İstiklal Marşı
well.. u can see the link at the side bar on the right side of this blog anyway...
On another matter......Dont get me wrong... i think the istiklal marşı ... the national anthem of turkey is nice... just listen to this tune...
When Baddin's teacher sent a piece of paper with the İstiklal Marsı...the Turkish National Anthem lyrixs for baddin to learn... i subconciously tried to *lose* the paper of the lyrics... i mean... come on!! What do i know of the Turkish National Anthem, eh? I have only heard it a few times!! and so....over the hectic course of the weekend...managed to misplace the paper hehehe(honest!!)
Then come monday and another note came from his teacher saying that Baddin had not learnt his lines and he should learn it...Haydaaaa...i really wanted to cry then...Halil wount be back till wayyyyyyyyy the kids' past bedtime.... I couldnt call him either... he was in a meeting... At that time... i practically was starting to get headache....And with Hatice's help...she managed to sing (she herself has not learnt the lyrics correctly)the rythm of the song....... and so... just like aliens...i tried to teach both my kids the song. lyrics...
As Hatice was doing her homework, i dragged baddin to the pc and prayed that has the song for me to learn from (THANKS imeem!)... i got more confused!! The pronounciation and rhythm was such... i had no hope of learning the tune properly..I called Meşe..... Merve (meşe's daughter) picked up the phone... and i asked her help to sing me that song... My *wonderful* (not) turkish pronounciation... my ignorance of the rhythm of the national anthem...all added into one lead to my totall confusion some more...Somehow..i managed to teach baddin almost 3/4 of the song lyrics...
If my beloved has time to teach will be great... but he is too busy... and the little time he has at home... he wants to spend it playing with the kids.... not teaching them the national anthem...
If my beloved has time to teach will be great... but he is too busy... and the little time he has at home... he wants to spend it playing with the kids.... not teaching them the national anthem...
By Nationality.. my kids r turkish citizens... they live in turkey... they go to a turkish is only normal that they should know the Turkish National Anthem... Hatice is 99 percent able to sing the song.. Baddin still has difficulties in the second paragraph ...which is normal coz i have difficulty catching n saying those last 3 lines as well....Here is the lyrics... and see whther u can follow the song n the pronounciation as welll :0)...pls click to the istiklal marşı below for the singing and the music..
Korkma,sönmez bu şafaklarda yüzen al sancak,
Sönmeden yurdumun üstünde tüten en son ocak,
O benim milletimin yıldızıdır, parlayacak;
O benimdir, o benim milletimindir ancak.
Çatmak, kurban olayı,çehreni ey nazlı hilal!
Kahraman ırkıma bir gül!Ne bu şiddet, bu celal?
Sana olmaz dökulen kanlarımız sonra helal....
Hakkıdır, Hakk'a tapan, milletimin istiklal!
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time.
Labels: My kids n school
perghhh patriotik sungguh depa ni, baguslah. Kat M'sia ni rasanya ramai yang tak tau nyanyi lagu Negaraku... lagu Negeri apa ntah lagi... hmmmm apa la nak jadi dengan negara ni :(
simah, thanks for writing this post. dalam banyak-banyak benda, i terlupa pulak nak cari turkish national anthem. so tadi i dok google and cari kat youtube, ish macam-macam version lagu tu ada kat youtube. i like the tune too, very patriotic gitu! terkial-kial nak ikut cara dorang nyanyikan lagu tu, so i can only imagine how hard it is for you to teach baddin. dah dengar lagu tu, baru teringat, first time i heard the anthem masa time world cup, when turkey won second runner-up.
anyway, thanks to this post, baru i tau makna istiklal tu ialah "independence" and istiklal marşı, maknanya independence march!
i learn something new everyday! hehe.
btw, like i said in my email, i like your latest article sebab you're talking about mehmetcik. alah i like all your articles lah simah ;). take care k? hope you won't be depressed for long.
eh sorry, the above comment was by me, i was logged on to my other account lah ...
hee.. hee.. hang tak takut ke kena buang negara tak tau nyanyi lagu depa??
semakin lama aku tengok muka anak bujang hang semakin terserlah bahawasanya dia banyak ikut muka laki hang...
hmm... mommy all stressed up here, eh?? Keep well and up-spirited, simah!
Now I know why the omputeh ppl, the chinese, golongan bangsawan & so forth send their kids for such things as piano class, ballet, etc. Like what baddin's techer said, to strengthen his fingers & overall making them a well-rounded person. Syabas!! lately jadi trend utk mak antar anak ke tuition cls so that they get better results je. Pastu anak2 memberontak....coz tak puas main masa kecik!
Hm,mmg you're part of Turkish family now - kenalah bersemangat Turkish asal Mesia dilupa jgn. I can't listen to songs now - so I'll jz wait till u come back & sing it direct to my ears!! LArikkk!!!
eh takkan teruk sangat negara kita la ni? aku ingat lagi masa sekolah menengah tiap ari kena nyanyi lagu negaraku n lagu negeri kedah...
sayang kalau bangsa tak sayang negara...
oh..itu u ker? nantii check ur other blog bila sempat...
hehe learn n prepare urself eh?
u ni memang rajin.. i dulu never even bothered to look in the map kat mana turki ni! hahaha
mummy rizq
eh betul ka anak aku tu dah makin muka pak dia? oh tidakkkkkkkkkk..
hehehe aku kan tetap warga mesia... anak aku ja yg turki...
am trying trying... penat laaaaaaaaaaa :0)
hahaha ... tunggu makcik..that will be among the first thing i buat kat u nanti bila kita jumpa!! hahaha
tapi antar anak main piano etc..etc. tu memang mcm dah kira adat rasanya la... n rasanya it symbolises status jugak kot makciik!
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