I Need ur Shoulder
There I was, at Pazar. I was standing in front of a particular fruit seller. There is a fruit that i like that he was selling that ı wanted to buy. But there was a crowd. A lot of people were buying something from the seller. I waited patiently and quietly behind a lady…for her to finish buying her fruits.. when suddenly another old lady next to the lady in front of me said… in turkish..
“oh how nice isnt it to be able to buy ur fruits and have a helper (pointing her fingers at me) to carry the things u buy”
I couldnt decide what to feel. Should i feel angry? Should i feel humiliated? Should i just ignore the lady and forgive her for her ignorance?
I chose to keep my silence. Physically, i was not that sloppy looking that day. I was wearing my jeans and my windbreaker. Just because my skin tone is darker..not white..does that mean that i am of a lower Standard? That i am only fit to work as a maid?...It wasnt enough that I was mistaken for a babysitter on those days when the children’s playground was a place i used to frequent..
When the lady in front of me said in turkish… * I dont know her (pointing at me)*..the lady who said i was a maid apologized… but still with a look that clearly said that she considered me as a lower level person…perhaps like a çingene..of a gypsy Standard….with a twitch on her mouth that was very irritating
oh helloooooooooo…. Do i look like a house helper to u? All because i am dark coloured??
I forgive her ignorance… she needs to educate herself… but that didnt take away this anger i feel inside… i would love to tell her… i am not who she thinks i am.. that my education is not low at all.. and that i am a queen in my own home…n i am a person not to be looked down upon… but looking at her..i knew deep down..saying anything at all was useless…
I kept my silence…
But this anger stays….
Dont get me wrong… i dont encounter this kind of treatment often.. very rare indeed… most turks r warm towards me…türks in general r very nice and warm people… some even stopped me while i was walking and asked me of my roots.. with a smiling face..with a hug…and sweet words like…*oh..canım benim*… ..Türks in general..love Malaysians… ..not all r ignorant..but this one encounter with this one lady…..makes me sad….
“oh how nice isnt it to be able to buy ur fruits and have a helper (pointing her fingers at me) to carry the things u buy”
I couldnt decide what to feel. Should i feel angry? Should i feel humiliated? Should i just ignore the lady and forgive her for her ignorance?
I chose to keep my silence. Physically, i was not that sloppy looking that day. I was wearing my jeans and my windbreaker. Just because my skin tone is darker..not white..does that mean that i am of a lower Standard? That i am only fit to work as a maid?...It wasnt enough that I was mistaken for a babysitter on those days when the children’s playground was a place i used to frequent..
When the lady in front of me said in turkish… * I dont know her (pointing at me)*..the lady who said i was a maid apologized… but still with a look that clearly said that she considered me as a lower level person…perhaps like a çingene..of a gypsy Standard….with a twitch on her mouth that was very irritating
oh helloooooooooo…. Do i look like a house helper to u? All because i am dark coloured??
I forgive her ignorance… she needs to educate herself… but that didnt take away this anger i feel inside… i would love to tell her… i am not who she thinks i am.. that my education is not low at all.. and that i am a queen in my own home…n i am a person not to be looked down upon… but looking at her..i knew deep down..saying anything at all was useless…
I kept my silence…
But this anger stays….
Dont get me wrong… i dont encounter this kind of treatment often.. very rare indeed… most turks r warm towards me…türks in general r very nice and warm people… some even stopped me while i was walking and asked me of my roots.. with a smiling face..with a hug…and sweet words like…*oh..canım benim*… ..Türks in general..love Malaysians… ..not all r ignorant..but this one encounter with this one lady…..makes me sad….
Yes... I am fat. True. I am coloured. But to be downgraded like that…it hurts…
Have a Nice Weekend Everyone!
Have a Nice Weekend Everyone!
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..
Labels: The heart speaks
simah my advice ignore her afterall dia tu org tua mungkin dlm golongan 'ignorant'group.Just be yourself hey from the photos of you and family with Rudi I don't see the FAT in you:)if you think u r dark there are others darker than u....haha
I understand how ones feel when someone take ones as a lower class and yes we have pride too!!
One day should you happen to meet this old lady again and you are with your family 'tunjuk kat dia helloooooooooo makcik ni family ku-my husband and children'.....hehehe
smile and have a nice weekend:)
Simah I know how u feel, coz that's how the turks here look at me :( sadly even my in-laws makes me feel that way. Alhamdullilah for you that mostly the turks there would stop ask you where r you from but the turks here are hopeless and ignorant, they really treat you like a 2nd class citizen here. Now you know why I'm always frustrated with the TURKS!!! lol!
Tu lah Simah.. you should have stayed longer chatting with me that day ;)
Btw, it's sad - racism merata dunia. As I said to another friend, even di Malaysia pun ada benda macam ni.
