Thursday, May 31, 2007


I spoke to Kak Elle this morning... she was in transit at the Atatürk Airport... the line was not clear..but finally we had heard each other's voice... with my suara serak (it was very early in the morning what..).. i spoke to her on the phone.. wahh she sounded so matured :0)..hopefully she has landed safely in italy by now...have fun kak elle!

It was yesterday when i decided to call this one singaporean girl in istanbul.. the last time we met was months ago... i assumed her working schedule is really tight..hence the no contact... i called her answer... then one hour later, she called me...

We chatted for quite long..chit chatting about this n that...her asking about my life and i asking about hers...gossiping etc..etc... it felt good...speaking in the language we both know... sharing some common grounds...i doubt if we will see each other soon... summer holiday is here..but at least we both know that we r both within the reaching distance....n i also discovered from her that there is an indian restaurant selling real indian food at taksim.. the price? huwaaaa... kena tunggu kaya dulu :0)..but maybe one day i'll just grab her from her work place n together we both eat at the restaurant...*salivating over the nasik beriani*..

If i say that i am the type who excels in socialization... i cant say i am... i love to mind my own business...i dont do well in public gathering either... it could be due to the lack of self confidence in me or it may be perhaps it is just the way i am... that is the reason i suppose blogging suits me very well... i can say what is in my mind...and if anyone wants to be my friend online..they can... they wont be able to see me in real life (hey! i do live far away in istanbul)..n i wont scare them away from this friendship by them knowing the real me...

But then.. Allah has a different plan for me... after almost a year from the day i started blogging, i had made many friends online....some my age... some younger..some kakakz... some abangz (yg dah kawin only..bujang i tak berani)....some .nenek/atuk?)..ada kot hehehe...of course it never cross my mind that i would be able to see some of them even... i was hoping i wouldnt need to hehehehe it never cross my mind that some would even stay at my home (hope i didnt scare u away ibu hahaha)....i takut nak jumpa orang ramai...but of course as u all know qadar n qadar is different... and now i enjoy meeting these people coz....they bring me asam hahahahaha (lawak ja...the asam part i mean)..

After all these meetings with blogger friends (as well as merasa the asam hehehe)...i think i am more confident to make friends with other people in real life..... i mean..those not in the family members...

It is also fate that in real life...i met one of hatice's classmate's mom who is a pakistani with the british pasport...the family has been staying here for 2 years... i invited her to join me to the pazar (open market)... and after that i invited her home for lunch... we clicked... we chatted about this.. about that... about almost many things... she is thinking of staying here forever... so i guess, to be friends with her works really well for both of us since she has no one here...she hasnt got many friends here n i can somehow help her to improve her turkish.... and maybe i can persuade her to cook me chapati n real curry!! hehehehe (otak asyik dok ingat nak makan ja hehe..mau tak gemukkkkkkkkkk)....

so my conclusion is.....i thank blogging for improving my self confidence in facing the real people.. i thank blogging for allowing me the path to ur precious friendship... i thank blogging...for acting as a pensieve to empty out my mind n share with u my life here... ..though i cannot update my blog everyday as i used to... i will try to update whenever i can... n blog hop whenever possible...

Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..



Blogger aNIe said...

Simah...bagi kak adalah sebagai penghubung kaklady pada dunia luar...dari blog kak lady dpt ramai kawan...kalau dulu kak lady asyik terperap kat umah & kawan2 cuma ipar duai biras & jiran tetangga...kini rakan2 blog kak lady bukan hanya di Malaysia malah diserata tempat...

Alhamdulillah...rasanya dari dunia blog ni banyak perkara baik yang dpt kita kongsi bersama...

Moga ikatan silaturohim di alam siber ini akan berkekalan....

May 31, 2007 at 6:22:00 PM GMT+3  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think blogging is more than a mean to express oneself, it also helps one define his/her own identity. It made us understand and accept ourselves as we are, that each of us is unique. That increases our self-confidence. Betul tak?
I don't like socialising either but that didn't stop me from having a fulfiling career in PR. It's been 9 years since I made that switch, haha...

May 31, 2007 at 6:50:00 PM GMT+3  
Blogger IBU said...

Simahhh ....

No 2 to comment - ada improvement :)

I echo most of what you said. It never crossed my mind when I started blogging that I could actually be meeting other bloggers in person - actually baru you satu family la. Hahaha... Sbb I baru jer start. Mana boleh challenge you la, from single to double to quadriple just by getting online. heheheh... even hubby yg pemalu & pendiam tu pon got the opportunity to establish cross-border friendship with fellow hubbies.

And masyaAllah ... dapat jumpa Hatice & Baddin - which memories I treasure forever.

p/s Still blom sempat susun ayat re Istanbul trip. Selow like senail.

