usual........ mumbling this n that.. younger sister, Yana will be graduating with a dean's list for her undergraduate degree..bravo kiddo!...Now u just need to find a good job so that i can bully u later when i go back to Malaysia... hehehe .. younger sister, Yana will be graduating with a dean's list for her undergraduate degree..bravo kiddo!...Now u just need to find a good job so that i can bully u later when i go back to Malaysia... hehehe ..
my youngest brother... he got a total of 3.9 for his CGPA this! anak manja mak pandai jugak yek..
.and only this morning... when i smsed my elder bro...he said he had recieved a bomb threat... probably aimed at the office...job related or something... hez worried... hey! i am too... frankly speaking... i dont think i can take any more losses in my family.....first my nephew...then my dad in law... my prayers r with u dear bro....hopefully that was a prank threat.....amboi... malaysia pun ada ka orang main letup bom? dunia dah nak qiamat kot??
i cant wait to see them insyaAllah middle of the 6th month this year.... i cant wait for my kids to be able to see their tok wan anna anne and their atuk dede... i have even specially asked my mom n dad to hug n kiss my kids everyday coz they need that from them... my kids need more physical affections from their grandparents more than ever now....
At times when u think of the bad happenings in this world....of how bad it is getting each day...the people changing...etc...etc... it is in the circle of ur love ones and trusted friends that u feel safe.....
i cant wait to see them insyaAllah middle of the 6th month this year.... i cant wait for my kids to be able to see their tok wan anna anne and their atuk dede... i have even specially asked my mom n dad to hug n kiss my kids everyday coz they need that from them... my kids need more physical affections from their grandparents more than ever now....
At times when u think of the bad happenings in this world....of how bad it is getting each day...the people changing...etc...etc... it is in the circle of ur love ones and trusted friends that u feel safe.....
and yup! i have updated my
it is back on again... though i do wonder how will i walk under the snow without slipping n killing myself... hmmm...
and i have also learnt one lesson...
i went crzy for a few hours until halim restored the memory to the previous days! hahahah
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..
Labels: winter
Thank u Baddin for the snow and better be quick and let me feel it b4 it melts....hahaha .... pandai menacar eh simah:)
congrats to ur sis and bro simah ni kira semua anak2 yg pintar kan?alhamdulillah ...
simah bila mula kerja baru tu I think I pun bolih kurus sikit bab kena jln masuk ke sekolah tu abt 10 minutes fast walk and if slow walk maybe 15 minutes...must burn some calories.
lah why did u download 2 virus prog????they always warned you right to delete the other b4 u can download??nasib baik ada Halim tak payah beli new hard disk.
enjoy the snow simah........
congrats to your siblings, kak simah! never in life I've touched a snoooow! :)
The snow looks wonderful no wonder your children were excited. I'd be too! :)
Anyway here's to a better year this year :)
The snow looks wonderful no wonder your children were excited. I'd be too! :)
Anyway here's to a better year this year :)
Simah ... I pun tak pandai jugak, more than one antivirus programme and my PC went crazy. Penat nak repair but now I can just reformat the OLD PC because now I have a new one at the office :-)
Snow oh snow ... fikir aje dah sejuk!!
Bomb threat kat Malaysia??? Your brother kerja kat mana ni, SImah?
Confirm ke balik in June? I hope I can see you!!!!!
((Hugs)) to you, Hatice and Baddin. Kat Halil tak payahlah (tak boleh).
kak elle
trust me..nanti akak busy sebusy busynya..ada ajer students datang non stop..jatuh la... tangan tersepit la heheheh tapi memang bestttt...
wah.... kalau mcm tu nanti slim la u akak!! memang fit kalau jalan mcm tu tiap hari... good luck akak!! new experience will be good for u i suppose... different work environment etc..etc..
ala..snow dah melt...tapi we all memang dapat enjoy puas dah pagi tu.. :0)
the 2 virus prgrams tu? hehehehe tangan menggatal thatz why! hahahaha
the wailer
eh kat sana tak ada snow ka?
some people tak suka snow tapi akak rasa la kan..kalau orang malaysia yg dah terbakar sepanjang tahun under the sun... bila jumpa snow...memang tak nak lepas...seronok nak main walaupun tangan n muka dah beku hehehe
very happy new year to u too! howz ur mr. hensem?
