Till we meet again...
but then..hey!!is it often i get to have their company?is it often i leave him alone like that? is it often that i get to relive my youth?? ( hey! i am not that old!!) ..and just look at the day!! Nice isnt it?
A view of Kadıköy from the ferry
Anyway, they reached our home from yolova on wednesday evening.. We went to the other side of the bridge on thursday since they needed to do their last minute money finishing shopping for the last time...but i returned earlier since i needed to buy a new monitor for our pc..(yeay!! we r a proud owner of an lcd monitor..phew we r broke!! lepas ni makan tanah je larrrrrrrrr).. and my own most guilt of the day... baddin was with mahture yenge..
and now....it is almost half an hour since their flight is scheduled to fly... Safe journey my dear friends..please do come again.. hatice and baddin have enjoyed ur company so much!! Can u imagine? hatice's bed time was supposed to be at 8.30pm last night but both kids.. with loads of scolding only went to bed at almost 11pm!! why?? because they wanted to spend time with the 4 ablas!(sisters!!).. sabar aje laaaaa...
It is nice..i got to meet my once upon a time roomate at ukm hostel....that would be dydy (budak yg asyik dok selamba aja.eeeeeeeeeee tension akuuuuu.. expression la sikit weiiiiiiii :0))... and i got the chance to meet Shida..KC (not keçi (GOAT) -hahahaahahaha - the two unseparable girl friends)....and of course the one most huggable person of all vim..sedap dipelukkkk!! hahahah..
i notice one thing too.. i am the type that..if i use one glass, i can use the same glass to drink coke and fruit juice (for example).. that usually end up with halil giving me a weird disgusting look..because if he drinks coke, he will need another glass to drink his fruit juice.. and the glass used during dinner will not be used for later (ie.. the glass of water he drinks next to his coffee)..many many usage of glasses.. while my friends were here.. even when i provided 2 glasses for each person.one for cola turka..one for fruit juice, dengan selambanya they drank both types of water using the same glass.. that makes me wonder.. is this a malaysian trait..or is this a matter of similarity of life habit? what do u think?
At one time during our conversation, being curious about indian curries, i asked vim(indian indian) and shida (indian muslim) of the recipe....from what they told me, i discovered that indians do not use any coconut milk inside their curries...and in the olden days, they prepared their own curry mixture..(though they suggested that for normal people like us we stick to the already packed curry powder...and when i asked them about why there r different curry mixture for fish..chicken..meat.. i was told that..for chicken curry for example, some spices (cant remember which) within the curry mixture r added more as to counter react to the smell of fish..
.this one question strucked me as i saw vim putting on make up on her face.. If u notice from the color of her skin.. her skin tone is very dark...call me ignorant but the fact that a dark colored skin wearing makeup is a very new field to me.. people doooooo wear make up right?? so just because u r very dark.. u r not an exception, right? thouusands of people r dark..
Trying not to sound like a racist..i approached her on the matter..she said that it is really difficult to choose a make up ..For instance.. for a lipstick..if there r 40 colors on display.. after trying all of them, only let say 2 will match her skin...normally, she wears the brownish one.. and she strongly suggest.. for dark colored people like Vim here..she said *BOBBY BroWN* brand is the best... it is very expensive as well but the brand caters specifically for the dark colored people -indian..african...that lot in the beauty range...interesting discovery huh?
I also notice that some letters in turkish r difficult for us, malaysians to pronounce (orang india like vim lagi la kan ..lagi la mulut dia terbelit hehehe..)..last night while Dydy and KC were playing with hatice and baddin...hatice was trying to teach them how to pronounce the things in the flash card in turkish...letters with ö,ü ... r sooooo difficult for them to follow.. practice ladies practice :0).. practice makes perfect...
And before taking a cab to the airport.. shida brought back to malaysia buah delima 6 biji!! (pomogranate)!! hehehe as if we dont have that in malaysia, right? But then, i dont blame her...we have wonderful pomogranate here in istanbul... merahhh delima menyala menawan hatii...
