Cerita rojak rojak
Salam Maulidur Rasul....
A very special day indeed today...
I wish i am able to read Quran or fast today...but since it is impossible...i can only listen with jelousy as a few moms of Hatice's classmates were telling me of their plans today...and tonite...
Things had been hectic eversince last tea visit (see my previous entry)...
I had attended another 2 teas at 2 different places with just a day gap in between each! (3 in total eversince thursday)
My weight challenge is down in the drain...and even today... was out of the home ever since this morning jumping from one place to another... crossing one continent to another...even got the chance to visit places with great de javu...him being the perfect gentleman for today...Alhamdulillah.... adding a few kilos is worth the price of happiness i feel right now...
Remember the national anthem i practically went crazy trying to teach baddin...?? It turned out that..for the competiton baddin was to enter (in his class)... he was actually supposed to memorize the national anthem and presented it as a poem!! and to think we worked hard....in song form!!!Oh no! me n my turkish incompentecy!
And at the ground floor of the school.....for Çanakkale Zaferi...(a celebration celebrating the success of the turkish army from stopping the invasion of outside forces(british etc) in history)..
(also from the unplanned ada trip)
Ah...look at my beloved...isnt he just cute (neck up only! hahaha)
safa n baddin..
urs truly..i am even shorter than this pony!!! arghhhhhhh
Allah ayırmasın insyaAllah...
cousins at the zoo playground...
tiger tiger burning bright..in the middle of the nite...
watching with full concentration hehehe
and be blessed with good spouses...
But let us nbot forget the trip at the zoo....!!
of course..these two were feeding the animals! hahaha
i must bring them to zoo in Malaysia... they simply love this one trip...!
p.s...if i am unable to blog hop..that is because my socializing this week (till the weekend) is far from over!!
bear with me! :0)
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..
Labels: this n that
yang..!!! pekabo??
lapar pulak tengok pide & lahmacun tu. camna nak godak benda tu? senang buat tak?
thanx for the recipe blog..
bila nak balik msia, kita pi zoo ramai2..
Bloghopping. Your little girl sebiji macam you.
Hello Simah, ada lagi ke tu pide and lamacun? Boleh saya datang have a slice? Sure looks delicious.
Your hubby sure one good looking guy, and your kids and you, real beautiful people.
Simah, I love that smile of yours. You keep well, UL.
mamam tu sesungguhnya sungguhlah menggiurkan!
eh! hang bila nak balik mesia?? bleh aku organise kan gathering.. hee.. hee.. Eh! serious ni tau!
Simah...kita ni kan ...kalau keluar dgn org2 tersayang...lebih2 ngan cik abang tu...memang hancus diet...dah le rendah...makin rendang jadinya...heheheh
Ada resepi pide & lamacun tu kat blog resepi simah tak...nanti nak pegi amik...hehehe...mesti sedap sebab nampak sedap?...
Aha...nanti kak lady report kat cik abang simah tu...simah kata dia cute ..neck above je...hahahahha....
National anthem in poem? LOL! Looks like you're having fun! Makanan tu rupa pizza aje.. :)
salam maulidul rasul..
salam maulidur rasul buat simah and family...
rendah dari pony pun tak pe , cik abang tetap sayang jugak :)
Salam Maulidur Rasul...i tak mau resepi...tapi nak rasa u masak bila balik sini...jangan lupa singgah putrajaya tau..
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