This week..(2nd week of school Holiday)
Kadın Budu Köfte..
it took me years to make perfect this kadın budu köfte (ANNE's *my late mom in law* style..the only style Halil loves of Kadın Budu..his mom's style...
it is basically rice cooked with minced meat, added with onion, salt, pepper and a bit of diced parsley..shaped like in the pic above... put in the fridge to rest...coated with egg and later be fried in hot oil...
resepi in full kena tunggu bukak sekolah dulu..
Genetic vs Habit
Grrrr... he destroyed the beauty of my Kadın Budu köfte by eating like this!!!
eat their yogurt from another cup...!! Türks will always be Türks, eh? *giggles*..
Poor my kadın budu köfte... they faced their extinction in the least attactive form :0)
But that doesnt matter coz on Wednesday... my Hatice celebrated her 7th Birthday...
Someone with good manners... Despite anne *screaming* at u the whole time... u know i love u..and i have only one çiçegim..
*wink wink meşe!* (sorry..i dont think it is appropriate to tell why...)
7th of February
for the first time in my life..i had served turkish tea for halil, hatice and baddin...
my kids drinking tea?? oh my...genetically n culturally..they do follow the türks..
i am the only one who still dislike drinking hot tea (unless it is iced)
I guess the pics rap everything up of what i had been up to these days will always be hectic i suppose..
and i hope that it is not too late to wish all those celebrating it...
i guess Malaysians r on holiday this week..Enjoy ur holiday!
And on special request from our Queen of the House...i have compiled all my published article in a blog for u all to read...i am a simple mumbler who gets lucky to have her mumbling to be printed...but i sincerely hope that these mumbling will give u a thing or two to think of...
here is the link:
we will be going somewhere this fact the whole Zaim family will be missing to this destination... the kids r excited...Zeynep even *loaned* her fav travelling bag so that hatice can bring in the necessary toys n magazines there....i had bought new gloves for the kids...ear drums protecter..and am trying to knit something...Yup! i still couldnt find my winter stuffs..i must have accidently threw them all when i had tidied up the whole apt a few months ago ...
I will be back next week with loads of photos n stories to tell... my hint is... it will involve loads of snow... Please pray for our safe journey...Monday..the kids will start schooling...hopefully this weekend will be the weekend all of us will remember...see ya next week!
i am updating...but i cant blog hop yet...soooo sorry... i will only be able to blog hop after monday (once the kids start schooling)...besides..i need to do a speedy knitting till saturday nite...:0)
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..
Labels: my thoughts
Happy Belated Birthday to your daughter. She'll sure grow up to be a beautiful woman!
Simah enjoy your weekend destination:)
hehhe... at least you have time to update, unlike me. *winks*
Happy birthday to your girl! I'm sure she had so much fun on her day.
I'm down with a mild fever. First outdoor event. Couldnt stand the cold. hahhaha....
Happy Belated Birthday to Hatice...
Semoga Hatice akan membesar menjadi anak yang ceria, berjaya dalam hidup dan membanggakan simah & Halil...
Kadin Budu Kofte...ermmm...macam bergedil eh...memang makan dengan yogurt ke?
Hello Simah, happy new year to you and your beautiful family. And a belated birthday best regards to Hatice.
Ahaa, I see you love ice tea? weakness and habit is ice coffee, malam, pagi, inbetween. Now cut down from 7 glasses to 4 big cups a day.
Yogurt? Hmmm, that and cheese and tomatos not my cup of iced coffee, ha ha.
But I'll try your Turkish kueh. Ada lagi?
Best regards to all of you this year of the Rat, UL.
dear hatice, doğum günün kutlu olsun! dah besar anak mak! may Allah bless your life always, amiin!
simah, meh lah share2 recipe Köfte tu. hehehe.
btw, did you get my email?
kendine iyi bak, simah!
So, it's cucur daging la? heheh
Hatice dah 7? Congrats! So fast.
And congrats also on your articles. I think d one on tudung was perfectly written, clear but not harsh. Tapi kan yr view tu is not applicable in Kelantan:P
Waaaa.. been ages since I came here. Been a bit slow at blogging and hopping. eee.. nak rasa that thingy (such a mouthful nak sebut) and then, nak resepi!!! Tapi surely, if it took you a long time to get it right, I'd just forget the idea altogether! LOLS..
Happy Belated Birthday Hatice.. comelnya.
Hot tea memang arabs and Turks boleh tahan minum... tak melecur ke lidah diaorang ???..comel pulak bila budak-budak berdua minum hot tea.
aku suka teh tu... tapi dah Melayu kena la letak gula... kalau tawaq isk tak mau la. Hepi Belated B'day to ur little angel :) aku pun baru balik!!!
tngok simah post makanan turki wat akak rindu lak kat turkish food...yg paling akak suka lahmacun kat restaurant 'Saray'...bilalah nak dpt makan yg origanal punya...akak try wat, tapi tak samalah...klu simah ada resepi lahmacun tepeklah kat sni atau email akak k...btw, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO HATICE.
kak ogy
ooops terlambat but here's a big HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY wish to Hatice.
:-) :-)
thanks :0) beauty outside does not matter... inside is what it counts... that is what i as a mom dream of :0)
kak elle
thanks :0)
aminnnnnnnnnnnnn 40 kali :0)
miss istanbul
thanks! :0)
hope u will get well soon.. with ur badan yg kurus kering tu u should have worn thicker clothing ..u mana ada lemak nak keep u warm unlike me! hahaha
kak lady
memang kena makan dengan yogurt... tapi saya tak suka mcm tu..saya makan tanpa yogurt (dengan sos cili! hahah)
aminnnnn nad thanks akak :=)
uncle lee
dear uncle...iced coffee... ni mesti u minum sambil melompat lompat blog ni :0)
hope ur chinese new year was a wonderful one :0)
hehe itu bukan turkish kueh la uncle..tu makan as a dish..just that n yogurt n halil tak pandang makanan lain dah! hahaha
jewel henna
sağol :0)
hehe resepi kena tunggu sikit... banyak betul blog belum diupdate..huwaaa... banyak kerjaaaaaaa :0)
i got ur email...dah balas shortly... nanti i balas panjang yea? tak cukup time lagi.. lagipun bab balas email ni... lembab sikit mcm snail :0)
kelantan tu is an exception la kan...
mana pulak cucur udang?? minced meat la...! heheh ni mesti otak u ke lain ni :0)
how r u? long time kita tak xchange news :0)
the next time i buat i masukkan dalam resepi yek? it took me yearssssssssss to buat benda ni... kalau tak pikirkan si halil suka i pun dah şlama give up! how r you? hope things r well :0)
diaorang minum sikit sikit.. budak budak tu teh dia tunggu sejuk sikit baru depa minum... tapi saya tengah train diaorang minum panas panas... ari tu sekali hatice punya lidah dah terbakar! hahaha mak dia teruk betul buli anak :0)
hehehe aku dok ingat lagi hangpa :0)
jap..nanti bila sempat aku masuk blog hang :0)
kak ogy...
akak.... thanks :0)
like yg saya email kat akak tu..saya pun tak reti buat..lagipun lahmacun kena pakai special oven... pakai oven elektrik ni tak jadi...
akak dah carik kedai restaurant makanan turki kat orchard street tu?
Queen of the House
thanks :0)
sapa terlambat kena saman ni :0)
ni mesti akak sibuk bercutiraya cina ni :0)
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