A meeting with Mr Idham
The thing is he was busy with meetings..halil is busy with his lectures...his free time n halil's just simply dont clash with each other... logically, it will be nice to have him over at our place for dinner on thursday night (that is tomorrow) since all Mr Id's meetings will end by 3 pm. on that day... Alas...halil will have a lecture which will only finish by 10pm that night..n by the time he will reach home... it will be at least 11pm...n i cant invite Mr. Id over without halil around...that is simply isnt done..
We decided on today (wednesday).....at the hotel he is staying for coffee..
Set date time? 7pm..
6.45pm. We were at the hotel cafe. 15 minutes early. Sms ed Mr Id.. he came rushing up where we were.. the meeting was not over. (That is soooo sweet..him rushing like that)
Another 10 minutes, he came to us again with another girl..a representative in turkey.. to help us out.. he left us to join the meeting.. (how considerate of him!!)..the girl left 15 minutes later...
Waited n we waited.. the meeting was not over (susahnya nak jumpa Mr. Id nih :0)).. ordered some drinks...n we waited.. what a wait.. i was getting worried... halil said that if by 8pm the meeting was not over, we might have to leave the place..Prayed i did for Mr. Id to come before that.. Alhamdulillah..15 minutes before 8 the meeting was over... :0)
He approached us.. Halil was at the toilet.. 5 minutes later, halil came..Mr Id n halil started talking..they clicked...being in the same HR field n all...I would have loved to hear them chat.. Well.. well what do u know.. the kids wanted to go to the toilet!!hehehe Off i went leaving the two men chatting..
I was beaming inside to see them chatting nicely...sat with them ...baddin as usual was climbing the sofa n running around the cafe.. then the kids started to do things to attract Mr. Id's attention like playfully fighting etc etc.. (sorry about that Mr. Id.. hehe).. i was basically the listener..n right before we were about to leave... the kids.. again..toilet!! hahahahahahahha..
We went to that same toilet 3 times.. once before mr Id came.. n twice while with Mr. Id! what he must have thought of us heheheheh toilet lover family probably!!
It is obvious that Mr. Id is a warm friendly person (n he was telling me that he is the shy type guy?)..u can tell he has his self confidence ..n most importantly, he has a good heart.. it was probably around an hour meeting.. it was basically Mr Id n halil chatting.. (i was busy with the toilet remember?? heheh) but i personally feel that it opens up the way to a new friendship between Mr. Id n family with my (our) family here in turkey.. i only wish the next time we meet.. it will be in a less formal place....with no time limit (the kids' bedtime)n we all can get to know each other much better....u definitely must come to our apt for dinner or something the next time u r in town...(with ur family hopefully)... :0)
We have not been a good host to our guest Mr. Id here in istanbul...we could only meet for a short time n were/are not able to show the real turkish courtesy...
Hope to see u again one day... Thank u for wanting to see us... n thanks for the hurma.. i just didnt know a hurma box can be so sophisticated! :0)
Our doors will always be open for u..Mr. Id.. ok la..i agree..u nampak muda heheheh Mr. Idham bin ensem (ops..Perasan) *wink*
Enjoy the pics....just dont mind baddin.. instead of showing his handsome face.. he just had to make ugly faces!! hahahaha
Labels: Friends in Turkey