Love me tender...
While Afife teyze was wheeled into her room after the her disoriented state..she called for her deceased mom...
When hatice n baddin got sick last week days..both kept asking me to hug them non stop...almost putting household chores to a halt...
when my beloved felt/feel not well... he too seek the loving and tender care of his love...asking me to hold his hands as i softly play with his hair while i occasionally kiss his cheeks....
Love is what one needs ...always...
After baddin's birthday... virus was active in this home... Saturday, both kids were sort of sick... baddin had fever on monday...his flu continued still...Hatice woke up with high fever on Thursday and Friday... Only when we started the antibiotics did she start to recover...That beloved followed suit...he even went to Bursa to give the lecture there only to dscover that by 11 am.. his energy was all used up n he decided to go home to istanbul.....he is still not is a rush here and there for one week... i myself am in danger of catching the virus...but since i think i have the best defence system in this family (masyaAllah)... i am hoping that at least... let them all recover before i can afford to get sick...
THus...forgive me if i CANNOT blog hop anywhere... not now as yet...i have my family to attend to...i still couldnt pick up my dress from tekbir shop at the other side of the bridge for my sister's wedding... but u know what? by chance...while my beloved attended a meeting ...he left the kids n i at a shopping area where prices r cool and choices r great ..and we found...
and what will my dear princess wear???
Her very own personal choice....her dream dress...
Now i need to find accessories for her to wear.... gold in color naturally!
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..
Alahai...Hatije is soooo georgeos!! She'll break some boys hearts for sure. Tapi..tak panas ke? :)
As for Baddin...hensem nye.... Aduss...he'll break some girls hearts alright!
I'm sure your family tak sesabar nak jumpa ur kids. Pandai ke dia orang makan malaysian food nie? Hehehehe
comeinya kanak2 ribena tu... untuk mlm potong kek ka tu? Perghhh well planned :) ramailah orang nak bergambar nanti tu... percaya la ke ke ke
woooo cantiknya baju Hatice! Tapi kalau pakai masa siang nanti berpeluh pulak. She'll definitely be an attraction at the wedding in that dress!! As for Baddin in his suit .... alahai handsomenya! My son mesti jealous sebab dia pun berangan nak pakai suit tapi macam tak sesuai je kat sini, hehehe. Unless, of course, we have a themed wedding to attend and everyone pakai suit :D
thanks :0)
entah la..panas la kot...tapi it is a common type of dress budak budak kat turki pakai masa attending a kat malaysia pun..walaupun panas..layannnnn hehehe memang kena buat spare baju utk tukar definitey :0)
kawin kecik ja...tak dak eh nak potong kek semua...tapi melaram wajib babe! hehehehe..rasanya uyk stay lawa hatice panas pun akan tahannnnnnn hahaha
Queen of the House
sebenarnya yg tutup bahagian lengan hatice tu shawl akak... boleh buang...baju tu bahagian atas bogel....just a sting line to hold the dress together...that is the most open one yg i jumpa...iyealah... mesia kan hamam :0)
she cant stop smiling sebab dapat beli baju tu! hahaha n fromthe look of happiness in her... berbaloi la beli... mamat baddin tu pun happy ajer...masyaAllah... i am happy for them...
akak buat la themed party or something... nanti terkilan ur son nanti!
Simah, doesn't it feel good to be able to dress up a live Barbie? :p. Yup she's is pretty! Bila balik Malaysia?
Hatice is a beautiful girl! Baddin is such a handsome boy! They look so happy & excited :o) Your pictures made my day, Simah :o) thank you :o)
wahhhhhhh dah mcm tuan puteri anak dara you..
