Am i insane?
Am i insane? Yes...that is the question. Am i?
I woke up yesterday morning as usual. Prepared the kids for school...sent them off ...and straight away jumped into bed to hug my beloved... U see... his eldest brother, selim n he were scheduled for a noon flight to Albania..
When it was time to get ready....i thought i'd go to bağdat caddesı that morning... so i decided to send him off at the bostanci ferry stop coz they would go to the airport from there.... Then, i had this craziest urge.... i begged my beloved for him to permit me to follow him to the airport... He didnt put in much resistence... he probably wanted me there too..after all, we barely had seen each other the nite before... he was simply too busy these days...and as for me...the kids had extra class yesterday.... i needed to pick them from school only by 6.10pm...i had plenty of free time yesterday...
Selim said *bye* to me as they were about to take a taxi to the ferry stop..
i said..*hey! i am coming with you!!* ...
He said *bye* again as they were entering the ferry place...
and i said *Hey! i am coming with you!*
He finally gave up trying to say *bye* to me..and instead...
he asked me..... *r u sure u dont have a ticket to albania too??*
I took a bus from the airport to kozyatağı...right in front of içerenköy carrefour.... walked home from there (25 minutes)..... reached home..rushed to the pc coz i had stuffs to do there...15 minutes later... off i went again...this time to afife teyze (15-20 min) of n sweaty... n tired...i decided to walk to the kids' school as from 3pm....from divan pastanesi... i walked and walked...making a stop at nezih bookstore n toilet for 5 mins i was in bostancı... by accident, i tripped on my knees..luckily there was no incoming car!...but my jeans... my beloved fav marks n spencer jeans is torn!! my knee was indeed painful..but i was more sad of my torn fav came as a gift...i wont be able to buy one myself.... but determined i was of this walk... and so as the wind of the seaside area was blowing quite strongly....i walked on...ü
By my head was starting to be giddy.... i knew that my sugar level was dangerously low... i was in danger of fainting...luckily i reached the area where there are rows n rows of shops to go to... and so i entered burger king...i ordered a big cup of ice tea and chicken fries ....something sweet ..something salty... i felt a bit better but not well enough to leave the shops area.... and so i decided to buy some chocolates... as i walked from one shop to another...munching the chocolates... and looking whether there r any jeans on sale...(Yikes! the ones on sale r only of size 32!! i wear 36!! no luck there)...i finally felt better after 10 sugar level was again at the safe level... and so i walked on n on...this time though...with less speed....and finally by 5.50pm... i reached the kids' school....picked the kids up...walked another 15 minutes to the mini bus area...and we went was starting to get dark by the time we reached home...i was on the run ever since morning (i woke up at 5.30am)...and after all those walk... (n eating hehehe)... i have gained 1.5 kg!!!!!!! Incredible eh? my weight challenge is really down the drain right now....:0(
Upon self analysis... the part when i followed my beloved to the airport was mainly coz i wanted to spend time with him..even though he was chatting with his big bro 99 percent of that time.... the walking non stop....i guess subconciously...i was not looking forward to spend the nite alone without him... i knew that i would miss listening the click clack sound of the keyboard as he plays the pc football game...him mumbling to himself n i scolding him to come to sleep... and so..i did what i am good at most.... walking for hours so that i would get too tired to think of him.... true enough... but the bad thing is... when i talked to him at 11.08pm...i was drowsy from sleepiness n i cant remember what i talked to him about! hahahaha....
Anyway... i should thank Funda for making Selim connect his phone for international calls...coz without that..there is no way i can call my beloved...The truth is... i am not too worried of my beloved... he has his big brother next to him...Selim as always...never fail to protect his baby beloved is in safe hands....insyaAllah... n it will be great for the two brothers to be able to spend time together with each other...chatting non stop 24/7 for many days... this will be a holiday for them..a gateaway of some sort for my beloved from me...his non stop mumbling wife...:0) ...My beloved needs the break... he hasnt got one eversince his dad died...maybe this trip will revitalize him... i just hope he wont forget to buy souvenirs for us poor souls being left behind at home! *wink*

Miss u loads tem! U know i am crazy...i do insane things in my life (for example..marrying you)... but what i did yesterday was.... TOTALLY insane!
dear friends... what do u think? am i insane???
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..
I woke up yesterday morning as usual. Prepared the kids for school...sent them off ...and straight away jumped into bed to hug my beloved... U see... his eldest brother, selim n he were scheduled for a noon flight to Albania..
