I am a fanatic...
Unlike those in US or UK... i was at ease.. confident that there was no need for me to go on long que... that no matter what time i would be going to the shop, i would still be able to grab one...the fact that that street alone has many many branches of bookstores along the main street... calmed me down.. though Allah knows how xcited i was to get a copy of it...
I knew that if i went there early and get my copy, simah would be cancelled for the day...simah would do nothing.. care for nobody but just stay focussed on her long waited precious till it was over... i forced myself to not look at the computer at all that day.. not wanting to spoil the suprise..... tidied up the apartment... did a bit of ironing... and after feeding the kids lunch.. at about 1.30pm..only then did i tell the kids to get ready for a walk towards my much awaited destination... why not take the taxi? it would have been quicker? i just somehow simply enjoyed the torture.. the suspence heheheh crazy huh?
I chose D&R coz i have a discount card there... and how happy i was to enter the shop and see that one i had longed to see for months.... as if caressing a lover, i took 2 copies...each with different picture cover... one with figure pictures with more colors... while the one with the picture of a locket...darker...more evil to me...and i chose the darker one.... i felt a bit devilish then...and that was the last copy of that cover in the shop....
And YES! i was and am the proud owner of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows... the last book in the series....!! İ was 59 YTL poorer.. but happy *big smile*
I knew that if i went there early and get my copy, simah would be cancelled for the day...simah would do nothing.. care for nobody but just stay focussed on her long waited precious till it was over... i forced myself to not look at the computer at all that day.. not wanting to spoil the suprise..... tidied up the apartment... did a bit of ironing... and after feeding the kids lunch.. at about 1.30pm..only then did i tell the kids to get ready for a walk towards my much awaited destination... why not take the taxi? it would have been quicker? i just somehow simply enjoyed the torture.. the suspence heheheh crazy huh?
I chose D&R coz i have a discount card there... and how happy i was to enter the shop and see that one i had longed to see for months.... as if caressing a lover, i took 2 copies...each with different picture cover... one with figure pictures with more colors... while the one with the picture of a locket...darker...more evil to me...and i chose the darker one.... i felt a bit devilish then...and that was the last copy of that cover in the shop....
And YES! i was and am the proud owner of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows... the last book in the series....!! İ was 59 YTL poorer.. but happy *big smile*
I blame this Harry Potter fanatism to Mehveş,Safa and Merve in particular.... As much as i love to read books, i simply didnt buy story books in English after I came to Turkey... Well.. Books in English r hard to findunless u go to the main famous bookstores..the variety is less as well.. everything r translated to turkish...which i avoid reading... and especially in the early years of our marriagr, halil's salary was meagre and we had to live under baba's financial support... I didnt want to burden him more than we already had....
But it was that one night when we went to Meşe...10 minutes before we were to leave her place, this one movie in english caught my eyes...it was the first harry potter's movie!!!
A week later, i encountered the third book in the series *Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban*...i thought i'd give it a try since it was in paperback.. it was cheaper than the hardcover one...
I fell in love with it immediately.. the way the writer told her story captured my heart.. i was in love....
Then..on halil's next salary...i found the second book in the series...*Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets*... i couldnt get enough...!
I found the fourth book at a local bookstore *Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire* and started reading....
When the fifth book..*Harry Potter and the Order of Pheonix* was out in 2003, i couldnt afford to buy it... the hard cover version was too expensive for me...i just simply kept my silence...
But Meşe...a Harry Potter mania herself... knew my unspoken dilemma... and for my birthday that year....the fifth book flew into my arms...signed..
*Happy Birthday Simah. We love you. Merve,Safa,Mehveş*
Yippie! i finished that 766 pages book overnite...!
But then, i coudnt find the first book! I looked everywhere....can u imagine? i was readng my fifth book of the Harry Potter series and i did not read the first book evem!
... and Funda suprised me after her holiday trip in Holland when she presented me with the first Harry book...*Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone*....
She signed... *Good to contribute to your Harry Potter Mania...Lots of love.. 25.7.2004*
And i was forever grateful!...Muahhh...I am so glad to have really really supportive sisters in law :0)
She signed... *Good to contribute to your Harry Potter Mania...Lots of love.. 25.7.2004*
And i was forever grateful!...Muahhh...I am so glad to have really really supportive sisters in law :0)
The sixth book was just like my fifth book as well...I knew the book was coming out... i knew it was useless to hope that i would be able to buy it that same day it was produced... and what did i know?
That nite...*Harry Potter and the Half blood Prince* knocked my door... a gift from Meşe!
*With best wishes 16.7.2005*.. she signed the book (she signed later)...
Am i lucky or what?Alhamdulillah....
And i have finished reading the last book 2 times already eversince saturday..i am into the third time... halil knows that i will keep reading that book again and again... all the 7 books without fail...for countless of times...
But having Harry Potter Fanatics in the family... helps :0)..Meşe, Merve and Safa are still waiting for the translation of the book in Turkish.. they will have to wait a little bit longer.. but yes....
