There is life
Under the snow,
Beneath the frozen streams
There is life…
Beneath the frozen streams
There is life…
You have to know
When nature sleeps,
She dreams there is life…
And the colder the winter,
The warmer the spring
The deeper the sorrow,
The more our hearts sing
Even when you can’t see it
Inside everything
There is life…Ohhh…
After the rain,
The sun will reappear
There is life…
After the pain,
The joy will still be here
There is life…
For it’s out of the darkness
That we learn to see
And out of the silence
That songs come to be
And all that we dream of
Awaits patiently…
There is life…
There is life…
For it’s out of the darkness
That we learn to see
And out of the silence
That songs come to be
And all that we dream of
Awaits patiently…
There is life…
(There is)
There is life…
Yes...there is life.... and my life centers around the life of my beloved and my two angels....there is nothing i won't do for them....sooo typical of a wife/mother, eh?
In school, next to the normal schooling, the school also have extra co curricular activities in which they call as *Kış okulu* (winter school) , *bahar okulu*(spring school), and *yaz okulu* (summer school)... it is where the students can choose a sport/music instrument/ etc they would like to join in... let say swimming or learning to play a piano and every saturdays, for one hour and a half, they will learn whatever they have chosen for a price of course.
Last semester, Halil decided to let the kids join the winter school...Hatice had always wanted to learn to ride a horse..... we thought that last semester, we would give her that chance... But i think amidst the exhaustion of learining to read and write, she simply refused to join the winter school coz that would mean that she would have to go to school on Saturdays...that was how tiring school was for her last semester...
Both of my kids actually suprised me when this spring school, they excitedly begged me to let them join the bahar okulu.... of course... i told them that i would discuss it with my beloved coz...well.... to be frank... it is not that cheap... it is 350YTL for one student (every saturdays for 13 weeks)... and 2 kids?? 700 Ytl!! That... i cant say is cheap... and my beloved said yes... and with *sibling discount*... i only paid around 635YTl... phew! is a lot of money... considering the minimum wage in turkey is 435YTL....i just simply cant imagine how people can live with only 435YTL to support a family... that is too low...May Allah help them...
That was the easy part of course.... and well well... Hatice decided to join Badminton...while Baddin was keen on would have been easier of course if both join the same sport... the timing would be perfect too.... But i knew that wouldnt be wise... they need to expand their own wings and definitely they should not be under the shadow of each other...they should join the thing that interests them most to gain the best benefit...
Hatice... why badminton? Well... mainly i think she sort of once or twice played badminton at the summer house in sapanca... she loves it...and most importantly.. her 2 best friends r also thinking of joining badminton... and sooooo badminton it is...she is joining the badminton session for pre school, grade 1 and grade 2 students...
Baddin? he is a runner...he lovesssss to run...but he has difficulty in working as a team... and he needs to build his self confidence.... he needs to learn to be when he said football..i was more than happy to comply even though his class teacher strongly suggested him to join basketball to strengthened his finger muscles...i want him to learn to be competitive in trying to hit the ball as well as running to get the ball which he truly loves.
But there is a catch to all these of course.... the catch is... on Saturdays... Halil is mostly not at home.... so who has to send the kids off to school? Of course their beloved anne hehehehe
and the best part of all....Hatice's badminton session starts at 9am till 10.30am...baddin? his is from 12.30 noon till 2pm...
.. that means we have to leave home by 8am and reach home only by approx 3.30pm! That is basically one full day staying at school....
I dont mind, really...i'd do anything so that they can develop themselves as best as they possibly can...even if i have to stay long hours at school...
And we had our first session of Bahar okulu....I think it was good... it was quite fun...except the part returning home from school... coz that was the time the mini busses are mostly busy and packed with passengers... the traffic jammed.... it really gave me headache.... But the kids had fun during their badminton n football session... who am i to spoil that for them by saying.... *u cant join the sports coz i cant send u??*
And so... every saturdays.... my kids and i will try to enjoy ourselves in school :0)
ribbon shaped pasta cooked with mushroom, hotdog and fresh tomatoes..
ice tea bought from the school canteen..
and he was begging me to take a taxi instead of a mini bus..
Sorry son... i will go bankrupt if we take a taxi every mini bus it is for us :0)
so he truly need to work hard to get the ball from the bigger boys..
There is life in each child....we just need to find ways to bring that life out of their shells..
I dunno if this will bring the life that exists in my children...but i am trying..that is the most important thing of all...trying... :0)
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..
Labels: My kids n school
oh dear activities on saturday eh?takpe lah kerena anak2 terpaksa kan Simah?
while waiting for them you can catch up with your reading or knitting also...and as for me no more working on saturday with the new job....hurray!
hang bolah tulis buku dok tunggu depa lama2 kat sekolah, mana tau dpt sambutan... makcik kayoooooooooo!!! ke ke ke
Wah!! Badin macam anak2 lelaki yang lain...mesti nak main football...macam anak akak si Farhan...penat macamaner pun mesti nak pegi main football...and badminton memang sesuai untuk anak perempuan...
Tentu anak2 tu happy sebab dpt main permainan yang mereka suka kan?
Hehehe...tapi yang penat mak dialah...len kali bawak laptop...macam kata alinlai...boleh tulis novel...hehehe
dah makin bertanbah aktiviti anak-anak bermakna aktiviti maknya pun bertambah :)
akak masa kat Jordan pun hairan macamana jordanians boleh hidup dengan JD200 ~ YTL400 ~ RM1000 sebulan , tapi agaknya diaorang dah tau nak bajet daily expenses.
simah, i just feel that the extra curricular activities kat middle east memang mahal kot. i remembered when freddy joined the taekawondo class during summer in dubai, i paid like dhs 450 for 12 lessons. bila balik malaysia, sikit punya murah...rm 30 je sebulan :)
ps - i answered your tag already
Interesting ya how they categorise according to season... ya la org kat Malaysia ni asyik summer memanjang:p
Hope they enjoy, that's d most important thing
simah, enjoy the time you have with them. I remember too those parents evenings, footballs where I shout my voice hoarse every time my son scored, being the proud mother watching my daughter dance in the school concert - and then suddenly they are out there working, networking with their own friends, doing their own things. Its a wonderful time - watching your children grow up.
kak elle
am so glad that u love ur job....
nak knit aper akak... ada ajer yg nak disembangkan budak budak ni masa tunggu menunggu heheh
heheheh kalau kaya boleh la aku balik mesia tiap tahun yek? jeles aku tengok hang balik selalu!
kak lady
memang nak kena aim beli laptop ni :0)
tu la akak..asalkan depa bahagia kan? mak dia ikut ajer cakap anak anak... main main ni at least berfaedah...dari duduk buat benda benda tak tentu arah :0)
tu la...saya pun heran.. betul gamaknya cakap akak... dah duit banyak tu.. nak tak hendak depa kena la budget gila gila... tak mcm kita foreigners ni kan?
mama rock
thanks 4 answering the tag...
tu la saya tengok.. kat mesia.. murahnyaaaaaaaaa segala yuran...tu pun ada yg komplen mahal.... depa kena mai middle east baru depa tau! :0)
tapi masa winter nak hantar anak anak pi sekolah tu... eeeeeeeeeee..sejukkk :0) long as they r happy :0)
kak teh
but do they have to grow up...? i want them to stay as my babies for ever n ever :0)
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