Agar-agar talk
There i was, Not ENJOYing at all the ironing of the clothes… my ears busy listening to the songs from the mp3 player full blast…and my mind suprisingly wandering to the conversation on the phone that i had on Monday…
My mom picked up the phone. She sounded relaxed and happy. Who wouldnt, right? My parents r blessed with the new arrival of a grandaughter a week ago.. Yes, my brother’s wife just gave birth. Congratulations, Joe n Kak linda.. i hope my bro will send the pic of the new baby soon…
They just came back from a week of hopping to my brother’s place to see the new grandchild… to the relatives visiting in Kuala Lumpur and lastly, to their villages in Negeri Sembilan… She was bubbly enough to elaborate on everything without being asked…and my dad as usual, phone shy… he was just shouting from behind her adding to some of the things my mom was gossiping…
Then, her voiced cheered some more… when i asked her the recipe of my favourite Brown sugar, eggy agar agar (jelly) that i love so much… Thanks to dydy, i had (please notice..had) one more packet of the agar agar (jelly) powder..the rest 5 i had wallop ages ago :0)
She was so suprised that i still remembered that jelly… with glee n lots of giggles, she explained the steps like 5 times again n again!! Hahahaha ..
And my dad could be heard saying…
*kalau tak jadi..hang baling pi kat Halil..suruh dia makan*
(if it doesnt turno ut nice, throw the jelly to Halil. Let him eat it)
hahahahaha…funny funny dad..
i didnt have the malaysian Brown sugar.. n i just ran ut of demeira what i did was i caramelised the white sugar instead..
and dear friends.. please please remind me on the 20th to call my dad… i think i may forget that it will be my dad’s birthday!! I am so bad with dates… hmmm..
Oh dear! İ think i miss my mom n dad!! huwaaaaaaaa
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..
My mom picked up the phone. She sounded relaxed and happy. Who wouldnt, right? My parents r blessed with the new arrival of a grandaughter a week ago.. Yes, my brother’s wife just gave birth. Congratulations, Joe n Kak linda.. i hope my bro will send the pic of the new baby soon…
They just came back from a week of hopping to my brother’s place to see the new grandchild… to the relatives visiting in Kuala Lumpur and lastly, to their villages in Negeri Sembilan… She was bubbly enough to elaborate on everything without being asked…and my dad as usual, phone shy… he was just shouting from behind her adding to some of the things my mom was gossiping…
Then, her voiced cheered some more… when i asked her the recipe of my favourite Brown sugar, eggy agar agar (jelly) that i love so much… Thanks to dydy, i had (please notice..had) one more packet of the agar agar (jelly) powder..the rest 5 i had wallop ages ago :0)
She was so suprised that i still remembered that jelly… with glee n lots of giggles, she explained the steps like 5 times again n again!! Hahahaha ..
And my dad could be heard saying…
*kalau tak jadi..hang baling pi kat Halil..suruh dia makan*
(if it doesnt turno ut nice, throw the jelly to Halil. Let him eat it)
hahahahaha…funny funny dad..
i didnt have the malaysian Brown sugar.. n i just ran ut of demeira what i did was i caramelised the white sugar instead..
and dear friends.. please please remind me on the 20th to call my dad… i think i may forget that it will be my dad’s birthday!! I am so bad with dates… hmmm..
Oh dear! İ think i miss my mom n dad!! huwaaaaaaaa
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..
Simah, your parents tak pernah pi Turkey lagi kan? Suruh depa pi laaaa ..... kalau keadaan mengizinkan, apa salahnya. I can imagine the excitement kalau the grandparents visit their cucus in Turkey :-)
queen of the House
i memang teringin nak sponsor diaorang datang sini..masalahnya i need to be in malaysia next year to renew my memang tak boleh nak sponsor diaorang lagi...diaorang memang dah lama dah hint... cuma kitaorang tak mampu lagi...
kalau my mom datang sini memang akan gila la shopping my mom hehehe
simah,once i made rock buns and they were really hard as rocks. I was in tears and was about to throw them away but my Pak duly ate each and every one of them. and yes, I miss him too.
Tak lama lagi dah nak balik kampung,kan? Masa tu lepas rindu habih2 la:)
Bila I nak pi Turki? Hmm..insyaallah, kalau someone ada nearby & everything goes well, before new year comes kot. LOL!
Simah dear,
That was so sweet (your dad)! I think they miss you too.
ps: I'm still finding time to visit you. Got a few public hols in May.
Hi Simah, love people like your dad with good sense of humour. I love agar agar. But caramelised agar agar? That should be one terrific agar agar.
Does you dad smoke a pipe? If he does, send him one of those Turkish pipes for his birthday, ha ha. I've seen it on 'Lonely Planet', they minum teh dan isap the pipe. Long one too.
Don't forget his birthday! UL.
Hi Simah,
Ketawa I dengar you nagis worse than your two babies just now...LOL!