Halil thinks that they r sweet people as well....he doesnt mind being *thrown* out of his own home for a few nights..i think to him... to see that bigggggg smile on my face...to hear me laugh mcm nak rak in the living room (he told his bro selim that we had a fight n i had thrown him out of the house.. hence the reason he had to stay at baba! hahah)... made everything all worth it!
dont get me wrong.. i love my turkish family.. i laugh with them as well.. i talk to them as well.. Alhamdulillah..i have a wonderful family in turkey..but when u have someone from ur own country...speaking the languages u know (semua budak tesl...so u can imagine 5 tesl grads chatting with halil at dinner..asking about the phonetics bla bla bla)...especially when u r in the midst of missing ur own family (thanks joe for the satellite map)...u feel better..for a while..
They r gone.. i am back to my normal routine... i miss them already... no more hiruk pikuk in malay and english in this house..duit raya yg korang kasi utk hatice n baddin tu nanti kitaorang masukkan dalam bank account diaorang...*cheekyyyy cheeky friends u guys r!!*..u guys guessed right that aku tak leh tolak duit tu if u bagi atas nama diaorang...grrrrr cheeeky..siap letak atas meja kat bilik lagi...!!
Two old friends..
P.s hatice manangis teresak esak bila dia balik sekolah dan dapat tahu the 4 sisters dah balik..
Labels: Friends
lovely friends you have there. Halil pun sporting pi duduk dengan his baba. sure you syok dapat makan2 lauk-pauk melayu. don't tell me, they all ate turkish food selama duduk dgn you?
mana ada makanan melayu mama sarah oii.. semua purely turkish hehehe i tak nak la memalukan diri i dengan menghidang makan melayu with the limited ingredients n skill that i have.. i tried to feed them as much i could.. it was fun though.. i remember the apple pie i cooked at 12 midnight....it was like they ate the hot pie...n finished more than half of it! kelakar betul..tengah tengah malam makan apple pie n poğaca..:0)
Wow u sure had a good time! :) Syok kan dapat jumpa old buddies. Bila dapat jumpa you ni Simah. Btw, thanks so much for the Raya Haji card and lovely pictures. I tampal kan fridge so bila nak makan atau minum sesuatu I tgk muka u, Halil & your kids. hahahaha.. :)
Hehehe. I don't mind using the same glass to drink different kind of drinks.Malas nak basuh. :P
My Tok belah father, she's Indian Muslim and she makes the best curries Ive tasted so far. Tangan u akan berbau curry the whole day after eating it you know? That's the best!She makes nice tosei too.. I love tosei.
Wah... nice to meet old friends. Err.. I still wonder about using one glass for two types of drinks. May be due to me cannot have the idea of them mixed, I'd have another. Likewise when my wife or kids are feeding me with something different from what I was chewing, I had to wait until I finish it up first before accepting the offer.
Well, glad to know you enjoy your family life in Turkey. They say Turkish language is very hard grammatically, is it so?
simah..saya pulak rasa sayu bila baca cerita kawan you datang pas tu balik, bak kata hujan mas kat negeri orang tapi hujan batu kat negeri sendiri, mana boleh lupa macam tu...
Kari..memang kegemaran keluarga..dolu2 siap tolong mak giling rempah..lagik..
simah tabik kat you..cinta U mengatasi...makan dan keluarga yg jauh...
P/s: pernah tak U fikir you akan menetap kat msia..nanti...jawap soalan ni ya...
sooo sorry i tak sempat balas email u..letih sangat sangat malam tadi..
memang syok gila dapat jumpa kawan kawan.. memang riuh gila rumah.. dah la depa semua otak gila gila...
glad it reached u safe n sound..wei.. u ingat i ni muka peti ais ka? hahahah..u letak situ nanti abis muak mish tengok gambar kitaorang..but that is also one way to make sure he stays away from the fridge *wink n chuckle*.... how r ur sweet angels...?
