Veli Çayı aka Taziye Ziyareti
i just simply dont get flowers unless i go buy by them myself...:0)
Yup... my living room has live flowers right now...
Courtesy of the 10 moms and 1 teacher of Hatice's classmates as they were at my home on Thursday
for *veli çayı* (tea ) aka meeting as well as *taziye ziyareti* (condolence visit-of baba's death)
(i made this up actually hehe)
Recipe in the
Zaim Ladies Recipe Blog
(a special request from my beloved)
recipe here
Recipe to be found in Zaim ladies recipe blog
made from fine bulgur (fine pounded wheat)
slices of lemon with fresh mint on top... just in case there are peoplewho loves to drink their tea with a drop of mind n fresh mint (like my beloved)
up again! hahahaah
freshly diced tomatoes, cucumbers and mint leaves
tart with vanilla cream filling topped with fresh kiwi,strawberries and berries..
topped with jelly(agar agar flown all the way from Malaysia or is it singapore?)... anyway...thanks kak Elle...ibu...KC and gang! :0) love u guys loads! what will i do without ur supply of our local stuffs?
I knew i had caught this epidemic virus where diarhoea and vomitting r a part of itz symptoms on Monday... In fact... i had fever that Tuesday night... and i begged Allah silently...
*Ya Allah... i will be having guests on Thursday... please..postpone this virus attack at least until they have gone*..
Alhamdulillah... despite not feeling too well... Allah had postponed the violent attack of the diarrhoea...and what do u know?? The moment the guests went.. (we also had a small lady as a guest after the momz tea gathering)...i practically spent the whole night going from and to the toilet...I accepted it coz Allah obviously had accepted my plea to begin with...being sick is a part of my test...
I was feeling quite ok in the morning... instead of just letting only halil go with thekids to settle the passport extention for my beloved n the kids... i joined usual... we needed other papers ..and therefore only my beloved passport were able to be extended... no matter... we still have till 11 th june to renew the passport of the concern is the permanent resident renewal next m0nth..i cant say i am looking forward to going on ques for that... :0)
I have just realised something... Last year... i very rarely joined any *veli cayı* ...tea aka meeting conducted in turns at a parent's home...that was when hatice was in pre school of course... Nowadays...if i am honest with myself... i kindda enjoy going to these do not like taking a mini bus to school before we proceed to the place of tea... yes.. i practically dread when on those days i would have to return home with the kids using the school service...but i find the moms who join the teas are actually very warm and nice... mostly, they are sweet...i kindda enjoy having to get together with them.. chat about the kids' development and problems... and ask the teacher this and that...there are a few of moms of baddin's classmates that i can talk to almost on a lot of topics...the same with the moms of hatice's classmates... those moms who do not work...they usually join these teas...they are sweet as well....and most importantly... they are the humble friendly type even though in general they are rich.. (this is a private school after all)..
i was analysing them yesterday... when they came to our home... my home is no doubt small... there isnt any place on the walls... couch...chairs...etc..etc which has no home truly needs a major overhaul and renovation...but i saw none of them looked down on me..acting high n mighty (as some rich people do)... many tried to help me out while clearing the plates...etc... they looked at me warmly. ...i could feel sincerity in their hearts... which made the time spent on the food preparation (despite i was not feeling very well) all worth recieve guests is a honour in itself... and to recieve guests who r warm... that is a blessing...i think i am looking forward for the next tea meeting in 3 weeks' time :0)
What is happening to me?? i am an anti social person.. why am i looking forward to socializing??? hmmm... this is an interesting development :0)
The thing is.... hatice will be together with the same classmates for at least (maybe not sure of the system) ...3 years... so it helps to get to know the moms better so that we all can communicate with each other better talk about our kids... THank God for the invention of handphones... each of us has each other's number...!
It was also heart warming when yassin was read for baba yesterday... and with the division of yuz...insyaAllah by the next tea time.. we will all try to finish the whole Quran.... dedicated to baba (my late dad in law)...
Life goeson... and i think..i have decided to enjoy it as best as i possibly can despite all the challenges
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..
Labels: My kids n school
Hi Simah :o)
ooooh ... those dishes look delicious & healthy! I love hummus :o) it's always an ingredient in my tortila roll :o)
Nasib baik ada resipi2 yg Syana boleh cuba :o) thank you!
Take care, Simah :o)
Rinduuuuuuuuu nya doner.. Doner Kebab.. sedapppppppp nyaaaaaa
uiskkk banyaknya makanan... aku tau rasa pun sedap2 tu :) ok aku bagitau camno nak tukar cat blog hang ni...hang cari je:
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3. copy segala benda (commands) new templates yang kita dah pilih tu
4. delete segala benda (commands) dalam kotak edit template
5. paste yang dah di copy dalam edit template blog kita
selamat mencuba :)
Simah pandai masak dan banyak masak. I only cook two simple dish or all in one dish everyday. You got gastroenteritis aka stomach flu. From around January to now, we had an epidemic of that stomach flu. You take care and rest well.