When it was time to get ready....i thought i'd go to bağdat caddesı that morning... so i decided to send him off at the bostanci ferry stop coz they would go to the airport from there.... Then, i had this craziest urge.... i begged my beloved for him to permit me to follow him to the airport... He didnt put in much resistence... he probably wanted me there too..after all, we barely had seen each other the nite before... he was simply too busy these days...and as for me...the kids had extra class yesterday.... i needed to pick them from school only by 6.10pm...i had plenty of free time yesterday...
Selim said *bye* to me as they were about to take a taxi to the ferry stop..
i said..*hey! i am coming with you!!* ...
He said *bye* again as they were entering the ferry place...
and i said *Hey! i am coming with you!*
He finally gave up trying to say *bye* to me..and instead...
he asked me..... *r u sure u dont have a ticket to albania too??*
I took a bus from the airport to kozyatağı...right in front of içerenköy carrefour.... walked home from there (25 minutes)..... reached home..rushed to the pc coz i had stuffs to do there...15 minutes later... off i went again...this time to afife teyze (15-20 min) of n sweaty... n tired...i decided to walk to the kids' school as from 3pm....from divan pastanesi... i walked and walked...making a stop at nezih bookstore n toilet for 5 mins i was in bostancı... by accident, i tripped on my knees..luckily there was no incoming car!...but my jeans... my beloved fav marks n spencer jeans is torn!! my knee was indeed painful..but i was more sad of my torn fav came as a gift...i wont be able to buy one myself.... but determined i was of this walk... and so as the wind of the seaside area was blowing quite strongly....i walked on...ü
By my head was starting to be giddy.... i knew that my sugar level was dangerously low... i was in danger of fainting...luckily i reached the area where there are rows n rows of shops to go to... and so i entered burger king...i ordered a big cup of ice tea and chicken fries ....something sweet ..something salty... i felt a bit better but not well enough to leave the shops area.... and so i decided to buy some chocolates... as i walked from one shop to another...munching the chocolates... and looking whether there r any jeans on sale...(Yikes! the ones on sale r only of size 32!! i wear 36!! no luck there)...i finally felt better after 10 sugar level was again at the safe level... and so i walked on n on...this time though...with less speed....and finally by 5.50pm... i reached the kids' school....picked the kids up...walked another 15 minutes to the mini bus area...and we went was starting to get dark by the time we reached home...i was on the run ever since morning (i woke up at 5.30am)...and after all those walk... (n eating hehehe)... i have gained 1.5 kg!!!!!!! Incredible eh? my weight challenge is really down the drain right now....:0(
Upon self analysis... the part when i followed my beloved to the airport was mainly coz i wanted to spend time with him..even though he was chatting with his big bro 99 percent of that time.... the walking non stop....i guess subconciously...i was not looking forward to spend the nite alone without him... i knew that i would miss listening the click clack sound of the keyboard as he plays the pc football game...him mumbling to himself n i scolding him to come to sleep... and so..i did what i am good at most.... walking for hours so that i would get too tired to think of him.... true enough... but the bad thing is... when i talked to him at 11.08pm...i was drowsy from sleepiness n i cant remember what i talked to him about! hahahaha....
Anyway... i should thank Funda for making Selim connect his phone for international calls...coz without that..there is no way i can call my beloved...The truth is... i am not too worried of my beloved... he has his big brother next to him...Selim as always...never fail to protect his baby beloved is in safe hands....insyaAllah... n it will be great for the two brothers to be able to spend time together with each other...chatting non stop 24/7 for many days... this will be a holiday for them..a gateaway of some sort for my beloved from me...his non stop mumbling wife...:0) ...My beloved needs the break... he hasnt got one eversince his dad died...maybe this trip will revitalize him... i just hope he wont forget to buy souvenirs for us poor souls being left behind at home! *wink*
Miss u loads tem! U know i am crazy...i do insane things in my life (for example..marrying you)... but what i did yesterday was.... TOTALLY insane!
dear friends... what do u think? am i insane???
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..
Labels: my thoughts
ke ke ke risau Halil ntah2 hang ada tiket round trip pi albania juga... lawak sungguh. Rindu-rinduan la hang ... tak pe sayangkan isteri tinggal-tinggalkan ;)
you are insane lah simah thats what LOVE is all about.....hahaha
so how's your knee masih sakit tak?wow someone wearing mark & spencer's jean...mesti mahal tu kan?
insane?? nope! that sounds exactly like simah!
~ur 'beloved' friend~
iyea la tu...dah la aku tak dipedulikan...dah tu kena tinggalkan pulak! *wink*
hang bole la... laki hang asyik dok kepit ja dengan hang selalu... :0)
kak elle
kerana cinta..... :0)
lutut still sakit...malu betul jatuh tengah jalan hahaha entah mcm mana kaki tersondeng :0)
jeans tu mahal la kot... i dapat free...hadiah hari jadi...gamaknya Allah nak suruh saya beli jeans baru kot... eversince my weight challenge... that jeans dah jadi besar dah... i cannot wear it without a belt..
