Living in Malaysia..with only high humidity, sun and rain all year long…i used to envy those who could go overseas to enjoy spring, winter and fall of 4 seasons countries. I used to enjoy looking at their clothing…on tv.. different sets of styles for each season…i was fascinated by their winter coats…gloves.. and the snow!!! Awww….they looked elegant…and different.. I couldnt get enough watching that !! It must have been fun to be able to build a snow man…and to snow fight… in the high humidity of Malaysia… to escape in my mind into another season…….was wonderful…coming from a middle class working family, i knew going to overseas was not an option at all…. And so..i dreamt..…there is no harm to dream eh? Besides… i never dreamed of ending up in another actually live there... that was far from mind….!! I was fascinated as well as scared to death…
As i was at the airport leaving Penang for İstanbul, i still remember my mom’s friend’s son told me to not buy too thick winter jackets…at least the ones that will make u look like a walking fat snowman….*Buy winter jackets that will keep u warm as well as keep u looking good…* he said….He was right of course… he used to study overseas..he should know...he was right to insistently told mr to not kill my style and body shape while keeping myself warm…
But did i listen? Hehehehe well..sort of....i was more concerned of keeping myself warm…so i bought quite a big winter least bigger than my size then... but i was warm somehow…The truth is…u dont need to have too thick winter jackets in İstanbul coz it rarely snow and the snow doesnt really stay…it usually melt almost immediately…
But going to places where the snow doesnt melt is of course a different matter… last year…i bought this blue winter jacket which makes me 3 times fatter but is the warmest (coz it is the thickest) of all… i have thinner jackets…so having a thick one is a must somehow… who knows i might be in the snowy snow place…i thought…. And i was right… it needed it…though i looked so fat in it (in addition to my already fat figure…).. i was warm…
And for this be with the snow….aaaaaahhh….. i simply love it! Esp when u r at the height of more than 1300 metres high :0) i guess if u put Malaysians at snow places….. u will find that they r the most easly recognizable lot coz they will be among the happiest lot…. At least this Malaysian was…is and will always be :0)
İ will be slowly uploading the rest of the photos into my photo blog… in a day or two..
As i was at the airport leaving Penang for İstanbul, i still remember my mom’s friend’s son told me to not buy too thick winter jackets…at least the ones that will make u look like a walking fat snowman….*Buy winter jackets that will keep u warm as well as keep u looking good…* he said….He was right of course… he used to study overseas..he should know...he was right to insistently told mr to not kill my style and body shape while keeping myself warm…
But did i listen? Hehehehe well..sort of....i was more concerned of keeping myself warm…so i bought quite a big winter least bigger than my size then... but i was warm somehow…The truth is…u dont need to have too thick winter jackets in İstanbul coz it rarely snow and the snow doesnt really stay…it usually melt almost immediately…
But going to places where the snow doesnt melt is of course a different matter… last year…i bought this blue winter jacket which makes me 3 times fatter but is the warmest (coz it is the thickest) of all… i have thinner jackets…so having a thick one is a must somehow… who knows i might be in the snowy snow place…i thought…. And i was right… it needed it…though i looked so fat in it (in addition to my already fat figure…).. i was warm…
And for this be with the snow….aaaaaahhh….. i simply love it! Esp when u r at the height of more than 1300 metres high :0) i guess if u put Malaysians at snow places….. u will find that they r the most easly recognizable lot coz they will be among the happiest lot…. At least this Malaysian was…is and will always be :0)
İ will be slowly uploading the rest of the photos into my photo blog… in a day or two..
The kids had fun in particular... there was no doubt about it! :0)
for those style lover..u must be horrified looking at me eh? hehehe
true..i am fat...but i am NOT THİS FAT! :0)
Feb 2008
A Snow Experience to Remember.. :0)
Selimmmm.... u shouldnt have called us down so early! Grrr *wink*
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..
Labels: Zaim family vacation
Hi Simah...tak kisah lah tu kita nampak gemuk ke apa, jani winter coat tu tebal and can keep us waaaarrrmmm, ni yg penting, betul tak? hehehee...i pun sama macam you, bila dah jalan dalam sejuk tak de masa lah nak pikir nak stylo mylo ni...anyway, enjoy your holiday ok :)
Yatie, NZ
wah enjoy sakan dia...who cares what you look like lah simah..most impt is to keep warm..
where is this place?
pakaian jugak sebagai perlindungan, tak kisah nampak gempal asalkan selamat demi kesihatan.,,, pergi main snow kat ski resort di bursa ke?? anak akak Zaid baru je balik dari sana bawak pelajar malaysia dari jordan ke sana, jeles akak tengok gambar kat snow ni tau :)
enjoy yrself with yr family sepuas2nya dlm snow..mcm u ckp..bukan senang nak main snow apatha lagi kat msia..xde u..kat Genting mmg la ada tapi x serupa..
