Baby brother all ready to jump..
From the balcony..big brother all ready and excited as well...
and so..the JUMP! Splash!
Baba's new method of not getting tired while swimming..He is 80 plus u know :0)
Situation 1
There we were eating breakfast... and baba was saying...
*everytime u all enter the pool, u should read Al fatihah for ur dear anne (mother). She was the one who insisted that i built the pool at the Sapanca house.
Situation 2
As observed by funda
There we were at the Kırkpınar football field, Zeynep and hatice made friends with this one girl..and the girl was saying something like...
*i have seen a swimming pool but i have never been into one*
Hatice and Zeynep was never crossed their mind that other people have never been into a swimming pool...
But then... that is the reality... i mean our children..and ourselves (myself included), we should count our blessings... whenever we feel like jumping into the pool, we go to the sapanca house.. and basically each family in the zaim family, every year, do go for a holiday somewhere to places with pools and beaches... the kids for example never stop to think that there r people who do not do as what they do.. or may have the opportunity...
Looking at myself... i grew up in islands (first penang n then langkawi).. true.. i went to the beaches... but did i ever learn to swim? No. when was the first time i entered a pool? that would be while i was in PPP doing my matriculation (tertiary education).. it was then i started to get used to a pool.. and when did i ever learn to swim? in sapanca!
Everything is a matter of the culture one live in...well at least in my family.. going to holidays or going into the pool is not something we do (come on..we already lived in holiday islands hehe).. and to try to learn swimming with all the waves in the sea? u have got to be kidding!! i would be scared :0) i wouldnt wanna learn even if my dad forced me..
My kids... if they had lived in Malaysia... they would have had the same fate as mine..unless of course if i marry a rich guy wth a pool in front of the house (which i doubt)..instead... living in another family culture...hatice and baddin have been into a pool year in and year out every summer...splashing themselves to their hearts' content......
Everybody in the family learns to swim... last year, hatice started to swim wonderfully...and this year baddin too... if the family culture is not into swimming, hatice wouldnt have been able to be motivated enough and dived from one end of the pool to the other end (22.5 metres in length).. and baddin wouldnt be able to touch the 2 metres depth of the such young age, they have learnt to i proud of them.. Alhamdulillah for their achievement.. and can bet i am proud of them :0)
it is interesting isnt it how a different family culture produces a different perspective in one child?
And this weekend, selim and family and kerim (baba n mıstık of course) were in Sapanca... I dunno who enjoyed sapanca most really... was it the 4 truly young kids who had spent time with each other from the moment they woke up till the moment they sleep harmoniously (i mean come on.. 4 kids and a harmonious life for 3 days?? but they were harmonious!! it was a miracle!)....and they still couldnt get enough of each other hehehehe
or was it the 3 siblings (not young at all) who chatted...all day long into late mornings....splashed themselves into the pool and played football till they sweated as if they just took a bath....??
The rest r still there in Sapanca but halil n i n the kidshave returned home last nite...and i.. from 10am till 3pm.. hatice, baddin and i were on our feet from one place to another..trying to finish some chores needed to be done outside! ...Penatt......Here r some of the photos i snapped... not much i am afraid.. i was lazy to play with my camera this time... after all... Funda, the zaim family photographer was there! *wink*

Zeynep's first büyük tür (funda.. kalan reimler emaile göndericeğim sonra)

3 siblings all hot n sweaty

Funda, selim n kerim

Halil n the kids

4 kids who had spent three days together with the most minimal fights (this time around)
(p.s.. hatice has got a new haircut )


Baddin n Elo

Like i told Funda, i will put all the sapanca pictures this summer all in one go later whenever i have the time... i promise... i just dont have much breathing space right now...
Forgive me if i am as slow as a snail dalam blog hopping.. tak i go again to my chores (dah pukul 5pm..tak masak lagi! hahahah) kang laki kebuluran kang! muah! missed u guys! and for the unanswered emails... sori sori sori.. tak sempattttttt
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..