We have guests
We have guests… but these guests wont be going away too soon…
İt was a few weeks ago… when i heard the groooooooo grooooooooo sound coming from our balcony…i assumed it was the pigeons looking for food…It went on for a few days….then it stopped… but i could hear flying sounds in n out of my balcony esp early in the mornings…esp during the times Hatice was preparing for going to school
It was then…..one day…
İ saw….
2 birds…
one holding a twig with his beak…flying into my balcony while the other took guard!!
I beamed…how could i be so ignorant??
It is spring!!
And they have chosen my balcony!!
And i am going to be …
İt was a few weeks ago… when i heard the groooooooo grooooooooo sound coming from our balcony…i assumed it was the pigeons looking for food…It went on for a few days….then it stopped… but i could hear flying sounds in n out of my balcony esp early in the mornings…esp during the times Hatice was preparing for going to school
It was then…..one day…
İ saw….
2 birds…
one holding a twig with his beak…flying into my balcony while the other took guard!!
I beamed…how could i be so ignorant??
It is spring!!
And they have chosen my balcony!!
And i am going to be …
The problem is… now i am hesitant to enter my balcony just in case i am disturbing the lovebirds….can u believe it? İ even apologize to them everytime i have to enter the balcony! Hahahah i think i am going crazy!
One of the birds in my balcony..
Have a nice weekend everyone!
Simah over n out for the weekend..see ya next week!
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..
Labels: My personal discovery
I assume they are pigeons? Simah, orang kata kalau burung merpati buat sarang kat rumah kita, murah rezeki!!
So grandma, ada berapa ekor cucu2 burung tu?
ooops, the baby pigeons aren't here yet, right?
akak.... diaorang tengah dalam process buat sarang (or maybe dah siap kot)... dia pandai sorok sarang dia..dia buat on top of the cupboard.. belakang the playground toys trolley... i see the mom (bila i panjat sofa from inside the living room) tapi cuma nampak the mom tenung i heheh..i tak nak la ganggu dia .
amin...(for the murah rezeki beliefs.. nak balik mesia next year :0)... kalu tak murah rezeki tak leh balik)
yup..they r pigeons :0)
simah 3 yrs ago yellow front very small bird buat sarang exactly the entrace of front door cos I have creepers(plastic) hanging at the side wall and withing a day siap a very small nest hanging macam buai2 rupa nya ada sekor anak dlm nya.Kita keluar masuk die buat dunno aje.My chinese neighbours semua kepo kejap2 ngintip and after 1 week mereka pun terbang ke tempat lain.
ok have a nice weekend to you and family:)
Sorry ya, backdated comment, slow sikit this week, hehe...
I rasa kan... Hatice bila besar nanti muka macam Merve la;)
Simah ni annaanne ke babaanne??Heheh..!Macam QOTH cakap InshALLah murah rezeki Simah sekeluarga.Tapi kena sentiasa basuh balkon lah ye!Macam tingkap bilik anak saya,setiap kali burung pergi bermadu asmara dan bertelur kat atap yg berdekatan dgn tingkap bilik dia mesti meniggalkan 'kesan'Ajera cakap tingkap dia macam public toilet pula sentiasa kena 'tembak'!!Have a nice weekend 2U2.
kelakar baca Ajera-Nora's statement: "public toilet".
Simah punya balcony jadi rumah tumpangan (hotel) pigeons ni ya? Baik hati you :)
This is soooo cute!!! Congratulations! :D
*still cant stop smiling*
Hi Simah, when I saw your heading you have 'guests'..for a moment I thought Merve had popped over, ha ha.
Ohhh, pigeons, huh? I think its good luck among all the homes in your locality they choosed yours.
Should be interesting to see you become Godmother to a few anak burungs soon. Must take shots of them, ya.
Coo..cooo cooo. UL.
dalam bebanyak rumah dier aik rumah hang pasai rumah hang banyak barang barang baruuuu...hihihih
Amboi -bestnya berangan dgn barang2 semua tu.
Dan alangkah pamperednya hidup simah compared to me -
1.Still hand-wash my laundry (my late dad said, the clothes last longer)
2.Never touch a dishwasher til now
3. But there's no need to wash any dishes coz makan kedai or take away ma..
4. You're The Chosen one!rad
Assalamualaikum... I haven't properly thanked you for your hospitality during our trip the other day. Thank you for taking your time to entertain us n treat us to lunch ;) It was heartwarming to meet a fellow countryman (or woman) in a foreign land, you made us felt very welcome. And thanks also for bringing Hatice n Baddin- two of the cutest kids ever! My salam to them... =)
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Hi Simah,
Ha ha ha! Animals know who are the good-hearted hosts. Just look at you apologising even goin into the room. Ahh..so cshweet.
If I ever dreamed being a bird and needed a place to hop, it will be none other than Simah's balcony. Csooo cswheeeet..that! Hugs
kak elle
gamaknya neighbour chinese akak tu jarang tengok sarang burung kot tu yg mengintip tu..hope ur weekend was wonderful :0)
u biar benar.. rupa hatice ngan merve lain terus hehehe sorang putih hidung tinggi..sorang *esmer* hidung penyek :0)
hahahaha kesiannya kat anak akak.. at least tingkap dia ja yg kena tembak..jangan kena tembak kat muka ka..kat rambut ka udah la... :0)
that would be really disgusting kan? hehehe
mama sarah
mau tak suka pigeons tu kat my balcony...comfy gila.. sarang dia atas almari..atas almari tu ada portable bed! pandai gila dia pilih tempat... hehehe sapa cakap burung tak pandai pilih kan?
ms istanbul
i tengok mak burung tu tak berganjak pun dari sarang dia... i intip dia (dari dalam rumah...siap i panjat couch lagi hehehe)..dia pandang i...dengan selambanya... :0)
uncle lee
i can see u r fascinated by merve hehehe merve is unfortunately too busy with her studies to pop anywhere else :0)
oh anak burung... berapa lama gamaknya yea burung tu nak menetas telur dia?
heheheh hang ni lawak la :0)
oh yes..i am the chosen one... hehehe :0)
wei..masak sendiri la... tak main la tapau tapau ni ( sebenarnya i jeles ni..malas nak masak hehe)
hatice n baddin still remember u both... that day the pleasure was ours ... do come again... :0)though i have to apologize la kan sebab jalan pun tak tau..biasa la akak pun bukannya berjalan sangat esp at the european side (i live in asia)..nasib baik masa naik bas pi ortaköy hari tu tak tersesat hehehe
ruby ahmad
feel free to buat sarang kat balcony i hahaha
masa one time tu i apologized to the birds..saime (the ironing lady) ada...terkejut minah tu..she asked me in turkish...*simah did u just apologized to the birds?* hahahhaa
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