Dear Shima,
It happenned to me before. My son's friend mistaken me a maid when i fetched him from school one day. Anyway semua kengkawan dia, maid yang jemput.
I know how u feel. When I was in UK, back in the 80's, the british always refer us as the boat people (Vietnamese refugee)
But most important is u have a loving family. That matters.
Simah,ne'oldu kiz?Gecmis olsun!Geram bebenar membaca entry Simah kali ni,seperti yg Simah tulis org2 Turki (dan akakpun tahu sangat) selalunya memang baik2 dan tidak rasist,kat London nipun diaorg baik juga,lebih2 lagi kalau kita tahu bahasa mereka.Manalah datangnya minah seorang ni?Terbiyesizzzz!!
Tidak kira apa saiz kita,cara berpakaiaan atau warna kulit tidak ada sesiapapun berhak menghina kita.Seperti yg Simah tahu akak dah tinggal di TR lebih 10 tahun dan tahu sangat diaorang ni,kalau Simah beritahu dgn baik parasaan Simah dgn kata2 'APTAL' dia tu, dia akan faham dan akan minta maaf banyak2.Jgn haraplah dia nak educate herself,Simah kena bagi tahu dia.Turkish Simahpun baik,kalau tak betul sikitpun tak apa,diaorg punya Turkishpun kelam kabut,kalau benda2 ni jadi lagi Simah kena belajar bersuara,pertahankan diri sendiri,jgn biarkan org lain merendah2kan Simah.
Memanglah kita org Melayu bersopan santun tapi ada batasannya,lebih2 lagi kalau di rantau org.,bukannya hendak mengapi2 kan Simah tapi kita kena tegas jgn bagi peluang org lain nak bully kita,budaya org kita pemalu,pendiam,simpan dalam hati lepas tu org lain ingat kita ni lemah,kalau kita tak tahu mempertahankan diri memanglah kita lemah.Nasihat akak jgnlah terlalu merendah diri,Simah berpelajaran,suami dan keluarga dia pun begitu,keluarga Simah sendiripun org baik2 dan berpelajaran...Kalau Simah dah pandai menyuarakan perasaan Simah tu Simah akan jadi lebih confident dan akan jadi lebih happy dilain kali.Maaf panjang sangat tapi tulah nak berkongsi pengalaman sendiri dg kawan senegara lagipun tak boleh tahan marah ni,grrrr!!
Mana mak cik tu,dia belum tengok lagi silat gayung org Malezya ni!!Optum
simah, I agree with nora's sentiment - kasi balun cukup2 itu makcik! Apa? Dia ingat dia bagus sgt ke? Ntah2, kuar daerah pun tak pernah! Lagi teruk dari katak bawah tempurung agak2nya. Terimalah flying kick silat kuntau tekpi aka sehelai sejadah dari Mesia!!! Hiiiiyaaaaah!! (ambik kau)
On a second thought, you baca tak news kat Mesia -pasal sorang cikgu pompuan tu kena rotan dek pengetua baru sekolah depan pelajar coz dia sama2 students just finished (& masih berpakaian) PE?
Next time you meet this kind of people - ask, "Oi! Which planet are you from?" Have you ever see our planet earth from the outer space? Our mother Earth is so small & insignificant - it doesn't matter any more - the border divides, the age, race, skin colors, body structures,religions, male or female, whatever.
So, cool eh? At times we are guilty of prejudice too...
A good story like this one - I was with a younger-than-me friend who is taller than me. So, the other person (2,3 kali ni) goes, "Ni adik you ke?" Hahahahahah..kembang bontot makcik youuu!!!
This is weird but your story reminds me of a TV series that I used to watch when I was a kid - Isabella. Isabella was a young and beautiful 'white' slave in a household full of black slaves. Until then, I thought all slaves were black.
ya saya faham perasaan simah. sebab sesungguhnya ianya sama jua living in any part of the middle east. it is unfortunate that most helpers are Asians (thus the skin colour) are blue coloured workers or maids of such maka many akan generalise. sebab tu some of us kena pakai extra vogue. to the effect that sometimes we would look like an overdressed maid. worst still bagi yang mix marriages bila you bawak anak yang tak rupa asians, lagilah orang akan ingat we are maids. kat sini pun sama.
yes yes dia oran baik. tapi dia orang ignorant.
personally i think you should stand for yourself next time in the most amicable manner. tapi tak kesahlah you didn't. you made yourself a bigger person that way
tapi just to tell you, this is a norm here too. lama-lama i dah ignore. as for me i takleh cakap arab. lagipun kalau i cakap arab lagilah nampak maid yang tau cakap arab (some criterias). so i cakap omputeh dgn anak i. of course at the risk of nampak macam filipino lady pulak.