Simah-Meşe-Merve-Safa... we are proud to say.. we love Harry Potter!
maybe some of u may not understand why... but we all just do! Respect ..:0) I will have to say the last book is so far my favourite book coz it explains about just everything! the secrets..the hanging logics...the things why some things were not explained in the previous books... Rowling is just simply brilliant! My precious Harry Potter books r stacked in my bedroom.. at the bookshelf where i can easily take them out to read (i used to sleep with them all)... halil n the kids know not to touch my harry potter books...
I know some people have critism on the harry potter mania... but if this book can make people wanna go in line just to buy it... kids wanting to read it..teenagers...adults...millions worldwide...i think that book in itself is an achievement to the world of books....:0)
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..
Simah dear,
OMG!!! Me tooo!!! Die hard fan. heheheheh... I have all the books, not paperback! DVD/VCD original! giler tak!
Ms Istanbul
Simah, bolehlah berkawan dgn kizim Ajera!Dia baru je habis baca buku tu,asyik bercerita tentang buku yg omak dia tak faham ni!Terlompat-lompat excited dgn cerita dia,Harry mati ke tidak?Entah apalah nama karekter yg lain tu ,puas dia bercerita,angguk jelahkan!
Masa dia tengok dvd Harry potter emak dia dok berdengkor kat sebelah!Mummy kalk!Bangunlah!
Selamat membaca Simah!
hai sey simah u ni betul HP supporter.I tak minat lansung...
Hahaha....tak sangka simah pun Die Hard Fan Harry Porter ...ingatkan Huda aje...tapi Huda belum mampu nak beli buku2 tu tapi dia mengidam sesangatlah nak memiliki buku2 Harry Porter tu....
Tapi kalau show HP...memang dia tak pernah miss...
Hi Simah, wow! Not only you, but others here suma Harry Potter gang. I guess I'm one of the very, very few, that include the Amazon natives who have not read any nor know siapa Harry Potter.
Here too we read in the papers of the long Q's for the new editions.
Good for you, Simah. UL.
Kita dah habis!! Baru habis...
Best...best...Legaa dah habis baca!!
erm.. another die hard fans of harry potter!
did you know dkt malaysia the bookstore "merajuk" tak nak jual harry potter tu coz tesco & (i tak ingat) is selling the book at a much cheaper price than the original price???
I know whacha doin' - rereading for the 10th times eh? Dunno lah abt all that hoopla & feeding frenzy over the final installment of HP - I guess sudah baca baru tau kot?
tak pe...membaca tangga kejayaan :) [apa kaitannya?] mana tau kot2 hang boleh buat semua magik2 tu...
ms istanbul
hahha am glad to hear u r in the mania :0)
i tak mampu nak kumpul all the dvd lagi (cd kat sini semua turkish).. cuma i ada the first dvd ja..bila bookstore ada discount dvd baru i beli hehehe
howz the lil one? hope she is well :0)
kak nora
i can imagine mcm mana omak ajeera angguk tak paham hahahaha
ajeera..yanlis kisi anlatiyorsun... bu harry potter konu daha *gen�* kisilere konusmak laz�m *wink*
kak elle
********u tak minat tapi for ur nephews n niece u dah beli hadiah utk depa.. that is sooo very sweet la akak :0)
kak lady
way to go ude! :0)
tak pa nanti bila dia dah kerja boleh la dia lengkapkan collection harry potter dia.. saya pun bila balik mesia ingat nak beli all the harry potter vcd... mati la kalau nak beli semua hp dvd ...pengsan oo...
akak suka baca novel jenis apa akak?
uncle lee
my dad in law said to me....* because i see the way u r so into harry potter..i automatically do not l�ke the book (without reading it) hehehehehehe ... well.. how do i put this...
*the elder generation just dont understand this harry potter thingy* (no offence anyone):0)
well.. i think as long as people love to read... baca la apa apa pun la kan..
wahhhhh cepat jugak u baca yea despite busy busy busy.. good for u! welcome to the club! :0)
mummy rizq
heheheh i assume ko bukan hp punya peminat la ni? :0)
eh bestnya dapat beli buku HP potter murah mcm tu.. abis tu tesco n the other shop tu mcm mana depa dapat untung_?=?=
baca jaaaaaaaaa :0) check ur email.. the response is back..hope it will help..
*expelliarmus!* hehehehe
hang kena tak kilat dari wand aku tu :0)
I am not a big fan but my hubby is. But I don't mind watching the movie versions of them! ;)
Anyhow, hubby also said the last book ties all the loose ends.
If I'm not mistaken, it is so far the only book series that has managed to capture the heart of fans the world over. In a way, it's sad that it has come to an end. Time will only tell if there'd be another writer who can replicate JK Rowling's success!
maklang baru baca buku no.2 but dhirah has all the books already...gila HP jugak tu....
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