tak pa la..one day bila ada rezeki kita jumpa...i nak suruh my kids buli anak u hehehehe
eh ur tok belah ur dad tu masih hidup ka? memang kalau orang yg pandai buat kari..memang piawwww gilaaa kari depa.. i ingat lagi dulu masa i kecik behind our house ada pokok kari..bila my mak nak masak ja kari dia petik kat pokok..memang bila tumis daun kari tu.. memang harum gilaaaaaaaaaa satu rumah..
tosei..capati...lamanya tak makan....we r lucky to be malaysians.. cakap ja nak makan apa..boleh jumpa..malay food..chinese food..indians food..western food.. dan macam macam lagi..really rich in the food varieties..
i rasa la kan..like u guys said..kita pakai satu gelas utk banyak jenis sebab nanti kita yg nak kena basuh..sooo malasnyaaaaaaaaa nak tukar gelas.. we malaysians in general basuh dengan tangan..
mcm orang turki.. generally diaorang pakai dish washer.. pakai gelas..lepas tu let the machine wash..so dia tak kisah sangat pakai banyak gelas.. mcm kat rumah i ni la kan..everyday at least 10 gelas dipakai..and it is usually more.. i think diaorang bila dah pakai satu gelas utk minum one type of drink..dia nampak gelas tu dah kotor.. atau pun bila pakai gelas tu utk minum masa makan..lepas tu tukar gelas sebab dia orang nampak gelas tu dah kotor.. their perception on cleanliness is like that.. tak mcm kita.. we r clean people as well.. tapi we dont mind using one glass for many types of drinks..we r more selamba..but then it may be personal traits n not cultural traits..
i think u share the traits of turks.. the idea of mixing two types of drinks in a glass is not acceptable.. they r very proper in that sense..just curious.. r u the only one in ur family like that or is it the same with the rest of ur family?
i disagree with the saying that turkish grammar is difficult.. in fact i think turkish is quite an easy language to learn.. besides sharing many words wth malay (due to the words coming from either arabic or persia)..the grammar consists of some very basic rules.. i think i have written an overview or the turkish language in one of my entries in my first blog (it is at the side bar at the bottom of this blog..i forgot the addy)..
for ur benefit..i will write an entry on some simple rules of turkish grammar next week...u can judge the language urself.. mind u..i speak turkish terribly.. so i will need to check my knowledge with a book first..i dont want to get my facts all wrong.. :0)..
Alhamdulillah.. i am blessed with wonderful people right here in turkey..
terima kasih kerana mengunjungi blog saya.. eh awak tak ada blogka yg saya boleh lawat?
jangan sayu.. semua orang diperantauan semua mcm tu.. dah nasib.. so we all try to enjoy what we have in front of us kan? tanahair sendiri memang tak boleh lupa.. tapi u have to follow ur heart.. home is where ur heart is.. mine is istanbul.so no matter how i miss malaysia...i cant leave my heart kan?nanti i pulak yg merana hehehe
wah.. u tolong giling rempah? mesti lepas giling tu satu badan u bau rempah..sekarang awak giling lagi tak? ker main beli yg pakai paket tu ja?
menetap kat malaysia? halil pun teringin nak menetap kat malaysia for a year or two kalau ada lecturing job opportunity kat malaysia..he is not rejecting the idea..though i cant imagine him living far away from his siblings n family.. dia kan anak manja *chuckles*
firstly...sana byk buah delima yek..besnyaaa..mmg suka sgt makan buah tu..
pasal gelas, saya pun jenis x kisah..itu yg minum teh, tu jugak buat minum milo..
bes kan bila berjumpa member satu negara..
syoknya syoknya dapat jumpa kenkawan lama..
thanx too the technology.. can keep in touch via emails, sms & blogs etc..
amboi cik simah..bestnye ber-outing dgn kawan2, i'm sure u had a great moment, bukan selalu dpt peluang mcm tu plus halil is very understanding...
about the glass, i'm very particular, sanggup basuh byk kali :-)..
