Wednesday, February 28, 2007

A meeting with Mr Idham

I wish i can say that we had our Mr. Idham at our home... i wish i can say that i had cooked him various kinds of food for his tastebud to experience.. i wish i can say that he had stayed the night over at our humble apartment... have a long chat with halil n i.. n had been bullied by hatice n baddin...of course..that is just a wish...

The thing is he was busy with meetings..halil is busy with his lectures...his free time n halil's just simply dont clash with each other... logically, it will be nice to have him over at our place for dinner on thursday night (that is tomorrow) since all Mr Id's meetings will end by 3 pm. on that day... Alas...halil will have a lecture which will only finish by 10pm that night..n by the time he will reach home... it will be at least 11pm...n i cant invite Mr. Id over without halil around...that is simply isnt done..

We decided on today (wednesday) the hotel he is staying for coffee..

Set date time? 7pm..

6.45pm. We were at the hotel cafe. 15 minutes early. Sms ed Mr Id.. he came rushing up where we were.. the meeting was not over. (That is soooo sweet..him rushing like that)

Another 10 minutes, he came to us again with another girl..a representative in turkey.. to help us out.. he left us to join the meeting.. (how considerate of him!!)..the girl left 15 minutes later...

Waited n we waited.. the meeting was not over (susahnya nak jumpa Mr. Id nih :0)).. ordered some drinks...n we waited.. what a wait.. i was getting worried... halil said that if by 8pm the meeting was not over, we might have to leave the place..Prayed i did for Mr. Id to come before that.. Alhamdulillah..15 minutes before 8 the meeting was over... :0)

He approached us.. Halil was at the toilet.. 5 minutes later, halil came..Mr Id n halil started talking..they clicked...being in the same HR field n all...I would have loved to hear them chat.. Well.. well what do u know.. the kids wanted to go to the toilet!!hehehe Off i went leaving the two men chatting..

I was beaming inside to see them chatting nicely...sat with them ...baddin as usual was climbing the sofa n running around the cafe.. then the kids started to do things to attract Mr. Id's attention like playfully fighting etc etc.. (sorry about that Mr. Id.. hehe).. i was basically the listener..n right before we were about to leave... the kids.. again..toilet!! hahahahahahahha..

We went to that same toilet 3 times.. once before mr Id came.. n twice while with Mr. Id! what he must have thought of us heheheheh toilet lover family probably!!

It is obvious that Mr. Id is a warm friendly person (n he was telling me that he is the shy type guy?)..u can tell he has his self confidence ..n most importantly, he has a good heart.. it was probably around an hour meeting.. it was basically Mr Id n halil chatting.. (i was busy with the toilet remember?? heheh) but i personally feel that it opens up the way to a new friendship between Mr. Id n family with my (our) family here in turkey.. i only wish the next time we meet.. it will be in a less formal place....with no time limit (the kids' bedtime)n we all can get to know each other much better....u definitely must come to our apt for dinner or something the next time u r in town...(with ur family hopefully)... :0)

We have not been a good host to our guest Mr. Id here in istanbul...we could only meet for a short time n were/are not able to show the real turkish courtesy...

Hope to see u again one day... Thank u for wanting to see us... n thanks for the hurma.. i just didnt know a hurma box can be so sophisticated! :0)

Our doors will always be open for u..Mr. Id.. ok la..i agree..u nampak muda heheheh Mr. Idham bin ensem (ops..Perasan) *wink*

Enjoy the pics....just dont mind baddin.. instead of showing his handsome face.. he just had to make ugly faces!! hahahaha

Mr. Id n us with one of the company's turkish representative
halil, baddin, hatice n Mr. Id

Halil n Mr. Id

Photo snapped by baddin

Photo snapped by hatice

3 times at the toilet n i decided to snap their photo inside the toilet hahahah

Mr Id n my kids

Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..


Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Lazy vs Occupied...n an announcement

It is 2pm right here in istanbul.. just got off the phone.. our blogger friend Mr. Idham called to inform me that he is here in istanbul..enjoying the beauty of istanbul n the turkish good food in joy (next to the meetings he is supposed to attend all the time) hehehe ..insyaAllah tomorrow my family and i will meet him at the hotel where he is staying.....till we meet for real...enjoy ur meetings Mr Id! :0)

P.s. Anggerik Merah.. it was u chasing the ducks.. now it is our Mr. Idham's time to enjoy the ducks at his hotel heheheh

now back to me...---------------------------------------------

True..i was n am lazy to blog these days.. but that may be because i just have sooo many things to do these days (dunno when i can blog hop)..the work just never stop.. this n that n this n that... n good news to me... again halil got his beloved sore throat (so as his elder bro selim)..not as bad as the last time.. but enough to make him stay at home yesterday.. baddin got fever as well (ekrem too) mona has asked me many times.. *how come ur family is always sick?* hehehe beats me if i know..getmiş olsun herkese..

i squeeze them fruit juice esp in winter almost everyday... n on top of it all.. guess what happened? yesterday, our fruit juices decided to end its life! i dunno when mıstık will send t to the fixer to get it fixed... i got so depressed...but i needed to squeeze some juice...:0(

mona n my tesl friends...remember we used to chat about Maggic bullet... my dream machine?nope..tak beli lagipun.. i dont think halil would buy me anyway heheheh so yesterday.. still depressed.. after visiting the pharmacy for some medicine yesterday..i went to endi.. saw this box...

Well.. it has the same function as maggic bullet.. maggic bullet is like 100YTL plus (cant remember the exact price)..just a different brand name.. cant compare the quality too coz idont know maggic bullet..but this the spur of the moment..i bought this for 40YTL hehehe can u imagine me carrying that box with all the shopping i made at endi (yogurt, carbonated drinks..etc..etc) n carrying that box in both hands.. am i weird or what? well..

U bet halil was shocked to see me with my *box* heheh he would have gotten angry but after treating him nice wihle he was/is sick these days...n after all the hard work of packing his books into these boxes...

i think he refrained himself from saying anything heheheheh that is like 12 boxes of books n papers.. n there is at least another 4 or 5 more boxes to go.. all..i did them u can imagine the mess in my small apartment with these books around huh? that is the life of an academician... cant escape from books huh?

I just hope the shelves will come soon n i can once again reconstruct..reschuffle the rooms..the things in personal hope is beloved place will be better n more tidier within a month's time.. i am actually sick of living in a messy place...hopefully soon everyone will be staying in the space where they belong...having private space of their own..though i can understand halil's feeling.. it is not easy to move from his spacious messy study room he is used to for years...into a smaller say goodbye to his beloved study room..

here r some pictures i snapped last week...

Grandpa n grandson... 2 Sabahaddin playing ball in the living room..
2 sblings doing the animal project
Hatice's animal farm

Sabahaddin's animal farm
Cousins eating Mc D..keremcan finished 2 and a quater burger, chips n fries. ..zeynep n hatice had one and a quater burger with coke n fries, baddin had a bit of burger n fries n coke.. while elo just had fries..

baddin n elo playing monopoly for kids

hatice, zeynep n keremcan played monopoly for adults in the bedroom (pls excuse the mess)
p.s - the sinbo blender n mixer gave a fruit juicer as well but it is not as good as the broken fruit juicer.. i really hope mıstık will send it to the fixer soon..
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..


Saturday, February 24, 2007

The Signs of Spring

I was / am lazy these past few days.. to write an entry n to blog hop or wrte emails...the cold windy weather does not help as well ..the weather is weird day it is just like spring... u go outside wearing thin.. the next day.. here u r wearing the thick winter jackets.. and all the set... .. here r the pics i snapped within the radius of our apt area to baba which is basically around 15 minutes walk..

Mind u my camera is just a normal camera.. it has no tripod or all those stuffs that allow u to snap super duper close up photos like professionals do.. I just love to see the first signs of spring...those whte flowers..just like cotton up there on the tree..

Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..


Wednesday, February 21, 2007


There i was so happily escaping the tagging virus that has been making rounds everywhere among those i blog hop...and what do u know? Just today.. i was TAGGED by TWO sweet ladies... namely Rad and Kak Lady :0) They like me then hehehe and so as not to spoil the virus spread... here is simah writing 6 weird things about herself..

RULES: People who are tagged should write a blog post of 6 weird things about them as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says 'you are tagged' in their comments and tell them to read your blog.

1. I love to flood my food..If i eat rice, i will add in as much gravy as possible onto my plate so that the rice will be basically swimming inside the gravy...and the best part of all is after the rice is finished, i will hold the plate using both hands..n drink the leftover gravy straight from the plate heheheh (of course..this is only done when no one is around :0)

While still living in Malaysia, finding gravy food is easy.. most food is with gravy.. in turkey.. that is what i always do is.. i drink a lot of water with the food i eat to make the food *wet* heheheh

2. If I walk alone... dont be offended if i dont see u if u pass by me.. U see..when alone, i always keep myself occupied with personal thoughts..there will only be thoughts n my destination.