My *beloved* friend
Ah... u know me too well...thatz why u will always treasure me as ur *inSANE* friend! hahahaha
eh! i thot you would lost kilos for the long walk??? alaa.. tak per simah. gemuk gemuk pun halil sayang kan.. hee.. hee...
Rasanya water retentionlah after the long walk. Anyway take good care of your health ya!
Bila your beloved balik, peluk tight-tight ya!
sian nya kena tinggal hehe
Halil & Selim buat apa kat Albania?
I am amazed you can do so much walking. Kat sini tak bolehlah, Simah .... it's just too hot and humid. Boleh pengsan!!
About the jeans, tak apa lah, nanti balik Malaysia you can treat yourself to a new pair of M&S at KLCC (sorry nak belanja takut mahal sangat, hehehe)
Take care :D
Owhhhh...makcik! Bestnya rindu2an bila berjauhan...itu tandanya sayang kan?
Simah don't give up!
(on ur weight challenge) I think you're already in the right direction - all the walking around, leading a hectic life & such - what u need to do is jz a lil' bit more - control your food intake. R'ber, you're doing this for yourself - you WANT it to happen - I dont care whichever form you're when we meet (Chewah!!) but I want you to be healthy & happy wid ur family!
Sincerely counting the days,
(un)Dr rad
Generally, when there is love, people do crazy things. *winks*
As for the M&S, if I remember correctly, there is a huge factory outlet in Istanbul. Do they have M&S? The one closest to my place is about 1 1/2hrs drive and I;ve only been there ONCE! hehehe.. The high street M&S sales are usually good. 50-70% off most of the time. That time I went to the factory outlet with my friends, she bought 2 baskets of clothes! Borong jeans GBP5-7 each! Dont think you can get them in M'sia.
Hmm...all these shopping talk makes me love London even more.
maakkk aaii.. siannya u..!! camna lutut tu..?? buat2 la bertenang..
he he.. i pon pernah buat keje pelik tapi benar.. tu la kan, sayang punya hal..!!
hehe..sesekali buat perkara 'gila' tak pe..excited apa..
saya sihat.anak2 pula silih berganti tak sihatnya. pendek kata 5 org anak dah demam, tinggal 2 aje lum kebah betul.
jaga kesihatan tau simah terutama time jenjalan sorang diri tu.
simah, jalan kat tpt awak tinggal tu invironment dia sama mcm kl ke?
insanity is often a sign of true love. So, to answer your question, yup, dear simah - you are insane, but in a good way!! HAHAHAHA..
mummy rizq
mau berani mamat tu tak sayang aku? aku kan bini dominant? hahaha
possible.. or was it simply the burger king i ate? either way... my kg is not down at all... huwaaa...
dah peluk dah! *tersengih lebar*
biasa la... rinduuuu :0)
Queen of the house
the weather tak la hot n humid lagi....tapi memang saya dah biasa jalan mcm tu akak... cuma bau badan lepas tu...mak aiii... tak payah la cakap :0)
halil n selim ada conference kat sana akak... sambil berkonference...bercuti... :0)
about the jeans.... kena tunggu birthday next year kot heheheh nak demand kat my beloved (i buy using his money n tell him its his gift for me??) hahahaha bini mithali kan saya???
makcik rad
i sort of give up dah on my weight challenge... must be the weather... but i am still walking one way or another...
i am happy the way i am actually cuma kalau boleh nak kuruskan sikit so that i boleh makan dengan gelojohnya kat mesia ! hehehe
cant wait to see u rad! n hopefully by the time i see u...u dah DR...:0)
ms istanbul
u r slim... bila sale memang la best..... senang nak carik baju..
the craziest sale ada tapi generally for small size people..mcm polo garaje now ada 70 percent discount...
so i yg badan gajah ni tak ader chance la kan??
hmm... masa u shopping tu..boleh i order jeans kat u??? hahaha just kidding...jgn takut... i tak kacau u hehehe
i ingat i akan tampal ajer my koyak jeans... or i can just walk with the koyak jeans... moda kan?
itu la... ala u pun gerenti buat punyabenda mcm ni :0)
kak long
alahai... insyaAllah awak n family cepat sembuh yea syikin... take care of urself *hugs*... kisses for ur kids yea?
kawasan tempat saya tinggal ni not totally kl la.. (sebab saya kat asia)... kalau walk 20 mins ada seaside area where u can walk for miles n miles...
oh gee...thanks for ur vote of confidence! hahahaha..i should be proud to be insane! :0)
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