This socialising with the teachers and parents sounds very interesting. No need to tell you that there's no such thing here .... usually jumpa cikgu cuma kat sekolah on report card day.
Ooooh the spread looks lovely too ... lapar pulak bila tengok apa yang Simah jamu to the guests. Yummm!
Simah..u did all the dishes by yourself?!!!...Wow...lepas ni leh buat buku resepi pulak..I love tortilla tu..
Makcik oi,
Mu balik sini nanti kenalah cook-a-storm in return for us treating u to local delicacies -amacam? Yelah, nak tunggu pergi sana ntah bila pulak.
Bestnya dpt munga...I pun pernah gak dpt - b.taik ayam! Hehehe
Apa lg yg u nak takut i/view PR tu? Bukan ke u dah pro? (Saje je provoke lebih...) Rilex ah makcik..
BTW, bole ka depa kaitkan dgn artikel yg ditulis dlm s/khabar esp. pasai pakai tudung tu?
bunga segar... tak kira bunga apa memang akak suka... that doner and humus... kenangan menggamit rasa :)
The dishes look so good Simah. Wonder where to have a "real"taste of Turkish delight in KL.
Actually I'm interested with the börek - is it a savoury pie or a sweet one?
Looks yummy! :)
I hope you are feeling better now.
Has the weather improved?
By the by, I just completed your tag. Sorry it took so long!
Have a great week ahead!
wow simah rajin memasak tu untuk arwah baba.
You prepared ALL those yummy dishes?!!!
And when you were under the weather some more?!!
Might try making the humus, insya Allah one of these days. Thanks for the recipe.
Wahai Cik Simah,
Saya minta maaf banyak-banyak ya...
Awak sediakan makanan semasa ada jangkitan (perut?)
berbaloi la awak duduk turki ni lama simah, pandai masak masakan turki :)
harapnya awak dah sembuh betul
glad ada resepi syana boleh try... saja saja tulis resepi tu..saya pun bukan pandai masak sangat...tapi kalau share boleh la kita beljar sama sama kan??
kat mesia kat pasar malam pun ada kot daging doner ?
mai la sini..banyakkkkkk doner *wink*
*******ok thanks lyn..anti aku cuba...muahhh
i was attacked terribly only that nite...lepas tu dah ok dah... must be exhaustion jugak kotcoz hari tu it was really tiring for me...ala...u un pandai masak jugak! :0)
Queen of the House
yeah... socializing ni is done once in every 3 weeks... memang bagus sebab u can discuss a lot of things...tukar pendapat n learn from each other...tapi memang kena ada mom yg volunteer la nak buat... kekadang tu buat meeting kat meeting room kat sekolah ajer...n sekolah ada la provide cookies ker..fruit salad ker as hidangan ...mai la sini nanti saya masak utk akak :0)
resepi tu actuallyjust in case i mati n anakpompuan i tak jumpa my resepi book...
ala resepi tortilla tu main tibai aja! hahaha
boleh makcik... nak masak boleh...tapi masalahnya bahan bahan dia tak cukup..nanti rasa benda pun tak sama...still can can :0)
pr? malas nak berbaris dalam queeeeeeeeeeeee :0)
mesti akak stil rindu kat jordan yea? tak pa nanti akak pi la lawat sana sekali sekala :0)
many years ago..when i was in mesia..i saw on tv a turkish restaurant... i dunno why... i think *nazrah*'s dad was planning to open a turkish restaurant kat klcc.. nanti i tanya dia bapak dia bukak ker tidak yea?-----------------------------------------
theta dear....borek is savory n salty... always...
i have been ok for ages..taks empat nak update blog ajer...
and thanks 4 answering my tag!:0)
no sweat... sama sama kita belajar kan?
Yes... dah orang nak datang... i couldnt postpone kan... lagipun itu lawatan takziah as well as meeting...
the food was prepared in the most hygenic preparation as possible (in which did nıt involve me going to the toilet since i had no diarhoea at thattime)..
i am glad to inform that none of the moms were affected by the virus :0)
kak long syikin
Alhamdulillah...saya kena attack virus teruk tu satu malam ajer :0) saya cuma tak sempat nak update blog :0)
memang berbaloi...tapi masalahnya saya tak tau masak masakan melayu!! huwaaaaaaaaaaaaa memang memalukan bangsa betul!
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