Once, i was in carrefour.. Hatice n i went to the toilet.. i forgot she was there... we were coming out of the toilet heading for the foodcourt.. i was too deeply in my thoughs.. she asked me whether i could run.. i didnt hear her. She assumed i said yes.. she ran at the opposite direction. I lost her coz i was too deep in thoughts. Couldnt find her.. luckily, somebody found her n brought her to the security room. That somebody saw me n asked whether i had lost a girl (hatice shares my skin color)..I said YES...Crying towards her..i had the worst day of my life.. and why? because i was too deep in thoughts..thinking about ice creams!!!.. now i make sure that i turn off my thoughts whenever i am not alone.. So dont be offended if i dont say hi to anybody when i am walking alone :0)

3. I can switch myself OFF completely when i am in a crowd..That means, i will not hear anything..This trait i have perfected especially after i first came to turkey... EVerybody was speaking a foreign language (turkish).. not understanding a single thing... not wanting to understand a single thing.. i just switched myself off heheheheheh..weird but useful trait

4. I talk in my sleep ..that can either be in Malay or English or Turkish.. (we have to ask halil on that :0))..and the best thing is that..i can sleep.. open my eyes..i can chat with halil with my eyes open (but i was sleeping).. then go to sleep n not remember a single thing in the morning!

5. I can eat while lying on my back totally flat....makan sambil baring .. i made halil do it.. he couldnt...can u?

6. When i asked halil.. *what r the weird things about me*.. and his answer was:
*U r weird in everything. I think U r weirdest especially at the times when u become normal!!*
isnt it weird to be married to someone who thinks u r weirdest esp when u r normal!! the moral of the story is..
Do not marry inter culturally.. ur spouse may think that u r weird! hehehehehehehehe

And Dearests.. please be a sport n answer this tag

Ms Istanbul
Count Byron

Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..


Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Another talk on Color

The issue of color was again raised in the people around me when the pregnancy tester tested positive..

How will the baby look like? Like the father? or the mother? or a combination of both? Will the baby look totally like a Malaysian?
Or maybe totally like the father's bloodline?
That kind of speculations i am sure were in everybody's mind..both in malaysia n turkey..i am sure my mom n dad were hoping that there would be some whiteness in the baby..or they may have hoped that the baby would not have a nose so flat ..i think they too may have shared the thinking where being white is superior than being colored.. My family in turkey were all no doubt busy speculating as well.. though i dont think color was an issue to them much.. looks.. who will follow who was more important..
What about Halil n i? well..we were so excited for the arrival for our first baby.. ..we tried to imagine how the baby may have looked like..halil didnt really care whether the baby look like me or him.. all he wanted was for our baby to be born strong, safe n healthy... me?.. if i am to confess..i was kindda hoping that the baby wouldnt have so flat a nose! heheheheh..

So when hatice was born...n then our second child was born.... well.. u know the rest... both have flat noses :0) .. hatice definitely has my skin.. baddin his skin is neither white not brown...both r born with special features of their own...a bit here n there.. u can see patches of features of halil n i..characterwise is the same too..both have a little bit of halil n me.. n they definitely have their own unique identities...

Both r growing up to be their own unique selves...bringing us love, joy, sadness, madness n everything u can think of.. no matter the color of their matter how they look like..they r my pride n joy... and nothing can take my love away from them...
On that first night at the hospital... when anne looking at me... seeing how i couldnt take my eyes off my daughter... she asked me...
*Anne olmak guzel mı?*
(is it good to be a mother?)
Full with emotion... i didnt ..couldnt trust myself to answer her verbally.. i just nodded...
But i would have said to her if i could..
*Yes anne... the best feeling in the world!*

Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..


Sunday, February 18, 2007


Selam.. i hope many of u r having a wonderful rest during the chinese new year holiday.. many must be taking breaks.. n some perhaps recieving angpows from their dearest chinese friends…wei.. nak jugak!!!!

İ am not one of those people who grew up with a lot of self confidence in me..despite all the public speaking activities i had when i was in high school.. despite all the titles i had held in high school…all those various competitions (even at the national level) again in high school..those camping trips in my tertiary years…though i have a strong mind of my own..i am not loud to voice them… (what is wrong with me???).. instead.. i prefer to just sit back.. n listen n do my own personal evaluation…thus making me a potrayal of someone who has a low self esteem......someone no one really noticed..

