Once a time in Albania- March 2008
The first thing my beloved said to me was...
*u cannot live in Albania..there is no carrefour!*
From the way he described the country.... yes..i have to agree with him..
True... compared to istanbul, albania is still green... but the development in that country is what turkey was 30 years ago...
They have to thank that to communism i have to say...communism destroyed the country...
the food culture... the development... the mind of the people...
it is said that the country has 3.5 million citizens and 900 000 are making their living overseas...
But they love Türks...and my beloved and his brother and a total of 60 people from turkey who came for the conference were treated with great welcome particulary by the organiser and the turkish college over there...
they didnt have to worry about halal food coz the cooks were/are turks...they had a feast of touring as well as eating the wonderful food..what a conference it was!
Both came back happy and revitalised of course...
ı told my beloved to bring the camera and he said..
*how am i to carry it??*
now he is regretting it of course coz the 100 photos he snapped using 3MP camera of his handphone
wouldnt be as nice as a 6 MP digital camera! Grrrrrrr
Yes... i am smiling coz my beloved is back... Funda is smiling coz her beloved is back...Alhamdulillah.. they came home with a smile on their faces...:0)
Here r a few snaps using halil's handphone..

Salam Simah...awatnya you tak ikut sekali ke albania? ;) i rasa i pun tak boleh hidup kat albania tu..but then but then in saying that dulu pun i rasa i tak blh hidup kat NZ ni tapi la ni alhamdulillah bahagia gitu...my life is so tenang dan tak haru biru macam kat malaya hehehe...alhamdulillah...
take care simah!
Darling dah balik ya? Dah hilanglah rindu-rinduan tu.
Have a nice day!!
ehh his 3 megapix phone camera takes nice photos!
glad that everyone's smiling and happy hehe.
Conference kat Albania tu ... in what language eh? Curious pulak. Ada Turk college in Albania?
That pic of Selim under the blankets is cute ... I can imagine the two brothers behaving like BOYS, hehehe.
Patut laaaaa boleh nmpk Simah senyum sampai ke sini.......Cik abe dah balik rupa nyaaaaaa
Albania, tak banyak akak tahu pasal negara kecil tu .... merata dah cik abe jalan bagi talk ye... usah risau, kini dia dah balik... senyum je simah tu :)
melebau2 la senyom dia itew..!! lepas ni pi mana pulak la tu..?
nak try la makan nasi dgn strobeghi gitew.. macam sedap je..
balik dah... ahaks...ada ke tak bleh duduk sebab tadak c'four, lawak sungguh Halil hang ni... tak pa kalau kena pi duduk sana hang la jadi manager c'four kwang kwang kwang
you can't live without carefour eh? hehe
sometimes being tercampak kat nun jauh di sana memang ada kebaikannya kan? i know what u meAN EXActly...
budak budak sekolah...tak mau la ikut....lagipun tak dak carrefour! heheh
dah.... senyum lebar dah :0)
nasib baik 3 MP...kalau hp lama dulu cuma 1.6 ajer...
not bad kan bila 3MP?
Queen of the House
presentation kat dalam english...semua international conference kat negara mana pun mesti bi punya akak...
ader..kat turki ada 13 turkish colleges n one university kat sana...
memang..they were totally 2 boys free from us mumbling wives...:0)
ala..awak pun tau kan perasaan bila rindu terubat :0)
albania kecik ja akak... development dia pun tak banyak... teruk jugak keadaan dia lepas komunis... 20 tahun lepas ni insyaAllah ok la kot...
kalau aku kena duduk sana..aku akan paksa laki aku bukak carrefour! hahahah
carrefour and shopping complexes! hahahah ala pomuan la katakan... :0)akak mcm tak biasa kan kan??
thank u for coming here...:0)
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