In loving memory...
I think it is only naturally coz....
Bir Ömrun Hikayesi
(One life story)..
Finally..... baba's autobiography is ready...
the very much awaited book for many...
It is not out yet for the public...soon i assume it will...
too bad baba is not here to sign the book himself...
and for each person in this family... at one point of time today...alone or with someone else...including myself...must have shed a tear or two...
in loving memory of the one so dear to the heart...
the one i call...
May peace be upon you
u can go to...
if u wanna see a website made by halim (baba's 3rd son) for him..
I have also finally picked up the dress i bought to be worn at my sis' wedding...
it doesnt look too good in the picture i am afraid... it is not white as i thought... it is acrue..or is it cream?..the two colors r just the same to me! hehehe
it is a 2 piece type of is simple and yet in my personal opinion...elegant... ladylike...
but i cant say it will still be elegant after i wear it though...u will have to judge it once i wear it at my sis wedding! Still..i love it so much! after all... i wont get a chance to buy this type of clothing often...just once a wedding! :0)
I have a pounding headache... the comments in my previous entry... can i asnwer them a bit later? i am sooo in need of a bath... been out the whole day...the bed is the only place i wanna be...cant though.... thousands of things to do right now.. dont we all eh?
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..
Ahha memang cantik :D Is it silk?
Simah, is the book only in Turkish? It must be an emotional experience for the family to read about Baba's life now that he is gone. Al Fatihah.
nope... 100 % polyster... kalau nak beli silk kat kedai tu... alahai... beribu ribu la nak kena bayar akak :0) eh...akak nak sponsor ker? ehem hahahahah
yup... only in turkish... tu pun it took i think 3 years to finish... baba finished the book on that nite before he was to be admitted to the hospital...he said...
*my work in this world is done*
and true enough... he died...
It's good that the book is out.. nanti cucu cicit boleh bacakan..
cantiknya baju tu..kilat-kilat lagi..can't wait to see you wear at the wedding tu..snap snap..tau
simah, walaupun tak i tak kenal ur baba personally, tapi bila tgk buku tu boleh terbayang muka dia, especially his photo that u attached in ur post, kat sapanca sambil baca paper..Al-Fatihah..
bila nak bergaya sakan dgn baju tu..? photo jgn lupa... :-)
utk amin..
Al-Fatihah buat Baba...semoga rohnya di cucuri rahmat...memang rasa terharu kan...bila mengenangkan org yang telah pergi...
Simah...baju tu memang cantik...akak suka warnanya..nanti dah pakai amik gambar ye...
Hi Simah, thats a lovely dress. Don't forget to show us here next day, ha ha.
You stay easy and keep well, Lee.
I dah agak dari awal.. ini mesti autobigrafi Baba. Di pagi Jumaat ini , AlFatihah....
Jeles tau....orang tu nak melaram dengan baju cantik, hiks.. Tudung you nanti warna apa..
Autobiografi Baba ..mestilah terharu dan sebak membacanya...
amboi glamour nya cik kakak kita ni.. jangan orang salah teka mana pengantin sudahlah...
gambar hatice kat previous entry macam puteri nak pergi ball sweet.
Simah dear,
The dress is nice! I'm sure u'll have an awesome time back home. enjoy the food, the atmosphere etc.
simah...lovely dress you have there. jangan outshine pengantin dah le :)
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