Silent İ was..
Or should i tell u of the better news? THat on Monday, the ban on headscarves in universities has been lifted. That even though legally students should be allowed to enter the universities wearing headscarves, a number of rectors of certain universities refused to, resulting the freedom of wearing the headscarves in universities not totally happening yet?
Or should i open up my personal feelings of anger towards CHP for wanting to challenge that ban in the court of law.....?? I still cannot understand this opposition towards headscarves. But looking at the brighter side.... many university students went to study with their headscarves on. Many rejoicing this fact. .....Hopeful for the better. Of course, this doesnt mean that those working in the governement sectors or students in primary and secondary schools can wear headscarves.... No, it doesnt. .... the ban is only lifted for university students..nowhere else... the wearing of head scarves is and will always be an issue here...
Where did i go missing? Pc problem again? isnt actually... i was just simply purely busy. ...Rushing here...rushing there.....Take yesterday for example.... i woke up at 5am to correct the language of the paper halil needed to send for the conference in kuala lumpur this june....did some 6.30am, i woke the kids up..rushed here n there to prepare them for school...(clothing, breakfast etc)...the moment i sent them off.... i thought... maybe i can have breakfast?? But oh no!! the apt is soooo dusty (from 2 days of not tidying the place)...i should do that! By the time i almost finished vacuming and mopping the last room.... oh NO!! Noter!! i had to do an important thing for my beloved at Noter (that is where u get ur document copied, stamped n u pay a lot of money for that).... and i needed to go to a courrier place... i thought there was this MNG courier near this place....walked there fast only to find the courrier no longer resided there!! It was 9.20am and i had to leave to the kids' school by 9.30am!! Called Mıstık (baba's helper) to ask for another courrier place.... rushed to find a taxi and finished sending the papers for my beloved's application for his *Doçentlik* (associate proffessorship)...please pray that his application will be approved......rushed to take another taxi to go to the minibus road... took a minibus towards the school and by 1020am....reached the school... only to discover that my appointment with hatice's class teacher was actually next week!! huwaaaa..i wanted to cry...Luckily, her teacher pitied me and asked me if she could see me by 12.30 noon... and so..i took another taxi n went to a toys r us shop in the area coz i had stuffs to buy for baddin's supriz gunu (Suprize day)...saw hatice's teacher..a one to one chat (i have updated both the kids' blog if u r interested)...with her teacher... took a minibus towards home...bla bla bla... and by night... as halil n i were watching the dvd in the living room... the dvd was actually watching me heheheheheheh
Another long day today... n i simply sacrificed my morning walk today mainly coz... i am sooo tired n i have thousands of other things to do today.....and people say that housewives dont do much??
It was also last Saturday that the Zaims went to an *anma toplantısı*.. a gathering organised to remember and discuss the qualities of baba (my late dad in law) as a point reference for character for us still living mortal souls. It is good to be honoured in life as well as in death.... Eversince baba died, many organizations had organized such a gathering in many places.... istanbul, ankara, adapazarı, name a few... one will be organized in Bosnia as well (where baba was a rector in one of the universities)...another in if i am not mistaken..Dublin?....Last Saturday gathering... the president n the prime minister couldnt come... but they did faxed in some speech...
MasyaAllah..baba had lived a full life...he has roads,schools, cultural center...etc..etc... named after him... there is also a university in the making where they plan to name a university after him...I mean for an educator to be honoured like this... this just shows that if u do something properly and with a good cause... U do get ur reward even in this mortal life...
Selim was right in Saying... baba is indeed one in a million... a real gentleman in all sense... his dedication..his character... his religious beliefs...i mean...if one combine the goodness of heart and organizing traits of Meşe, the smiling gentle face of Selim, the care for the family of Kerim, the total concentration of work of Halim and the fluency of speech of my beloved...only then, somehow a part of baba can be liven up.....baba is indeed so special...
Did we cry that day... ? the slide show prepared by the organizer was caught the essence of the real baba... all of the zaims cried openly .. i managed not to cry of course...i stopped myself...but that slide show.... it was really really beautiful....
Even Baddin...a small child of 6, he still makes it a point specially to remember one main lesson he had learnt from his dede... to first wear his right shoes and then his left shoes... a lesson he holds dear to his heart coz his dede had personally taught him that...
Even after all these while... we still miss him....his apt is still open... mıstık still goes there everyday to look after the place....only he is no longer there....
I seriously dont know when i can really sit down n blog hop properly... again my apologies if i cant hop hop where ur quill lies in the blogging world...
Labels: baba in memory