Even since i was small, i had this one fascination.. white people with white pointy nose.. i think it must have been from too much watching tv….i came to the conclusion that white skin.. blond hair.. blue or green eyes n pointy nose r superior looking people..whereas..people like myself.. dark skin.. flat nose… bla bla bla.. r more inferior..

I remember when i was in Standard 1.. darjah satu biru …we had this one girl who is of mixed blood (wan salina).. ….she was(is?) really fair skin.. straight hair.. u know.. the beautiful mix blood.. i was fascinated by her… she continued studying in the same school as i till Standard 6..still as beautiful as ever..n no.. i was not like the dog tagging her every move hahahah.. i had my own circle of friends.. i said i was fascinated by her.. not *crazily in love* with her .. :0)

Then, we moved to Langkawi.. a place where u see tourists far too often.. fascination continued……it was interesting to just sit at one spot n watch those fair skinned people walk…

Then, i got to know Halil.. well.. he is another matter altogether…. İ didnt *love* him for his fair skin…but it was an advantage though hehehehe

İ remember how i used to ask him.. * u have all those beautiful high pointed nose , fair skinned turkish girls over there.. why do u choose this short, dark skinned, flat nose girl?*

Cant remember his answer now hahahahahahahahaahhahah I’d like to think that no girls wanted him..which is not true of course coz when some of his girl students heard that he went to malaysia to get married.. some of them cried heheheehehehehe…i am sure he regretted not approaching them before deciding marriage to me hahahahaha..

Anyway.. for a year or two.. my fascination towards these white skin pointed nose people continued..somehow still conscious of my flat nose dark skin feature.. now that i think back.. after more than 7 years blending into their culture.. living together with these so called white skinned..pointed nose people.. i come to realize how silly i was… what people keep saying is true.. beauty is skin deep..

Nowadays.. i dont see Halil for example as the white guy as i used to view him as.. i see him as Halil.. what i know him is what i see him… the same thing with the rest of the family members n the people i have come to know n love here… to the eyes of an outsider… they r the white people.. to met they r just who i know them as.. helpful, kind hearted souls…Not all white people r good n not all coloured people r bad.. nobody is superior.. it is the heart n one’s actions that determine who one is…in the eyes of man.. n the eyes of Allah (God)

We in hot countries r created as such.. coloured to better stand the heat… the flat nose.. for a beter cooling system in the body.. we r created so brilliantly by Allah..each different in their own way.. n to think i was complaining? What an ungrateful brat i was huh?

I feel good being me..

Enough of my mumbling.. have a nice holiday! I hope it is not too late to wish all our chinese Friends

Gong Xi Fa Cai

Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..


Saturday, February 17, 2007

The Update on Dr Azmi..

I called our Dr in the House earlier on.. she told me that Dr Azmi Alhamdulillah has had a succesful operation.. insyaAllah by thursday, he will be out of the hospital.. Dith sounded so tired..but relieved when she spoke to me... she must have gone thru a lot of trauma... our prayers will always be with u..

On another topic... a special dedication to mama sarah... hehehehe ni ha mee goreng udang yg i makan tadi heheheh ..i tak reti masak mee goreng (to think again..i tak reti masak langsung makanan malaysia hahah).. so i main tibai jer (luckily sedap with loads of chilli).. udang kat sini cuma ada during winter... the same thing with fresh local fish.. ketam memang dalam dream la i boleh jumpa... tarak langsung huwaaaa.. since halil makhruh makan udang... i sorang ja tibai udang kat dalam rumah ni..yippie!!! jom makan!

p.s .. banyak sangat pulak.. i makan pun tak habis pinggan tu.. malam nanti sambung makan balik heheh

Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..


Thursday, February 15, 2007

My Valentine yesterday n An İMPORTANT MESSAGE

Ding dong
The bell rang..
kim O?
I asked

The answer was the expected person's voice..

There from the bathtub still playing the bubbles... the girlish curious voice asked me who rang the bell
The moment she heard my answer...
*anne banyom bitti*(my bathtime is over).
...though normally she would have pleaded to stay in the bathtub for as long as i would allow her..

both siblings quickly tidied up their toys...dried themselves up.. allowed me to spread the baby oil onto their bodies n at the speed of light... they got dressed... both rushed to the living room..