I love when the winter is falling is so silent..;)
Hope to see the snow again this year before we left france for good..
Simah...u nampak comel dgn winter jacket tu...kalau Fareez anak akak tengok...mesti dia cakap aunty tu comel...
Kak lady masih teringat cerita kak long masa belajar kat London dulu...bila snow...kebanyakan penduduk suka dok dlm rumah...tapi pelajar2 Malaysia bukan main suka lagik main2 kat snow..hehehe
i was so excited when i saw my first snow fall - then i got sick of it since I was in Wisconsin, a place with too much snow...brrrr!
those pictures, are you guys in Istanbul or somewhere outside Istanbul?
bestnya mainnya kat uludag(bursa) ke simah?...nmpk simah n family main snow mcm nak join gitu...tak tahulah bila lagi kita lak nak gi tmpt snow...asyik2 plan tak jadi je ...tapikan simah, akak gi genting je dah menggigil kesejukan... mcm yeye je akak ni nak gi tmpt snow..entah2 bukan menggigil tapi kaku trus hehehehh...
kak ogy
best tu... aku suka :) hmmm teringat plak jaman dolu-dolu ha ha ha
teringat masa dulu2, masa kat UK, kawan2 serumah kejutkan bangun untuk melihat snow pertama...ahaks. Kol 3 pagi bangun keluar main snow...just seronok for few minutes..lepas tu semua masuk balik umah...ekekekeke...indah kabar dr rupa
Wah bestnya ada snow...
i guess if u put Malaysians at snow places….. u will find that they r the most easly recognizable lot coz they will be among the happiest lot happy Malaysian up in the snowland.
(but Simah, my 2 girls are having one of the coldest winter now and they detest it, hehe)
waaaahhhh sewonoknya.. i suka main kejap je, pastu mula lah gigil gusi.. but kids memang la enjoy sakan kan.. sewonok tengok all the happy faces tu..!!!
Looks like a lot of fun.... seronoknya Simah!!! Eh, pergi skiing tak?
Snow? No thank you. I am already shivering in the gelid winter. It snows more this year. There was practically no snow last year. I guess it's making its revenge this year.
I agree with you...I want to play in the snow!
I didn't get the chance to experience a winter wonderland in holland since the amount of snow was pathetic to begin with. But it snowed MORE this year....
Maybe next time, if we get to travel again ;-)
saya pun sukaa snowwww.. tak sabar rasany anak kembali ke Germanyyyyyyyyyy...
simah...:-) that is just awesome!!
pure magic....and sheer bliss.
betul tu :0)yg penting tak beku...tapi masa nak snap gambar kena bukak glove..sejuk..
eh sori la i tak sempat nak masuk blog u lagi ... jgn marah yea...
kak elle
its in uludağ... all the zaims were there... kira family vacation la ni... we stayed at busrsa for one nite...
next time akak kena join zaid sekali akak.... memang tu kat bursa..kat uludağ
bila korang nak balik mesia...?
i suppose i will always like snow... tapi ada setengah orang tak suka snow hehehe
kak lady
eh aunty ni bukan selalunya comel ker akak? hahaha
nampaknya memang kak long truly orang mesia... suka salji..tapi kalau snow memanjang sampai beku tak henti henti tak best gak... sejuk sangat mcm kat rusia...brrrrr:0)
mama rock
its outside istanbul... a few hours far from istanbul..kat a mountain names *uludağ*...
u r right mama.. kalau too much snow n u have to live there... semua susah.. nak beli grocery pun susah..all canned stuffs kan?
kak ogy
akak..biar kaku asalkan gembira! :0)
aku teringat masa zaman dolu dolu..wei..hang dah tua sangat ka??? hahahaha
hehehe ni mesti korang tak main snow fight ni... :0) at times... warmth is more appreciated after the freezing situation.. beku kan?
thanks..whatz up?sibuk kerja ka?
akak.. ur girls have every right to detest it heheheh tapi tu la...sapa suruh belajar kat russia...? *wink*... at least now they wont complain the warmth of Malaysia eh?
kitaorang happy dan jakun! :0)
jom kita main sama sama snow mulan! :0)
Queen of the House
kitaorang pi semua kelaurga zaim..dengan sooo many kids... nak main snow lama lama pun tak sempat sebab dah kena panggil balik dengan bg bro selim... ski tak dapat main (tapi teringin gila)..akak pernah ski tak? it looks so fun la akak...
alice sayang... jgn complain *wink* least i am sure ur son is enjoying his time with the snow? :0)
holland tunggu u all balik mesia sebelum snow banyak banyak kot? *wink*...
next time... u have got to go travel to snowy places... mesti ur daughter happy gila :0)
***** awak ada plan nak balik germany ka?????
it was fun..that i can assure u :0)
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