
my beloved still cannot understand why everytime i pass a famous amos cookies stall..
i just have to buy it.
To him (which i secretly agree) pay that much money for a small amount of cookies is a waste of money! After all.... there r loads of cookies by eti or Ülker which taste just as nice (or even better) why WASTE???
when i was still studying at the university....everytime i passed the famous amos cookies... i simply had to have it! The smell as u passed by the freshly baked cookies... awwwwwww... for a chocolate cookies lover like me... i just couldnt resist!
After i reached Turkey... i was also deprieved of one of my fav drinks...
and so early this year when cappy introduced....

this mixed fruit juice...i was smiling from ears to ears... Yes...the dominant taste was d black current... though no one in my family like it... i just simply love it!! A reminiscent of ribena...right in front of my doorstep :0)
The same with *air asam jawa* (dried salty plum..added with water...sugar...with ice... heavenly for the hot malaysian weather)... Naturally.. there is no such thing as asam jawa drink... the dried plum in turkey rdefinitely not salty! :0) ..
and so as a substitute...
this sour cherry juice drink... with is fantastic!!! our street was scheduled to have power dstruption between 1200 till 1400...
i decided to escape my home... and had set a date with a fellow singaporean living in istanbul...
no connection with the date... just wanna show u my fav view in the ferry while crossing the continent today....
ok..ok... back to the date....
An indian restaurant in taksim square...
a lunch date with fana..thanks fana for lunch...!!
The next time.. it will be on me, ok?Hari ni akak bankrupt hahahahha... but that minyak cap kapak... insyaAllah... :0)
We had buryani rice with 2 spicy indian dishes...(u can ask for not spicy as well) as well as samosa (that we gulped already hahaha)
and left n right... for the first time in my life living in istanbul..i see sooo many indians!! hahahah
this is the addy for the restaurant if u istanbulites r interested...
Yum yum!
I have not eaten real indian food for ages...!!
Jadi berbaloi la kan baling baddin pi sekolah hari ni?? hahahaha mak bertuah betul...!!!
tapi in my defence la kan... esok n lusa school holiday... lagipun pagi pagi i siap nebulised kan dia dah....takkan this week ponteng sekolah one week kot kan???
Oh yeah... back to d kids...
simah..over n out for the things to do...see ya!
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..
this mixed fruit juice...i was smiling from ears to ears... Yes...the dominant taste was d black current... though no one in my family like it... i just simply love it!! A reminiscent of ribena...right in front of my doorstep :0)
The same with *air asam jawa* (dried salty plum..added with water...sugar...with ice... heavenly for the hot malaysian weather)... Naturally.. there is no such thing as asam jawa drink... the dried plum in turkey rdefinitely not salty! :0) ..
and so as a substitute... our street was scheduled to have power dstruption between 1200 till 1400...
i decided to escape my home... and had set a date with a fellow singaporean living in istanbul...
ok..ok... back to the date....
An indian restaurant in taksim square...
The next time.. it will be on me, ok?Hari ni akak bankrupt hahahahha... but that minyak cap kapak... insyaAllah... :0)
We had buryani rice with 2 spicy indian dishes...(u can ask for not spicy as well) as well as samosa (that we gulped already hahaha)
and left n right... for the first time in my life living in istanbul..i see sooo many indians!! hahahah
this is the addy for the restaurant if u istanbulites r interested...
Yum yum!
I have not eaten real indian food for ages...!!
Jadi berbaloi la kan baling baddin pi sekolah hari ni?? hahahaha mak bertuah betul...!!!
tapi in my defence la kan... esok n lusa school holiday... lagipun pagi pagi i siap nebulised kan dia dah....takkan this week ponteng sekolah one week kot kan???
Oh yeah... back to d kids...
simah..over n out for the things to do...see ya!
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..
Mom deserves time out too. *winks* Very berbaloi indeed. hehehhe
Such a beautiful setting for two enchanting ladies.