Typical us daugters making long distance calls for mum's recipes. I think the sound of caramelised sugar is great. Bet the agar2 turned out delectably good eh? Take care.
oh you poor baby. tak lama dah nak balik msia tu.
i pun nak buat agar2 lah nanti.
lama dah tak buat agar2....kalau buat bagi sini sikit!
Oh-ho, itu kita biasanya panggil agar2 santan la! Kesukaan orang tua2 tu...(bukan org tua maksudnya ok)Org sekarang cuma kenal cream caramel la, bread pudding la...mana depa nak kenal agar2 santan ni semua. Lepas tu memandai buat agar2 yg plain tu color green instead of red - mau mengamok mak hamba! Sape kata rasanya sama? Heheheh..
Hehehe....I pun selalu gak tipon mak I tanya resepi..dia kata "senang je. buat gitu gini masuk itu ini siap lah!"
Mana gambarnye? ke tak sempat ambik gambar dah habis dah?
agaq agaq brown sugar tu yang ader telur tu keh?? hermh...favorite tuh.
jadi tak?? ke hang dah baling kat halil??? hihihih
simah I was thinking of doing that for my dad's b'day makan2 but tak cukup time.I selalu buat agar2 yg dua lapis tu(we call agar2 gudir)guna santan and eggs.
Bila u nak balik next year?
simah... bukan dulu birthday kak hang pun hang lupa ka???
miss my mak n abah too..hope they are fine there..huhuhu
oooh...agak-agak telur dengan gula melaka tu ke? Sedap tu....tapi kak lady paling minat agar-agar merah perasa rose...sedap...
agar-agar memang sedap.....
tak pe jangan bersedih, bila balik boleh hug ur parents puas-puas....
kak teh
so kalau masa tu kalau pak akak terpatah gigi..u would be responsible then? *wink*..
that was so sweet of ur dad...u r so lucky la akak :0)
tak lama lagi tu ada la dalam lebih setahun tu cik kak oii... lama tu... :0)
insyaallah kalu u datang sini jangan lupa contact i:0)
ms istanbul
hope we can find a time that both of us will be free... tak sabar la nak jumpa u :0)
unlce lee
dear uncle,
i am afraid, for this agar agar, nothing can beat the taste of the real malaysian brown sugar (gula merah).. caremalised sugar couldnt win over the real gula merah... tapi dapat la tangkap sipi sipi gula merah...
that long pipe is called nargile.. dad doesnt smoke anymore... even if he does... oh tidakkkkk... i wouldnt send it to him ni a million years... tak tahan bau rokok la uncle :0)
most probably i will forget his birthday..but i do pray i wont hehehe :0)
Ruby Ahmad
*lol* banjir dah satu istanbul..
memang kan kalau nak resepi..makkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk...tu la masa muda muda dulu tak mau tuntut ilmu..dah berumur ni mula la mencarik resepi mak yg itu..resepi mak yg ini :0)
mama sarah
buat jgn tak buat.. nanti jgn lupa masuk resepi dalam pondok u tu :0)
how r the kids?
mak lang
dah buat..nanti saya pos dalam mimpi yea akak :0)
mak hamba pun mengamuk heheh .tu la orang tua mesti nak yg original punya.. new generation kan pakai creativity tukat tukar kaler..
i rasa la kan..kalau sebutja agar agar, memang my mind akan terus ke agar agar yg kaler ros tu (kalau ada kenduri ka mesti depa buat) n yg agar agar santan ni ..memang my all time feveret..:0)
mak kita seritaubuh itu bubuh ini macam senang ja..bila kita buat kekadang tu mesti ada yg slack ja..tu dinamakan experience la kot kan...
hahhaha agar agar tu dah hampir habis dah... malu la nak tangkap gambar sebab tak kaler gelap mcm yg original sebab gula merah tak ada....nanti nanti la bila one day stock agar agar i sampai ker dari malaysia i buat n tangkap gambar yek? :0)
memang sedap kan agaq agaq tu?
hahah teringin gak nak baling kat halil tapi disebabkan tu la satu satunya agar agar terakhir..terpaksa laaaaaa telan jugak (oit! sedap tau!)
kak elle
seronoknya i sebab ramai yg suka agar agar ni.. :0)
balik malaysia ka akak? insyaAllah kalau dapat kumpul duit... balik summer 2008 (in between bulan 7 sampai bulan 9)..maximum stay paling lama sebulan ja kot...
mummy rizq
memang aku lupa hehe tu yg kalau aku lupa gak birtday ayah aku..mampuih la aku kena sekeh kang.. :0)
marilah sama sama rindu merindui :0)
kak lady
perasa rose tu pun saya suka.. kalau sejuk sejuk baru keluar dari peti ais tu la kan.. amboiiiii... heaven! :0)
puluk mak ayah saya? eeeeeeeeee geli la saya akak ... saya mana reti peluk peluk mak ayah saya (anak bertuah betul saya kan?)... kalau saya peluk depa mesti depa akan cakap..
*simah otak kepala hang ni betoi tak?* hahahahahaahha
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