chin up sayang. you kow who you are and that matters most
Balik mesia lah dik. Persetankan mereka mereka itu.
askum simah.... relax, relax...
breathe in.... breathe out...
breathe in... breathe out ...
count 1 to 10, zikir kpd Allah ...
berdesing jugak telinga 'membaca' your entry. i also do not subscribe to being too submissive such inaccurate perceptions. but honestly, quite contrary to some of the sentiments gathered from the other comments, i feel this is the time for us to step up to let our internal strength to shine through.
no one out there can make us feel any lesser without our own approval. we are what we think of ourselves.
often if faced with similar situations, perhaps the better option is first seek to understand, then to be understood.
obviously, the woman's world revolved around the surroundings that she was familiar with, and which my best guess would be, was no further than her homeland shores. unlike you, who travel the world over, half the globe at least, she might not have that advantage to see things beyond what she saw at home, hence the ignorance.
imagine this: you choosing one of the freshest of fruits, paying for it and placing it gently in the old lady's basket, with a soft whisper in the most eloquent turkish into her ear, "this one on me especially for you madam. I am pleased that at least you notice my existence on your soil. I am indeed educated well enough, happily married with two lovely children and standing right here next to you today by my own choice for the love of my family and God Almighty. thank you for reminding me today that I should never judge a book by its cover. enjoy the fruit madam, have a nice day!". And you walk away with the typical msian sweet smile.
hmmm... somehow the above picture seems deeper than a simple knee-jerk reaction of shouting back with a vengeance to an old lady.
kita ikut resmi padi, makin tunduk makin berisi....
kak elle
hahahaha thanks 4 making me feel better.. hope u will have a nice weekend too..
dont trust the photo.. rudi can personally confirm that i am fat :0)
*lol*... so i guess i should count my lucky stars coz i dont need to face this often huh?.. u hang in there too yea lah....as long as we know who we r kan?
mama sarah
tu la... i should have stayed at home that day n chat with u heheh
racism ... tu la..seluruh dunia ni ada manusia yg baik..ada pulak tu yg berperangai dan berakal cetek...
*boat people* huh?
to feel downgraded is definitely not a nice feeling...
yeah...u r right.. i have a loving family... that matters most..everything else is secondary
akak.. eh sapa yg emotional ni..saya ker akak? hehehe :0)mesti semua lari tengok akak tbersilat gayung hahaha i cant imagine :0)
betul apa yg akak cakap tu.. i have to learn to stand up for myself.. i am yet able to do that...terima kasih atas comment panjang akak tu... i really appreciate it..
eh orang yg jatuh terguling guling masa bersilat tadi tu you ker? iskh.. how's ur butt? sakit tak masa jatuh? hehehe
thanks 4 trying to cheer me up..
about ur story tu... weiiii perasannnnnnnn... :0)
me too... isabella... i remember those times.. masa tu ada isaura...oshin... u tengok tak semua tu?
thank u for ur comforting words...
i see what u mean... n i agree..memang diaorang baik tapi ignorant...
ur position is worse i suppose... either way...no matter which language u speak... people will still put u in the criteria of a maid... u tak cuba cakap melayu ker? i really hate it when people stereottype u due to ur skin color..maybe i should do like u do.. ignore jer...
.. i do not look down on maids.. they r a human being just like u and me.. they r earning money cara halal by being a maid.. in fact.. my dad in law punya helper (mıstık) kawan baik i kat sini... tapi bila orang cakap mcm tu.. dengan pandangan keji dia.... even though i know who i am... it still hurts..
masalahnya buah hati saya orang sini.. dia mana dia..disitulah saya... :0)
breathe in... breath out...
what u said has a lot of truth in it... thanl u for ur deep meaning thoughts... i do agree with u...
the next time if this happens..i may do exactly just what u suggested me to do... head held up.. face smiling and proud... words as soft as possible..yet with steel lazer blade sharp of meanings...the intellectual.. well mannered yet confident way..
i just need to train myself to be more outspoken..that is a field i need to improve on badly..for my sake n my family's sake..
people say *ignorance is bliss*..but this one kind of ignorance hurts...
thanks ibu for ur insight.. :0)
Hello Simah, hey, smile! Don't get upset. There are and there will always be people like that.
Three months ago while waiting for my wife at her work place, a big American Lincoln car pulled up. I happened to be leaning against my car enjoying my pipe.
Orang puteh couple inside, Americans,....his car lisence plate showed they from Florida. Driver poked his head out the window, looking at me..."x'cuse me, you speak English"? I knew he was addressing me as nobody else around, but I pretended to look behind me, then pointed a finger at my chest meaning he talking to me? "You speak English"?
