Köfte recipe -Simah's style
I love to eat..so i cook..I am no professional cook... though i have created a recipe blog..i am guilty for not updating it for a long long time too.... (summer la.. mana ada lekat rumah heheh)....will start updating the zaimladies recipe book blog after summer is over...including this köfte recipe with pic...
but for now... wahhhhhhhhhh ramainyaaa yg interested in the making of the köfte... here is my own recipe... the köfte that i always make.. the köfte that hatice n baddin love to eat...they have no choice but to say sedapppppppp sebab kalau tak anne dia muncung hahahahahah
-minced meat (as fatty as possible)
-Big onions (3-4) *blended or grated*diblend halus atau disagat (orang turki suka sagat..saya malas saya blend ajer)
-bread crumbs let say half a glass for 500 g of minced meat?(orang turki guna crumbs dari roti biasa.. the bread must be at least a day old)..kalau roti fresh tak leh pakai or u can use the ready made breadcrumbs sold in supermarkets..
-olive oil (utk senang uli)..or u can use water.. but olive oil gives it a better taste definitely
-1 egg (i usually use one egg yolk)
-black pepper
-2/3 tablespoon of the kofte spice (the magical works of the msg hehehe--- for better tasting)- u can opt this out if u dont wanna use msg at all... original recipe mana pakai köfte spice pun..
-baking powder (supaya dia nampak tak flat...:0)
optional things: u can also add cummin, dried oregano n dried mint as well...
-Mix all the ingredients...since i do not use specific measurement, i usually add in the wet stuffs last... (ie-olive oil, egg n bawang kisar) .. u dont want the minced meat mixture to be soggy kan... -knead the mixture for 7-10 minutes.
-give ur meatball the shape that u want.. (round, oval, long etc)
-put inside the fridge to rest for at least half an hour...
-Then grill it or fry on a pan... preferably teflon pan coz u need only use very little oil..
am in a hurry... so the spelling etc.. semua tunggang langgang.. lepas cuti summer i masukkan balik this recipe properly inside my recipe blog ok? Good luck!
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..
but for now... wahhhhhhhhhh ramainyaaa yg interested in the making of the köfte... here is my own recipe... the köfte that i always make.. the köfte that hatice n baddin love to eat...they have no choice but to say sedapppppppp sebab kalau tak anne dia muncung hahahahahah
-minced meat (as fatty as possible)
-Big onions (3-4) *blended or grated*diblend halus atau disagat (orang turki suka sagat..saya malas saya blend ajer)
-bread crumbs let say half a glass for 500 g of minced meat?(orang turki guna crumbs dari roti biasa.. the bread must be at least a day old)..kalau roti fresh tak leh pakai or u can use the ready made breadcrumbs sold in supermarkets..
-olive oil (utk senang uli)..or u can use water.. but olive oil gives it a better taste definitely
-1 egg (i usually use one egg yolk)
-black pepper
-2/3 tablespoon of the kofte spice (the magical works of the msg hehehe--- for better tasting)- u can opt this out if u dont wanna use msg at all... original recipe mana pakai köfte spice pun..
-baking powder (supaya dia nampak tak flat...:0)
optional things: u can also add cummin, dried oregano n dried mint as well...
-Mix all the ingredients...since i do not use specific measurement, i usually add in the wet stuffs last... (ie-olive oil, egg n bawang kisar) .. u dont want the minced meat mixture to be soggy kan... -knead the mixture for 7-10 minutes.
-give ur meatball the shape that u want.. (round, oval, long etc)
-put inside the fridge to rest for at least half an hour...
-Then grill it or fry on a pan... preferably teflon pan coz u need only use very little oil..
am in a hurry... so the spelling etc.. semua tunggang langgang.. lepas cuti summer i masukkan balik this recipe properly inside my recipe blog ok? Good luck!
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..
Labels: this n that
Oh...sikit2 macam begedil jugak...cuma tak guna kentang aje ye...akak dah copy paste kat resepi akak...thanks simah
thank you teacher nanti I buat dgn the kofte mix yg u bagi thru Rudi hari tu....betul just like meat patties kan?
kak lady n kak elle
ala cuba cuba la..senang ajer... ingredients dia yg paling basic is oinion, bread crumbs, salt, pepper n minced meat...yg lain lain tu utk penyedap ajer :0)
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