Look at this glass..dont u think it is ugly? İ think it is..in fact,i personally feel that it is among the ugliest glass i have ever seen….

Which contains the important vitamins needed for growth esp if drunk immediately after being squeezed by…

This machine (yes! İt is back from the *machine hospital* :0)

Of a combination of these…. (oranges,apples n carrot)

To be drunk by these 2 kids

So that hopefully they will grow strong n healthy (with wonderful skin texture)
Who wouldnt want their kids to be strong n healthy right? Eating fruits....i dont have this eating fruits culture in me much... so i dont really make it a point for my kids to eat their fruits everyday...... Hatice Maşaallah... she asks for fruits whenever she feels like eating them... baddin on the other hand, even if i force him to eat his fruits....it will be sooooo difficult...(am guilty for spoiling him)...so what to do? what to do??
My solution: the above pictures...force him to drink his fruit juice! Alhamdulillah... he is drinking his fruit juice willingly..provided it is with a straw :0)
What about eating veggies? Kids eating green veggies? nightmare to make them huh? hatice again...she is easy..u tell her to eat something... she eats it... even if she doesnt like it... besides, at school, they do feed her veggies...since she usually comeshome with the *yemekhane yıldızı* (star of the eating room).. i am not so worried of her..Baddin? For yearssssssssssssit was only mixed soup...later..it was pilav (rice) with köfte n ketchap...but he will be starting school in a couple of months as well... he needs to eat his veggies...if i dont start now..he wont eat it later at school...
So for the last 2 months... in stages... i first forced him to eat his yoğurt... it was battle upon battle...how many times he had to get detention until he agreed to finish his yoğurt... how many times this yengeç (cubit) got to him...how many times i had to scream for him to eat his yoğurt... it was a nightmarish war..in which he realized after some time that anne will be as *inat* (stubborn) as he was... n that until he surrenderred n be a good boy... the battle would go on... YES! I won! now he is accepting his yoğurt everyday without much fight (even though he doesnt like it)...
Next: *kabak* or zuchinni squash u call it in english... ..it is good for helping u to *go* for ur big project... not so much of a battle... coz he kindda like it esp it i mix it up with yogurt....
his words :*köfte gibi tadı* (it tastes like köfte) hahaha it certainly does not..whatever!as long as he is eating his veggies...
Very recent project: Spinach....that is a bit tricky of course coz spinach is not a delicious veggie... very healthy
(simah singing..*i am popeye the sailor man... i am strong to the finish coz i ate my spinish coz i'm popeye the sailor man)
...but spinach tastes quite yucky... pahitttt...
So i make sure i buy the spinach from my fav baby spinach seller from pazar (the best spinach)...cook it as least as i possibly can (not totally soft n soggy like halil like to...too soft n the vitamins will all go away..) ..n feed hatice n baddin with yogurt (usually turks eat spinach with yogurt..a cultural thing)...
baddin said:*ispanak ....ispanak gibi tadı* (the spinach..it tastes like spinach* *chuckles...
u should have seen both of their faces.... hatice knew that she had to finish it... painfully n slowly, she did finish it..everytime...... coz she knows that spinach also helps her to let *go* easily... baddin too....painstakingly trying to finish his plate of his spinach dish..
i do pity them.. but i have to do this for their own sake...at least they r lucky coz they r not living in malaysia..else..i would have feed them ulam as well coz i strongly believe that ulam r very healthy esp to make ur skin not problematic..
Dear hatice n baddin... u may not see the logic behind me doing all these yet..but once u both grow up..u will thank anne for forcing u to eat ur yoğurt..ur kabak..ur spinach..ur fruit juice n whatever else anne plans to feed u both in the future hehehe... my poor liltle angels...:0).
One of my obvious aims is: to make my kids both taller than their mom!! hahahahahaha
Have a nice weekend everyone!
Dont forget to smileeeeeeee
Thank You for hopping by...Hope to see u again the next time..