Halil got his valentine's gift alrite yesterday.... 2 injections on his cute bottom.. one in the morning n one during the night..n one this morning.. heheh n my kids....forever curious!

Hatice particularly masyaAllah..she is curious almost about everything medical.. she said that she wants to be either a doctor or an educator once she grows up.. everytime she said a mom i always say..*amin* inside.. both careers r good careers.. ..though it doesnt really matter to me which career she will hold once she grows up...... i just want her to be a good person inside n out.. even if she choose to be a totally stay at home housewife....that is even a very respectable career..
Meşe -our family doctor + big guardian of the family- getting the needle ready
My little girl in her pyjama helping her hala to shake the medicine bottle

Needle n medicine

Both kids curiously watching their meşe hala while listening to her detailed explanation

The medicine box .. :0)
Getmiş Olsun dearest Tem..
Getmis olsun to our family doctor as well.. she got sick today..
But most importantly, our heart goes to our Dr in the House's beloved hubby where according to DİTH...
*Dr azmi has been diagnosed with pituitary tumor. op done last saturday. still in icu. has csf leak. most probably has to re op this sat. to patch the leak. please make dua.*
Our Doas goes with you in this time of difficulty..
Everyone.. please join me in the doas
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

He had fun..i think..

Life is springing out of what used to be bare sticks of the tree...a clear indication that spring is creeping slowly into life..Just imagine these fowers will turn into green leaves... MasyaAllah.. how wonderful Allah's creation, isnt it?

Cant say the same for my tem though.. cant say that he is springing into life much..he just recovered from the bug 3 days ago.. n AGAİN.. another bug... another virus caught him again..bad sore throat.. high fever particularly last night.. high fever every 2 is enough to worry me though it is obvious.. it is that normal virus that has been making rounds on everyone..The kids slept late too last night... perhaps in their own way.. worried of their baba's health..

I hope he will be better poor dearest tem..

I am... exhausted.. i didnt really sleep last night.. the house was a mess... i did some cleaning.. bla bla bla.. n guess what he said to me? he said..

*what a wonderful sunny day! why dont u bring baddin to the children's playground?*

.. i wanted to say..

*what???? i am exhausted.. i dont wanna go..i have loads of things to do here..*..

what i would have said (hehehe) ..i swallowed inside ..not really wanting to increase his stress level.. coz i know he would insist on it.. n i would refuse n then it would turn into a fight.... i am an expert in making him go crazy hehehe..later...not today..he's sick remember?*

And so.. mother n son..walked to the playground.. He was totally excited but he tried not to show it... i brought along his shovels n what not... the day was not so cold as well..

I noticed he forgot the rules of playing in the playground.. u see.. at this playground.. we mothers have these unspoken rules.. or very important rule is..

1. if u bring shovels n what not...if ur child is not playing n the stuffs r left on the sand.. other kids can play with it.... or they share playing.. this enhances the social skills of ur child as well teaching ur child the concept of sharing..

for the first 5 minutes.. i think he had forgotten that rule.. but after a while.. he started to bade by the rules n started to let other kids play with his things..

He was totally dirty by the time we went home.. sand all over... but i am glad that i had held my tongue.. n brought him there.. he had missed the place so much..

And guess what i discovered after we got back home from the playground.. see the picture below..

Between the green plant n the white n yellow gate..there is an empty space.. there should be a small gate there.. what happened was..somebody had stolen..yup.. u heard me right.. STOLEN that gate!! Oh gee.. what people would do for money!! how low can one get huh? it is sad indeed..

Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..


Monday, February 12, 2007


Can u guess what that thing is?? I think my earliest collection of it was when my mom had cut that thing in smaller pieces, boiled it up.. n she made a lime, onion, asam jawa, cili padi etc sauce to go with it.. my mouth still waters thinking about it... ..the cow's stomach... perut lembu.. or işkembe we call it in turkish..

That is the thing about it isnt it? it smells... but being a malaysian who is used to the concept of jering..petai..kodiang... those smelly must eat stuffs..we have in malaysia... this işkembe is just another of those things i dont mind eating...:0) ..

In turkey, i think they most definitely make one thing with işkembe.. and that would be işkembe çorbası.. the looks like this.. (see Zaim Ladies Recipe Book blog ) for the full recipe.. my way of course :0)

Halil loves it.. i love it.. but like i said.. the whole house.. n perhaps the whole apartment smells of it if i cook it.. i dont dare to cook it often.. perhaps once in a month..?

