Update on baba
The results of the tests from the pathology department were out today. The doctors had a meeting to decide the next possible action. Even though the type of cancer baba has .....show possibilities of a response to chemotheraphy (not very high percentage though), the doctors agree that baba's body will not be able to endure the treatment.
The conclusion is baba will stay at the hospital till friday. No treatment will be performed on him whatsoever. He is basically dying. Our best hope right now is the usage of medicine prepared by the acapunturist. The funny thing is, none of the doctors could tell baba what they had come out with... though baba had guessed it, he doesnt officially know that he is dying. All is in the hands of Allah... HE created us all and it is to HİM we all shall return... I just hope that baba will not suffer too much pain sebelum izrail datang memanggil....
Today, hatice's teacher, baddin's teacher, önder bey (in charge of pre school and grade 1-3 students) and another guy from the school, together with hatice and baddin went to visit baba at the hospital. It was meant to be a suprise. Hatice told me later that she was happy to see her dede but she was/is also sad that her dede is sick. She asked me when her dede will be coming back to his own home.... Baddin when he went into his dede's room at the hospital, soon after, he requested that i accompanied him outside... internally, i think he was feeling depressed. Before leaving to go back to school, he had a chat with his dede for a while... i could see how much he missed his dede.. and tonite... at home... baddin sounded so happy coz he got to see his dede today!He was singing songs.... ..he was/is at the top of the world.
The birth of my kids were followed by death... after hatice was born- burhanettin amca (baba's brother) died.... after baddin was born, anne (my mom in law) died.... and halil was asking me.... if baba died... we dont have a third child yet? my beloved is grieving inside though he show no emotion out front.-...so as the rest of the family....and if baba is called by the almighty... his death will also be felt by many....that i am confident all his life contribution all these while... complete with his wonderful iman...baba will be comfortable in alam barzakh... and while he is living still....i want my kids to see as much of him as they could...
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..
The conclusion is baba will stay at the hospital till friday. No treatment will be performed on him whatsoever. He is basically dying. Our best hope right now is the usage of medicine prepared by the acapunturist. The funny thing is, none of the doctors could tell baba what they had come out with... though baba had guessed it, he doesnt officially know that he is dying. All is in the hands of Allah... HE created us all and it is to HİM we all shall return... I just hope that baba will not suffer too much pain sebelum izrail datang memanggil....
Today, hatice's teacher, baddin's teacher, önder bey (in charge of pre school and grade 1-3 students) and another guy from the school, together with hatice and baddin went to visit baba at the hospital. It was meant to be a suprise. Hatice told me later that she was happy to see her dede but she was/is also sad that her dede is sick. She asked me when her dede will be coming back to his own home.... Baddin when he went into his dede's room at the hospital, soon after, he requested that i accompanied him outside... internally, i think he was feeling depressed. Before leaving to go back to school, he had a chat with his dede for a while... i could see how much he missed his dede.. and tonite... at home... baddin sounded so happy coz he got to see his dede today!He was singing songs.... ..he was/is at the top of the world.
The birth of my kids were followed by death... after hatice was born- burhanettin amca (baba's brother) died.... after baddin was born, anne (my mom in law) died.... and halil was asking me.... if baba died... we dont have a third child yet? my beloved is grieving inside though he show no emotion out front.-...so as the rest of the family....and if baba is called by the almighty... his death will also be felt by many....that i am confident all his life contribution all these while... complete with his wonderful iman...baba will be comfortable in alam barzakh... and while he is living still....i want my kids to see as much of him as they could...
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..
Simah we leave it to Allah now and all we want is to make baba feel comfortable and my doas for him he will have less pain towards the end.
I can imagine the tension the family are feeling now.
take care and *hugs* to everyone in the Zaims family.
simah, words fail me somehow, knowing how painful it is to lose a much loved and treasured person, especially our own parents. i've been thru this before and my heart and doas go out to all of you. i pray that Allah will make it easy for everyone. from Him we come and to Him we shall all return. kendine iyi bak, my dear!
Banyak bersabar. Semuanya di tangan Allah.
Hope your baba will not get worse. Leave it to Allah.. and you.. be STRONG ok!
Let's all pray for the best outcome for your Baba. Talk about death will only weigh him down.
As you said, spending time with him as much as possible would do wonders for everyone involved.
Take great care.
p.s. you've been tagged. I completely understand if you can't take part.
kak elle, jewel henna,hazia, mummy rizq and theta...thank u all for ur kind words n doa...it feels nice to know that i have friends out there in my time of need..:0)
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