My articles
After reading my article printed in Today’s Zaman this morning, he said:
“Now, i am proud to call you my wife. If baba (his father) is still alive, he will be proud of you too”
Hey! What was i before? A wife he was ashamed of??? Grrrrr…
Here is the link:
Mumbling in a local newspaper came as a suprise to me as well. Yes, i mumble in my blog. U all know that. But mumbling in Today’s Zaman occasionally is totally unexpected. I submitted my first piece, *I”ll gladly take the back seat, thank you!* just for fun. The piece was there already written in my pc anyway. So i thought, if they printed it..then it would be fine. If not, i would have nothing to lose anyway.
You should have seen how proud my beloved was when the first piece came out. I think he was more excited than i was. What motivated me more was when even baba liked that piece, while the rest of the siblings teased me about mumbling about traffic! I think they liked it too:0)
I wanted to write something about baba as well… and therefore, my second article came out. I used baba’s wise words and sayings to connect to my article entitled *developing potential*. He was so happy! U see… when in a crowd, normally i switch myself off from the sounds around me. He was happy that i actually did listen to him and was able to quote his words, using his own words, *better than his explanation*. He kept telling that to everyone! That article came out at the right time coz it was then he was diagnosed with lymphoma. That article cheered him up a bit.
My *health and care* article was written when baba had that operation. I thought it was the thing to talk about since i was at the hospital each day then. It was published on the day baba’s condition quite deteriorated. Selim read the article to him.Up till now, i dont know for sure if he actually understood what i had written esp with Selim’s nice (wink wink) pronounciation.
Baba died. An eulogy was only normal… and so…*it is an honor to be honoured in life as well as in death* was written. I was too sad at that time… and so i used a lot of the stuffs i had written in this blog and coined them up together coz the pieces combined were what my heart was saying.It was my ode to him.Up till today, i still miss him .
The phase where my writing concerns baba stopped there. And my fifth article….*New Year in Turkey* talked about the issue i had long wanted to talk about. I took that chance and wrote it.
And my sixth…well… it is here…it is a topic i had toyed with for ages. Considering the fuss they r making in the media nowadays regarding headscarves..i decided to write this piece….with my beloved’s encouragement… this is from my heart. an honest account of my thoughts....i hope i had not offended anyone there..
I am not a good writer. Allah knows how the proof readers of todayz zaman worked hard to correct my mumbling into a good writing. I am sure Helen P. Betts and her team went xtra crazy everytime they had to review my article! Hahaha..but i trust them… and i also know that Pınar Vurucu will provide a nice layout for my articles. İ know they are in good hands and for that i really thank them.
No, i dont get paid but that is not important.. What is important is that i get to voice my view to a different group of people….i am not only limitating my views to only to my blog readers…and to be able to see my piece printed out there..that is the ultimate satisfaction coz i get to compile it… and one day when my kids can read english, they will be able to read their mom’s mumblings!
Enough of that… where was i?
I was….rushing here..rushing there every day!! İ was totally free during the times our pc crashed and the moment i was connected again..phew!! by 10pm each nite…i was dead on my feet! Hahaha
Now the kids r at home. The pc is up n running… i have to fight for the rights of the pc with 3 other people… Halil,Hatice n baddin vs urs truly… games vs internet!! Arghhhhhhhhh!! İ am losing! Hahahah but my kids actually deserve their games times coz everyday, after breakfast from 9am till 12noon…we all got stuck with the homework!! Yes… itz a holiday n the kids have tons of homework to do!! …will tell u all about it later…..soon…
Here are some pics of us... the first set...snapped yesterday..on a rainy day (pls bear in mind that the kids have flu n cough at that time) 4 degree celcius...freezing cold and Halil decided to have a family sport! The snow ones were snapped this morning...again as a family.. the fun bit was to be able to throw the snow towards each other! my shoulder is still painful!! halil doesnt know how to throw the snow gentler!! hahaha
i am soooooooooooo sorry if i lambat blog hop... tercungap cungap nak layan bebudak kat rumah...the fact that i can even update this blog is a miracle! but i will try to visit ur blog as soon as i can...i have so many to tell...anyway...
today is baba's 52th day of death. We will have a small doa..we had an overcrowded doa on the 40th,it will be just us zaims and an imam...Al fatihah...
muahhhh muah muahhhh miss u all loads!
Update: this is the link of the headscarves update in the turkish scene:
dad n daughter running after the ball..
Labels: My article
Well done Simah!!! I am proud of you for writing that article, it is about time too, i pun sejak dulu tak paham2 kenapa lah kerajaan Turki tak kasi org pompuan dia pakai tudung. Anyway, it is winter ye kat Turki? kat NZ sekarang ni tengah summer, seronok, tapi tu lah habis summer ni sejuk lah balik. Oh, thank you for dropping by my Multiply, dah lama i tak update, sejak balik sini from Malaysia sebab mak i meninggal tu mood nak update susah nak datang balik...
Take care
Yatie, NZ
simah bagi sikit snow tu nak letak kat my back cooling sikit...haahhaa
wah fun u all anak beranak enjoy sakan:)
al-fatheha untuk arwah baba.
simah..well done, i pun dah lama tunggu bila u nak tulis isu tudung kat Today's Zaman, tapi kalau tgk kat Tv(discovery) ramai youngsters yg bangga dgn Kamal Ataturk punya idea - modern and secular ...
anyway ..seronoknye tengok main snow..take care..lenguh2 lagi ke?
wahhh...serunutsnye mereka itew bermain2 beriadah ya!
well done for ur latest article...a brave attempt,tabik spring.
balik mai mesia kalu,tulis utk local newspaper laks k :) aaa sis simah dah berbloggin blk..huhu~~!