Simah apa kahbar? Kami sihat.. Alhamdulilah.
hatice reminds me of belle in beauty and the beast... so sweet
now, now you go tend to your family before the bug gets to you
wallaaaa hatice.. jaga anak dara tu masa kat malaysia nanti. silap2 ada orang masuk meminang terus..!!!
isshh.. toksah le risau. takde la i nak mintak u belikan piring tu. i suka beli sendiri.. supaya ada cap mohor i dah sampai tempat tu.. he he.. bila la nak jejak kaki kat turki ni..??
zharif & marsha pon baru baik demam, batuk & seangkatannya.. hope they are getting better..
eh eh.. kena bawak banner sambut simah ballik malaysia ni. alahai, bukan cuti sekolah la..
Simah, cantik nya kanak2 ribena tu dengan baju masing2. Senyum lebar semua. hatice kenalah tahan panas eh nanti bila balik sini dengan baju tu.. tak kisahlahkan janji..cantik.. nanti snap banyak2 gambar bila diorang pakai baju tu. Baddin pun tak kurang hensemnya.. hmm tak ada anak perempuanlah..he he he.
Simah your prince and princess really so hensem and pretty...whats the outfit for?
Hi Simah, cantik nya tuan puteri ngan prince charmiin gtu..Hatice and Baddin sure nanti jadi talk of the town of Kepala Batas...he he he...
Budak2 dah baik demam ke?
Gold dress is stunning! Riuh sekampung nanti dengan anak2 arab u, hehe...Simah, buat la baju melayu & baju kurung sepasang for them, hehe... teringin nak tengok. I rasa kan Hatice besar nanti sure popular la, kalah emak dia ni, pening u:P. Badin takpe la, lelaki..
Entry stronger woman tu - u masa sekolah bunyi macam split personality aje, strengths and weaknesses ada yg clash, hehe..
akak tau...even budak kat kedai film tergoda tengok gambaq hatice! hahah masyaAllah!
kami sampai mesia 12 june... the kids n i will stay till 12 augst..tapi halil will only stay aweek... insyaAllah nanti saya call akak yea? :0)
thanks 4 the compliments... masyaAllah...kan? dah besar pulak budak budak ni :0)
glad it made ur day...
Alhamdulillah...we all sihat...azie lak??
mama rock
now that u mention it.... does...same color mcm belle kan? :0)
insyaAllah kita jumpa yek mama?
hopefully ur kids dah sihat... kat sini semua orang in general sakit... change of weather is always like this..
betul tu... mai sini beli!! ..boleh la kita sembang sembang jugak... n i boleh belikan utk u sebagai hadiah... :0)
memang bahaya nanti bila hatice pakai baju tu masa mysis kawin... mesti diarang akan ckp...laaaaa dah buang tabiat kot mak budak ni.. pakai baju ni masa panas panas! hahaha
anak pompuan memang best kalau nak didress up kan...budak lelaki boring sikit (ops.. jgn mare anak lelaki hehe).. gills n frills... exciting! :0)
tak pa nanti kot kot la ummi ada rezeki anak pompuan one day? insyaAllah la kan :0)
kak elle
thanks.... the outfit.. for my sis wedding :0)
gamaknya la kot.. the dress memang different dari biasa kan.. kalau the rest of the girls cousin pun pakai mcm ni...boleh la depa jadi flower girl kan? must sms my bro...suruh dia pun beli baju mcm ni... nak sponsor tak terdaya...dia ada 3 lovely girls!:0)
kain buat baju melayu n krung my mom dah beli dah utk depa...cuma nak tunggu depa mai dan tempah... baju melayu kan kena pakai masa akad nikahkat masjid... takkan nak pakai dress ni masa akad kot? lawakkk :0)
kalau hatice popolar lagi baik.. hahaha mati la i nak kena bayar bil tepon sebab dia bergayut kat tepon! hahah just kidding... yg penting dia membesar menjadi anak yg soleh...beradab dan bermaruah... itu yg penting...
hahah those conflicting traits tu... bukan i yg tulis la.. member member... n miss yate yg compilekan semua tu... so if it indicatesi ada split personality... interesting! hahaha
Simah ,...cantiknya hattice...ahe's so sweet dalam gown tu...sekejap aje dah besar anak dara simah ye...?
Semoga dia membesar menjadi anak yang solehah...
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