May 31, 2007 at 6:57:00 PM GMT+3  
Blogger  Lee said...

Hi Simah, If not for blogging, I wouldn't have a friend called Simah in Istanbul, see beautiful photographs of Istanbul,(pics of exotic girls too, heh heh), I wouldn't have a friend in Jordan, London...
Today I have friends via blogging all over, including one only just found out a buang batu away. But we have not met yet.
And today a new friend called 'Ibu' dropped in. How wonderful.
You know Simah, as you have read some of my kampong cheritas, I used to have more Malay friends than Chinese. I enjoy their sense of humour.
When I came to Canada, I miss my Malay friends, but today I am slowly getting richer again...I have many Malay friends again, add one more today.
My Bahasa is improving daily word by word and today I picked back the word "serak" from your post. I had lost that word for years! Thanks to you I found it back. I am learning back my Bahasa from Istanbul, Jordan, London, via blogging, ha ha.
You won't believe this, but just before I migrated here I introduced a beautiful Malay lady I know to a very good Malay friend of mine, (he and me like brothers) ada big titles too and today they have tiga beautiful children. And now I have to call her by her title (but she tells me call her as how I used to).
They never fail to send us a New Year card or phone once awhile.
Simah, you have a great day. UL.

June 1, 2007 at 12:04:00 AM GMT+3  
Blogger simah said...

kak lady
betul tu akak.. saya pun setuju dengan akak...
tanpa dunia blogging memang tak akan kita kenals emua kawan kawan semua.. dan saya tak akan kenal siapa itu kak lady..

saya pun berharap semua persahabatan yg terjalin antara kita akan kekal...amin...

i agree.. n blogging makes us special in our own individual way...the naked eye which can be difficult to spot on...

ibu siput hahahahahaha

yeah.. sapa sangka yek kita akan dsapat jumpa.. n the husbands pon boleh jadi kawan..saba pemalu ker akak? hehehehe

oh yeah.. i remember how u fell in love with hatice in particular hehehe...
uncle lee
u have a nice day too uncle.. yeah...i remember how ur stories memang banyak kawan cina...

how funny kan we all get to be friends just thru blogging...

never in my mind i would think i would find friends everywhere in the world.. n now.. one also resides in canada :0)

June 1, 2007 at 7:38:00 AM GMT+3  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

salam simah,

lama dah akak tak masuk sini...memang indah sungguh dunia blogging ni... kita blh kenal org semerata dunia...walaupun kita tak pernah jumpa tapi akak rasa mcn dah kenal simah...akak nak ucapkan terimakasih kerna simah sudi mejawab soalan2 the way, asam tu cukup ke?...klu nak apa2 jng segan2 email or sms akak...msh ada waktu lagi ni.

take care..
kak ogy

June 2, 2007 at 3:41:00 AM GMT+3  
Blogger Theta said...

Simah dear,
I'm glad to find you in cyberspace too.
You're a breath of fresh air - invigorating and good for the soul! *macam chicken soup for the soul lak*
Thanks for sharing different slices of your life with us readers.

June 2, 2007 at 10:46:00 AM GMT+3  
Blogger dith said...


some kakak, some adik, some Abang, some nenek...(hope I am not in the nenek category, hehe)

June 3, 2007 at 10:02:00 AM GMT+3  
Blogger NURAZZAH8 said...

Dear Simah, salam perkenalan. I bloghopping fr LUJ blog, Love to read ur spices of life..and u really have 2 beautiful and hensem children... Just wonder dah berapa lama u duduk Turkey? ... Turkey is in one of my must visit country list.. Seeing all the great mosques fr the photos in the internet really inviting..can I link ur blog to mine?

Thanks. Have a nice day...

June 4, 2007 at 4:15:00 AM GMT+3  
Blogger simah said...

kak Ogy
akak sihat tak akak? jaga diri..nanti nak ronda jauh ni :0)

persahabatan kat online ni.. saya rasa insyaAllah boleh berkekalan kalau tiada yg berniat buruk...

ala.. apa yg saya tolong tu was nothing... i hope u will have fun nanti...

pasal order tu... tak apa la akak..terima kasih.. rasanya kita takkan sempat jumpa kot due to different schedules... nanti kalau ada rezeki kita jumpa one day insyaAllah :0)

i am glad i found u as well... i think i have to thank kak teh for ur addy :0)

ah akak....u bukannya *nenek* ker? aiseyy! ..tak pa tak pa... ur first dah tak lama dah nak grad heheheheeheheh :0)

dear nurazzah..thank u for hopping to my blog... sure... i'd be honoured if u link me up.. may i have ur permission as well?

i have been here for almost 8 years already... thank u for the compliments (on my kids)..

take care

June 5, 2007 at 8:19:00 AM GMT+3  

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