Babies n life...
My dear friends....i have a confession to make... as much as i would love to cook u all lahmacun once i am in malaysia... i am afraid... it is impossible coz i dunno how to prepare it coz u cannot cook it in a normal oven...u need a special oven just like the one when u cook pizza.. it is impossible to prepare lahmacun (thin turkish pizza) at home...but i strongly suggest u all try eating a wondrfully cooked lahmacun whenever u come across one :=)
Baddin's class teacher, 2 of the moms of his classmates and i went for a visit to another mom's place....a simple visit to celebrate the birth of her new son....

Baddin's class teacher, 2 of the moms of his classmates and i went for a visit to another mom's place....a simple visit to celebrate the birth of her new son....
I have almost forgotten that smell of heaven... that look of innocence of a lil one..untouched by the darkness of sweet peaceful...and to hear the wonderful news for a sweet friend in Malaysia of her very much long awaited pregnancy...yesterday was indeed a wonderful day to remember...
Of course as in tradition in the turkish culture, it is common to give this....
*cumhurriyet altını*...
gold in form of a coin to the newborn baby (the 4 of us shared the price of the coin)... and attached to the coin was this....

The sleeveless sweater which i knitten eversince friday...yeah..i is not perfect... to the trained eyes...u can see some flaws..but it was knitted from the heart..and from this inexperience knitter like me...i really had put in loads of hours into it....despite my hectic social life hehehe...
I suppose i have to thank Mahture yenge as my main teacher (next to özlem's mom n muyessa yenge)...i remember how panicked i was after anne (my mom in law) died... U see... i naively thought that she would live forever... i was counting on her to knit my kids' wool sweaters etc..etc..she is a wonderful knitter... she even used to buy wool, buttons and knitting stuffs everytime she went overseas..Naturally, when she died so suddenly, i was looking for solace... n i found it in yenge...baddin was just a baby then...i remember how i used to go to her to learn to knit.... i mean... what did i know of knitting? i had no knowledge of whatsoever in knitting... i turned to yenge... and with countless trips in between baddin's sleeping time.... she taught me the basics of knitting... i rarely knit...thatz why even after all these year... every winter... yenge is sure to hear me knocking her door to ask her of this and that hehehehehe..
But what i cant forget is this conversation i had last saturday... that day when i asked her a few questions as i was completing this sweater....
Simah: Yenge... her şey için teşekkur ederim. Hakkınız helal et..
(Yenge... thank you for everything. Make ur rights helal over me)
Mahture Yenge: Helal olsun. Öğren her şey artık. Ben her zaman yaşamamkı. Ben gitmeden önce,öğren!
(Everything is halal. U should learn everything. I am not going to live forever. Before i die, learn!)
Simah:Öğreniyorum işte! (i am learning) I grinned at her...Yenge...sen olmasa, ben ne yapayım?
(Yenge, if u r not here, what will i do without u?)
Mahture Yenge: Elimdeki ne var sa...sana yardım ederim... yeterli ben ölunca, biraz dua bana hediye edin. Kocam yok... çocuklar yok...
(I will help you as much as i can. It is only enough that once i die.... send a little bit of prayers my way. I dont have my husband and kids anymore)
I was left speechless...
what do u say to words like these? my eyes started to flood...i can feel the empathy of her longing...
her hubby and kids died many years ago.... for a woman to go on living alone...without her hubby and kids to fuss over.... it cant have been easy.ture.. she has her siblings, in laws,nephews,nieces...etc..etc... but having her own flesh n blood next to her is definitely not the same thing.....
Yenge...dont worry... ur request is at my command, insyaAllah... :0)
Am off on the run again!! will answer the comments in my previous entry tonite... :0)
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..
Labels: my thoughts
simah, sayunye baca conversation u dengan Yenge...
salute to miss-all rounder-simah..pandai serba serbi..untung Halil :-)
Apa susah Simah, balik Msia nanti, pi tumpang oven Pizza Hut la... hehe
Caya la u can knit, kalau I, beli kat kedai aja la...:)
kak simah..kat sini ada jual lahmajun ..beli kat turkish..panas2 lagi..sedappp
Salam, i selalu tenguk you kat comment kak elle tapi tak sempat nak menjenguk you. last night i did a marathon trying to get to know you. Phewhhh.. berpinar2 mata.
Anyway, salam perkenalan.
Simah!!! I missed u soo much!!!!
Lamahcun yum yum, my favourite. Makan ngan fresh parsley, lemon and chili powder.
I got stacks of that gold coins lol! got it when my MIL had a welcome bride party for me.
btw this is off topic, I enjoy reading ur contribution to the turkish newspaper, so proud of u!, you're a party animal now ya..kidding, but have fun gallavanting with the other hot mamas!
oh you conversation with yenge - really touching. i sometimes think about what if situation - i am scared to be alone too, but i gues life goes on, huh..
pandainya you knit that sweater, pada akak yang buta knitting ni, dah nampak amat cantik ... sedih baca perbualan simah tu... jarang orang melayu nak cakap terus terang macam tu tentang mati.
Ur title make me (otak biru nih) think...Jeng3x!! Hehehe
Bestnya pandai segala masakan & knitting bagai - keep urself busy makcik sure berat automatically turun...June udah dekat!
masa dia cakap tu memang sayu...kesian jugak kat dia...
la...i bukan serba tau la... tau sikit sikit ajer ..ala u pun apa kurangnya? pandai lukis...i am totally hopeless at that! :0)
pizza hutttttt pinjam ovennnnnnnnnn!! hehehe
saja knit...its theraupetic...tapi masalahnya i cepat only one sweater for hatice n baddin ajer one winter..lain lain tu i beliiiiiiiii how r u dear hazia?
memang sedap kan kan :0) makan adik jgn tak makan... tak rugi...
salam perkenalan...terima kasih kerana sudi datang sini..
nak i bagi kat u panadol! jgn berpinar mata tu! nak spek tak?:0)
misssssssssssssssssss u tooo! wei balik sg lama betul! jeles!!!!
how r u??
i segala coin tu..yg kecik tu...dah ter recycle! hahahah
about the writing... thanks..i dah lama tak tulis pun :0)
mama rock
sapa yg tak takuthidup alone.. i thing it is everybody's fear kan? insyaAllah tak...
mama jom join saya bersosial! :0)
kalau mak lang or kak elle tengok mesti diaorangakan nampak the flaw tu.. :0)
kekadang bab mati ni kena cakap jugak... masalahnya kalau ckp topik ni... alahai..lemahnyaaa..mesti mata akan mengenang..
wei..otak dia tu!!! hahahahaha babies nanti insyaAllah tunggu lepas balik dari mesia..
my weght challenge? down the drain! huwaaaaaaaa nampaknya u will be seeing a FAT simah la nanti... jgn gelak tau!! my mom call me ayam tonggong lagi! hahaha
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