we had nasi tomato and chicken curry for two days in a row, capati and prata for today's breakfast, tomorrow idiapum/putu mayam pulak...oo..i'm so lucky .saje nak sakat simah ;-)
simah am trying once again and by the look of it I thnik I can send my comment now:)So the hse back to normal now eh but I bet you miss all the talks and laughters and kesian cik abang kena balik rumah bro dia.
hehehe...mcm mana ni boleh tertinggal keretapi...maaf ye.
back to the present...
wow ...pandai bersosial itu salah satu ciri2 wanita yg saya suka!
dah balik dah kawan2...boleh imagine hang bergelak sakan :) tak pa hilang rindu nak cakap melayu kan?...ni yang lagi berkobar2 nak pi lawat hang ni :)
sure hiruk pikuk rumah witht eh banterings and laughter, glad you had fun!
Simah, jgn lah cakap muka you tu muka peti ais. I tampal pada peti ais so I selalu dapat lihat muka you and your gorgeous angels. Mish pun suka juga. hehehehe.:)
Tok I masih ada lagi. She's 80++ dah but still can cook kalau I datang. She will make me my fav, fish kari and tosei... mmmmmmmm... sorry ye simah. Nanti you terliur pula but her kari mmg superb. Tak pernah I rasa yg lagi sedap.
:) I hope you dah hilang penat dah.
simah, about the glass tu: awat pi hidang macam2 jenis air? hidang satu jenis sudahlah - that way, gerenti you tak guna the same glass for 2-3 different drinks AND tak annoy halil lagi.
mama singa
dulu saya tak berapa pandang sangat delima..tapi sejak tahun ni.. entah kenapa..saya terbekanan sangat sangat buah delima..sedapppppp tapi bila nak kopek isi dia bubuh dalam pinggan utk hidang tu yg lemah..terperecik..habissss apron hehehe
memang best rasanya dapat jumpa member satu negara..terlampau lampau girang dalam hati..masyaAllah.. :0)
*****yeah..thanks to technology.. kalau tak kerana techno..kita takkan dapat berkenalan..betul tak?
ni kira orang particular pakai banyak gelas..orang selamba pakai satu gelas la kot??
makan jangan tak makan..nanti bila lepas berana semua depa tak kasi makan hehehe tak jeles pun.. :0)
kak elle
welcome back to the commenting world.. mesti akak tensen beberapa hari kan?
halil tak kisah...ala bukan selalu pun dia kena *tendang* keluar rumah heheh lagipun flat baba dia besar dan sunyi...dia lagi enjoy.. relaxxxxx ja..no mumbling wife to bother him hehehe
thanks.. i didnt actually announce kat blog i pun masa birthday i.. i just hinted ja..so u tak tertinggal keretapi pun :0)
kira lil ni memang wanita pandai bersosial la yea? bertuah u idham :0)
cepat la mai.. lagipun next year kan flight murah=? tapi my friends memang complain sangat pasal tempat duduk kat kapalterbang mAs sempit... service tak bagus..mai jangan tak maii..nanti kita boleh sembang habih habih :0)
mama rock
i sure did!! :0)
i tau i muka peti ais! hahahahaha lawak ja:0)
bila u cerita pasal kari tok u yg superb tu i pun termasak la kari yesrterday...bila halil tanya apa menu hari tu.. bila i cakap kari aja.. dia terus kata.. *jom makan kebab kat luar!!* hahahahahaaha nampak sangat my curry tak sedap!!! :0)
penat melayan tetamu dah habis..sekarang penat nak mengemas..tukar kain cadar..basuh semua...tutup balik portabal katil..etc..adoi... nak patah pinggang i!! u tak nak tolong???heheheehe
mama sarah
tak da la.. halil is not annoyed when i use one glass for many types of drinks.. he accepts that part of me..cuma he just cannot understand the reason..:0)
i suka jamu more than one types of drinks ni.. iyea la kan.. cola turka kan carbonated drinks. not healthy..at least kalau i offer fruit juice as well, they can have a choice whether to drink the healthy one or the less healthy one... the conclusion is.. kitaorang (the guests n i) tibai all of them!!! hhahahahaha
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