Enjoy the rest of the week!
p.s. Balik ni minum Ribena byk-byk kat McDonalds! :D
ke ke ke.... nanti jgn lupa buat stok ribena... beli yg dlm kotak pun ada
simah balik nanti makan sepuas nya ok?
merhaba simah! and HELLO fana!!! wah bestnya dapat lunch dgn dia. how is she? alah if i knew you're meeting her, i ask you to take photos of her henna photos hehehe, boleh gitu! how's the henna? cantik tak? gelap tak the stain? excitednya kita! ok lengkali when you talk to her again, you kirim salam kat dia k?
anyway, thanks for the email, best dapat email from you.
kendine iyi bak, simah! kisses for the çocuklar.
lain macam spek si fana tu ya hehe
heheheh... mummy sorang ni betoi la! famous amos, ribena, air asam jawa... apa lagik? nanti kita jumpa someday (when la..?) remind me to bring some of my own famous-jugak choc chippies. meanwhile, pi la kayakan famous amos tu!! eh, dhaif nya Turkey tak de ribena - kot diorang boykot agaknya?! ;)
heheheh... mummy sorang ni betoi la! famous amos, ribena, air asam jawa... apa lagik? nanti kita jumpa someday (when la..?) remind me to bring some of my own famous-jugak choc chippies. meanwhile, pi la kayakan famous amos tu!! eh, dhaif nya Turkey tak de ribena - kot diorang boykot agaknya?! ;)
Yes Simah, that also has to be my fave view of the straits though I have never been there! hehe
simah...byknye craving mengalahkan i pulak..ribena and air asam jawa tu my fav..juga..cookies pun..tapi tak kisah amos ke tak...:-)
agak2 apa lg yg u craved... :-)
Salam..happy mother's day..May ALLAH bless you always
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شركة تنظيف المسبح
السلام عليكم عملائنا الكرام مما لا شك فيه ان كلنا نعلم اهميه برك السباحه والمسابح فى حياتنا لما لها من اهميه كبيره جدا فى حياتنا اليوميه خاصه فى فصل
الصيف تعد المسابح من افضل وسائل الترفيه في وقتنا المعاصر حيث ان الاطفال والكبار وكل الناس يستمتعون بالمسبح عندما يكون الجو حار لى يخفضو من درجه حراره الجسم والاسمتاع
بالحياه هناك انواع كثيره جدا واشكال متنوعه من المسابح اصبحت فى بيوتنا بكثره خاصه هذه الايام واصبحت منتشره جدا فكل منا يعلم اهميتها ومن ثم ذالك يجب
علينا الاعتناء بالمسابح والحفاظ عليها من اى شوائب او جراثيم لان الشخص عندما يقوم بالنزول في المسبح فأن
مسام الجلد تتفتح وبالتالى عند وجود اى شوائب او جراثيم فسوف تقوم بأختراق مسام الجلد وتسبيب الكثير من الامراض التي لم نشعر بها إلا علي المدي البعيد لذالك
يجب علينا جميعا الاعتناء بالمسابح للحفاظ على صحتنا وصحه اولادنا من اي امراض ولكي يستمتعوو بصحه
جيده كانت المسابح فى قديم الزمان غير منتشره كما فى وقتنا المعاصر وذالك بسبب الخوف من الفيروسات التى كانت منتشره والخوف من البلهارسيا........الخ
اما في وقتنا الحاضر لم يعد منزل لا يحتوى علي مسبح الا قليل جدا اصبحت المسابح منتشره
جدا فى الفلل والاماكن التى يوجد فيها درجات حراره عاليه للتلطيف من درجه حراره الجو والاستمتاع ب الجو اوصيكم جمعيا الحفاظ علي صحتكم
من كل سوء وشر _ كل ما عليكم احبتي الكرام ان تتواصلو مع شركتنا شركه زين لتنظيف المسابح حيث ان شركتنا تعد من افضل
الشركات المصنفه فى تنظيف المسابح تواصلو معانا للتخلص من اى شوائب او بكتريا داخل المسبح كما ان شركتنا تمتلك افضل واحدث وسائل التنظيف وافضل المكينه والعماله الماهره المدربه هناك بعض الاشياء التى تقوم بها شركتنا اثناء التنظيف اولا
تقوم شركتنا بتفريغ المياه من المسبح
نقوم بوضع بعض المواد الكماويه الأمنه على صحتنا وصحه اطفالنا
نقوم بتنظيف البقع التي توجد فى جدران المسبح
نقوم بوضع بعض وسائل التنظف على مواسير الصرف للتخلص من اى رواسب
نقوم برش المسبح بماده جاليه للتخلص من الاشياء المترسبه على حواف المسبح
هناك امر اخر تقدمه شركتنا لعملائنا الكرام وهو عرض خصومات هائله فى فصل الصيف وضمان تنظيف المسبح
وايضا هناك بعض الاشياء يجب علينا تجنبها من اجل الحفاظ على المسبح نظيف وأمن من اي شوائب وهى
1_عدم ترك اوراق الشجر تغرق فى المسبح وتترسب
2_عدم ترك مياه المسبح مده طويله بدون تغير
3_عند الصرف نقوم بوضع ماده منظفه لتعقيم المسبح
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