Simah, your latest article was very well written, indeed!
I nak buat satu suggestion ni .... letaklah links to all your articles in the sidebar. Senang nak cari. Kalau nak kena depend on your "announcements" in the entries, sometimes we may miss it :-)
Bravo sis... Berani!
One of my classmate at school said, it's easier for her and her mom to wear headscarf in the US than in her own Turkish land!
Alhamdulillah . I am so proud of you. Already a celebrity writer in Istanbul, :))
I love reading them, very inspiring! Keep on writing to Zaman and one day you'll be another celebrity like Awang Goneng and his GUiT!
simah..this is a very good article. keep on writing and later you will publish your own "blook"
Simah...congratulations...a very good article...and am proud of you...
Keep up the good work...and dont stop mumbling...heheheh
Kesian tengok baddin kejar bola tak dapat2...hahaha...
yeah yeah... well done my fren..
teruskan usaha murni tu.. banyak pahala tu.. semoga dirahmati Allah selamanya..
Wow! And soon you will have your own paid column! I am proud of you too!
Tahniah!! Akak enjoy baca your articles ... seorang penulis yang bagus.
kesian baddin kalah, dahlah sejuk, kalah pulak...hehe....nak SNOW jugakkkkkkk :)
kak elle dah buatkan gloves tu tak?
I wish I could write as well as you...
hey i can tell people "I know that writer! and I am proud of her!!"
sukanya baca you refer to Malaysia in your article tu...
hebat!!! berani - kerana kebenaran!!
BAGI LA LINKS TO UR OTHER articles tu....can't wait to read.
Simah..yr article on 'tudung' tu is very good.I'm so proud of u!
x lama lagi boleh buat buku pulak..Keep on writing dear..
"Bonne Courage"!
"Keep on the good work"!
dah snow ye kat sana..Kat France lum lagi..ngah tunggu nih:P
Al fatihah to ur arwah mak...i hope u r coping well after her death...
ala biasa la...blogging ni kena ada mood...kalau dok depress memang tak ada mood.... hope things will work out well for u... eh boleh tak mintak blog addy u balik? my pc as the links..u take care,ok?
kak elle
snow kat sini dah melt dah :0) how is ur back? hope dengan e billing memanjang takkan bertambah sakit belakang akak tu :0)
snow dah lama melt dah...:0) sakit gila..budak lelaki mana tau baling snow lembut lembut...diaorang punya lembut pun menyakitkan :0)
tu dah tulih dahhhhh :0) lama dah nak tulis tapi tunggu masa yg sesuai ajer :0)
sekarang dapat berblogging secara ala adar jer... budak cuti sekolah...
heheh tabik spring ni kalau dapat berspring meloncat ke Malaysia kan best...tapi malasnyaaaaaaa....
Queen of the House
coming from u..thatz a real compliment :0)
memang saya ada plan nak buat mcm tu... tak sempat lagi..nanti saya buat yek akak?
p.s.. that doesnt mean that u r allowed not to come here as often as u can! *wink*
cik milah
memang..kekadang some things kat sini memang pelikkkkkkkkkkk... susah nak paham :0)
kekadang tu..some things..memang dah jadi kewajipan kita utk tulis sebab kekadang benda yg salah kena diperkatakan..nanti apa yg saya nak jawab bila nanti kena tanya dalam kubur... i have the means.. kena la use that means for the goodness of all kan?
lagipun arwah baba memang nak saya teruskan menulis...kalau ikutkan saya...saya malassss hehehe
mama rock
thanks :0)
a blook eh mama? if i ever get to publish anything... yup! that's a word i will definitely use hehehehe
kak lady
thanks 4 ur support akak :0)
hahah baddin tak dapat kejar bola menangis..tak dapat menang menangis hahahah anak manjaaa... ntah la mcm mana nak toughen up mamat manja ni...
aminnnnnnnnn... dok cuba tambah pahala..nak kena seimbangkan dengan dosa ni...:0)
thanks 4 ur support my fren..
thanks :0) ..moga moga mulut /or keyboard u masin :0) aminnnnnnn
thanks akak :0) bangga kejap :0)
meh la sini akak main snow! (sebenarnya snow tak banyak pun...dah tak ada pon hahahah)
mak lang
tak buat pun :0) eh akak ker nak buat?? hehehehe *wink*
ala..saya mumble ..semua boleh mumble...lagipun bakat akak...dlm bidang masakan n jahit menjahit ni..semua tabik....jeles semua orang tau kat akak! masyaAllah... :0)
thanks 4 ur support arif :0)
eh the links tu? nanti la i cari yek? ntak mana ntah... :0)
thanks 4 ur support! :0)
insyaAllah kalau semua doakan...kot kot la boleh publish buku one day...
snow kat sini dah nak habis dah pun :0) how r u? hope things r well out there..
hi simah
mesti yr writing teacher (sapa ye..can't remember nama2 kat ukm tu dah..:p)proud if she/he reads the article.
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