yeah...snow is wonderful doubt about it :0)
Queen of the House
oooo..kalau mcm tu tak la akak menangşs kalau pc kat rumah tu *k.o* ka...lucky lucky u... i masih pakai semi laptop ni..heheheh..kalau ni pun k.o..melalak i! hahahah
my bro kerja dengan syarikat air kat selangor (rasanya)... tak sure company apa.. syabas kot?...tu yg bila dia ckp ada bomb threat tu terkedu kejap... apa halnya orang nk bomb syarikat air ni?
insyaAllah confirm..cuma ticket tak book lagi... rasanya kalau nak book ticket paling awal kena book 3months before the actual flight kot...tapi halil balik mesia seminggu aja... the kids n i yg akan duduk sana lama month n a half or so... insyaAllah..kalau ada rezeki kita jumpa yek! itz a date! aybe kita boleh kumpul dua tiga kerat kwan blogger yg free dan jumpa kat mac d ker or something...
halil tak leh huggggg..nanti saya jeless! hahahaha
salam Simah :o)
wah! having fun in the snow eh? bestnya! the last time i saw & touched snow was when i was around 12-14 yrs old.
it looks like Baddin, Hatice & you had a lot of fun playing with the snow :o) yeay!
congratulations to your younger sister & brother. they're doing well in their studies :o)
you elder brother received a bomb threat? di Malaysia? i hope it was just a joke.
you're coming back in june? yeay! i pray for your safe trip & hope you & yr family have the best of time with your family.
sama-samalah kita berdoa 2008 membawa rezeki, kebahagiaan & ketenangan :o)
have a great week, Simah :o)
wahhhh....pandai2 adik beradik kak simah nie...sejuk perut ibu mengandong ek.congrats!
uishhh...bestnye tgk itu 2org kanak2 comey bermain snow,bile ler sy leh main gak ek..
aritu tertgk documntary pasal 'hamam' kat turki...mcm best jer.utk pompuan ade ke kak simah?nie time2 winter buka gak ke?
ermmm....meriahlah bumi mesia nnt menerima kepulangan tiba kak simah n family..yeayy!
simah...june nanti mai lah sg I pun on leave school holiday 4 wks..hehe... kat umah ada extra room with king size bed bolih u 3 beranak tinggal ngan I cuma takde snow aje..
tapi kalau dtg dapur kak elle akan berasap tiap2 hari simah....dtg eh?naik coach or train murah aje....
food and lodging provided by Jellanie and company:)
salam maal hijrah dear.
snow... bestnya ..rindunya..:)
Mesti menghitung hari nak balik cuti... sabar... masa akan tiba jua...
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All the best!
have a great week to u too! salam maal hijrah utk syana dan tersayang.. :0)
syana dulu man snow kat mana? dulu syana duduk kat luar negara mana?memang bestkan dapat main snow? sejukkkkkkkk :0)
bomb tu..i do pray it was a joke...tapi bila dapat threat mcm tu..takut kan..n kat malaysia?? teruk sangat ker negara kita sekarang?
semoga 2008 membawa semua yg terbaik utk kita... :0)
thanks.. akak pun tak sangka 2 ekor budak tu pandai..cehh..kalah akak dia :0)
hamam tu? ada special kedai yg bukak hamam (kat istanbul la)..lelaki n pompuan pun boleh masuk..anytime...
the last time kawan akak masuk (yg datang dari mesia)..kena bukak semua you! hahahah terkejut member1! hahaha
tapi yg best sekali kalau boleh buat hamam kat kawasan ar thermal..
akak tak berapa suka sebab panassss...lagipun otak asyik teringat kat anak..hamam is not really for me.. i prefer pool n sea ..
wak datang la buat mandi kt hamam :0)
kak elle
insyallah kalau ada rezeki saya datang...
tapi balik mesia nanti i will be on a really tight budget... cukup cukup aja duit... kalau ada rezeki saya mai...
hae u found out about whether warganegara turki kena apply visa utk masuk sg?
hopefully one day kita dapat jumpa each other...teringin sangat saya!
salam maal hijrah utk akak too...
tak sabar...tapi tu ka..insyaAllah nothing bad will come up sampai terpaksa cancel trip...menangis saya nanti :0)
akak best dah balik sana? mesti akak enjoy sakan kan??
thanks my dear!! nanti i cuba tulis... bila otak dah clear sikit la :0)
..not for the money but for fun :0)
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