I think my fondest memory of eating this soup was years ago.. it was our first time going for a holiday outside of sapanca.. it was the first year baba's edremit tatil mulk was ready.. Anne.. baba.. halil.. hatice( a baby with 2 teeth heheheh) n i..i was pregnant with baddin (3 or 4 months pregnant i think)....we were on the way towards istanbul.. taking the long way.. along the way, we stopped at a restaurant for lunch (for hatice)..the adults had işkembe çorbası was delicious!! but we all didnt dare to eat a second helping since we were scheduled to stop for lunch at funda's parents' summer house.. that was among the best işkembe çorbası i had tasted.. it was also our first n last holiday outside istanbul with anne... She died the next year..

n simah being simah.. missing home again.. what not with my supply of my asam mo far kor is over..finished.. mind worked overtime to find something malaysian..

I have 4 lime in my fridge (bought from carrefour..mahal gilaaaaaaaa)..

Yup.. this is the lime.. not so interesting looking but enough for me :0)... i had the leftover boiled işkembe... so i came up with this hehehehehehe
işkembe...with loads of lime juice inside... loads of hot things inside.. like dried chilli...powdered peppers... let just say..i somehow caught the taste i was looking for at the price of more than 1 litre of water!!! hahahhaha crazy crazy simah hahahahha

Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..


Sunday, February 11, 2007

I am back!

2 weeks flew by from the last time i updated this blog.. 2 weeks of suposedly holiday :0).. Well, i didnt actually really leave the blogging world.. in fact, i updated hatice's blog almost everyday...i just didnt blog hop much..

Well... let see.. it took me one week to recover somehow almost fully from the virus that bugged me..... one week n a half to get my smell n taste sense back..n guess what? halil caught the same virus too!! hehehehe

The weather proved to be funny as well.. it was as if it was spring this whole winter..the moment the school holiday started, the weather took a very strange turn of the combination of coldness...cloudiness, windiness..n a bit of rain here n there... if it had snowed properly, the kids would have been able to play with the snow.. the weather was particularly stranged that made it impossibible to bring the kids out. I guess Allah was saying.. *Hey parents! stay at with ur kids! * heheheheheh

Well.. that was exactly what i did!.. Remember that very cute *do a day* schedule?..n hatice's loads n loads of homework? went on n on forever.. ..until that wonderful memorable day we call friday when hatice finally put down her writing n colouring utensils.....n we declared that our holday will totally commence fully till Sunday! (funnily, she still keep on making her own artwork non stop.. )

Ok..ok.. i am not mumbling..the good thing about the whole thing is.. Yes.. i do get to spend more quality time...doing stuffs with my kids...things i may just somehow know i should do..but due to laziness.. i may have just ignore doing it.. when u have to do it.. yes.. u grumble.. but u do way or another :0)

Pudding time!Dr Öetker's easy pudding.. just add in the pudding powder, fresh milk n stir :0)
Yum yum!

Chocolate chip if added tastes wonderful yum yum!

Beads time!
Concentration as it was atime consuming thing
Baddin made this necklace
Hatice's necklace
Movie time.. we we wathced happy feet. halil was bored to death, baddin slept after the second half, hatice managed to endure the movie n i loved it

Time to eat onions? Onions we dont plant right?
nah.... they were planting the tulip :0)

A break from homework.. an outing.. with a mission
To meet our Doctor in the House's ( 2 sweet daughters who were in istanbul for a holiday
Time to play
And learn numbers
My daughter
My Son
Somebody was busy drawing.. but what?
Yup.. smiley faces..:0)
And an art work..a boat in the middle of the sea (her own creativity)
And this young lady..On the 6th of February went to Polonezköy with her cousins n uncles n aunties..she should have cut a cake that day
only the next day..she a kebap restaurant(kebap sponsored by Afife Teyze heheh)
And later the chance to run free at Fenerbahce

I also brought hatice n baddin to see a children's live theatre (Sleeping beauty) on Thursday. It was their first time watching a theatre..they loved it! they r bugging me to go to a theatreagain.. the deal is.. hatice has to finish one of her unofficial homework book..only then, they will go :0)

n all these next to the 48 page homework book.. english homework.. farklı duşunelim is enough to occupy one child for a 2 weeks holiday.. :0)

I am tired.. heheheheh..

Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..