I shook my head, putting two fingers an inch apart, "no English speak, you trouble got"? He answered, "can you tell me where I can find the main administration building"?
Both of them matured people.
I then replied imitating Crocodile Dundee's Australian accent, "G'day mate! Swing your wheels around mate, mike a ruuight at that intersection, then mike a left, you kan't miss it".
Oh boy! You should see the look on his and wife's face. A Chinaman speaking Australian in Canada!! I heard him say, "well, I'll be dammed"! Ha ha.
One day, one orang puteh man asked me where I am from? I told him, "ahh, I mongolia coming. My name Genghis Khan".
Simah....I always enjoy myself with these people.
So next time, give an appropriate reply. Ha ha. Have fun, Simah...don't get upset. You have a nice day. UL.
Simah dear, all been said.
U take care!
Askum Simah..
Jangan kecik hati dengan apa yang makcik tu cakap kat hang..hang buat tak tau saja cukup..mmg byk kes macam ni..racism all over the world..kat France pun ada..tapi kami buat dunno je..apa yang penting...believe in yourself and proud to be as what as you are...(I am what I am)
Isaura? Tak ingat pun:p. Oshin tahu la, hehe
Uncle Lee ! HAHAHA .... that was sooooo hillarious. Sakit perut ketawa lah! Very therapeutic. Tenkiu, tenkiu!
Dear Simah, u hang in there ya. Memang berdesing telinga, I can understand. Just ignore that kind of remarks, and be yourself dear.
Simah dear,
Sometimes I'm also stumped when faced with a similar situation. Don't know how to react or what to say because I couldn't believe a REAL humanbeing has the audacity to say such thing in the first place!
So tell me now who's has REAL class? Definitely not the nonhuman entity....
That said, some older generations still choose to live in the dark ages, and continue to go against the tide.....They refuse to acknowledge how the world has changed drastically from their heyday.
Don't let this ignoramus bring you down. You take great care now. =)
Simah ... chin up and just smile. I love Uncle Lee's response. hahahah!!! Padan muka depa, sure terkedu!
oh simah, I had been there too! no, no, not at the market but in my office (Dubai) when some people think I was an Indonesian and they think I was so hard up for the job! I had to correct them many times - when they sympathized with you whenever there was a riot or natural disaster in Indonesia. My reply was always - hey, not my country. After a while they learnt! but very sickening coz they have this perception that I would go crazy if I dont thave the job...pi rah! I only worked to kill my time! (ehem...me and my pride!)
alahai... kesian kat hang simah! tapi tak pa. relaks...
biaq depa pandnag rendah kat kita, tp kita jgn sekali kali pandang rendah kat org lain naa....
Jgn risau.. ignore aje benda2 kecil macam tuh yea... Simah sangat istimewa dan sgt istimewa di hati kami kawan2 blogger..
Pesan Datuk Fadilag Kamsah..
Maaf kan semua org dan dengan ini akan membuatkan hati kita lebih tenang....
Kalau difikirkan apa orang fikir tentang kita, memang kita tak senang Simah...asalkan kita ini tidak apa yang mereka fikirkan sudah...
Jaga diri...asal anak2, suami dan keluarga sayang kita sudah memadai...after all, agaknya tak jumpa dah kot, makcik tua tu...
uncle Lee
hahahahahaahahah u have one wonderful sense of humour uncle!! ifeel so much better now... it is cute of u to play along! hahahahahaha
anggerik merah
thanks :0)
that is one way to approach this kind of things.. yeah...as long as we know who we are ..
oshin...zaman zaman dulu.. :0)
uncle lee memang kelakar hehehe
now i will be better prepared since hearing all the nasihat from u all.. thanks :0)
yeah..i agree with u.. this was my first time..tu yg i terkedu..terasa sedih tu.. the second time i think i will be much better prepared :0)
Queen of the House
would love to chin up tapi my tengkuk sakit..so i kena chin senget :0)
am still smiling over uncle lee's comment hehehe
mama rock
hahahaha pride tu invaluable akak... must keep that intact no matter what eh?
saya kat sini pun sama.. ada disaster ja..kat indon semua tanya..*howz ur family back home?* hehehe
mummy rizq
aku setuju memanng asalkan kita jangan pandang rendah kat orang..tapi masalah depa memang pandang *rendah* (literally)kat aku sebab aku ni pendek bila nak sembang dengan aku pun depa kena tunduk hahahahahah
terima kasih azie for ur kind words..
betul tu... biar orang lain buat jahat kat kita tapi kita jgn buat jahat kat orang kan...it will make us as mean as that mean person..
mak lang
terima kasih diatas peringatan mak lang tu...
memang yg penting anak anak, suami dan keluarga sayang kat sana..yg lain tu belakang kira..
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